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Entertainment EYE                                                     NOVEMBER 12, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          36

          Amitabh Bachchan greets the fans gathered       Singer Anup Jalota along with actress Niharica   Ekta Kapoor poses for a photo during her Diwali
                     outside his residence                Raizada burn firecrackers during a press event       party in Mumbai on Wednesday (ANI)
                                                             on Diwali, in Mumbai on Thursday (ANI)

               tHe BacHcHans                 party wearing an all-black ethnic             alia BHatt                 and prosperity! Happy Diwali!”
            Thanks to Shweta Bach- attire, along with his girlfriend,                Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt          The post which garnered
        chan for giving us a glimpse of  Malaika Arora, who looked  on  Thursday  shared  Diwali  more than 3 lakh like had nu-
        Bachchan parivar’s Diwali cel- sizzling hot in a pink saree. An- greeting on her social media  merous comments on it, but
        ebrations at Jalsa. On Friday,  il’s son Harshvardhan Kapoor  along with some ‘light’ and ‘love’. what caught the eyeballs was
        Shweta took to Instagram and  was also part of the celebra-                  Alia took to her Instagram  her husband Ranveer Sing’s
        posted an adorable family pho- tions. He wore a black hoodie  handle and shared two Diwali  comment, who wrote, “Baby
        tograph that features her shar- paired with grey jeans. Mean- posts. The first post had three  baby baby.”
        ing smiles with none other than  while, Rhea Kapoor was seen  pictures of her dressed in purple
        Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya Bach- at the Diwali party. This was  ethnic attire. It had the caption,                         tHe JoHars
        chan and Abhishek Bachchan.          her  first  Diwali  post-wedding.  “Some  light...  Happy  Diwali.”          Bollywood          filmmaker
            In the image, Shweta can                                                 The second post featured  Karan Johar, on Thursday,
        be seen leaning on her father’s               tHe DeVGns                 her along with rumoured  boy- shared pictures of him with his
        shoulder, while Jaya Bachchan           Star couple Ajay Devgn and  friend Ranbir Kapoor. In the  family and along with it wished
        was leaning on Abhishek’s  Kajol  celebrated  Diwali  with  picture, the duo can be seen in  fans on the occasion of the aus-
        shoulder. Speaking of their  great  fervour  with close  fami- an embrace gazing deeply into  picious festival.
        Diwali  outfits,  all  four  were  ly members --including Kajol’s  each other’s eyes. “& some                    Johar took to his Instagram
        dressed up in ethnic.                mother Tanuja and sister Tan- love .. Happy Diwali,” read the  handle and shared a series
            Abhishek opted for a pink  ishaa Mukerji.                            post’s caption. For the occa- of  pictures  featuring  him,  his
        kurta while Shweta is seen clad         Kajol,  Ajay,  and  Tanishaa  sion, Ranbir was dressed in a  mother Hiroo Johar and two
        in red. Big B wore a white kurta  have taken to their respective  black kurta.                                children Roohi and Yash Johar.
        and Jaya opted for a yellow sa- Instagram handles to share pic-                                               In the caption, he wished every-
        ree this Diwali.                     tures from their Diwali celebra-         DeepiKa paDuKone                one by penning, “Happy Diwali
            She captioned the family  tions. In one of the images, Ka-               Bollywood star Deepika  and all our love to all of you ....
        portrait as, “pod.”                  jol and Ajay can be seen happily  Padukone greeted her social  May the season bring you all
                                             posing with Tanuja, Tanishaa  media fans and followers on  the love, laughter, good health
                tHe Kapoors                  and their son Yug. The particu- Diwali by sharing pictures of  and peace of mind .... have a
            Bollywood actor Anil Ka- lar image was uploaded by Tan- her.                                              blessed new year.”
        poor hosted a grand Diwali  ishaa. “Diwali dinner with fam,”                 Deepika took to her Insta-          The  Diwali post from the
        celebration party at his Mum- she captioned the post.                    gram handle and shared a cou- ‘Ae  Dil  Hai  Mushkil’  director
        bai residence for friends and           Kajol shared the same im- ple of pictures of her in which  garnered  more  than  a  lakh
        family on Thursday. The event  age and dropped a string of red  she could be seen dressed in  likes, with several celebs com-
        was attended by B-town celebs  heart emojis on it.                       pink ethnic attire. Along with  menting on it. Neetu Kapoor,
        including Arjun Kapoor, Ma-             Kajol and Ajay’s daughter  the pictures, she wished every- Tahira  Kashyap,  Angad  Bedi,
        laika Arora, Janhvi Kapoor,  Nysa Devgn was not part of  one on the occasion of Diwali  Twinkle Khanna were among
        among others.                        the festivities as she is studying  by writing, “May this year be  several  others  who  left  heart
            Arjun Kapoor arrived at the  abroad.                                 filled  with  light,  good  health  emojis.

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