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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline NOVEMBER 11, 2022 | The Indian Eye 16
Ayurveda Day Celebrations held at
Indian Consulate in New York
New York, NY
n the occasion of the 7th
Ayurveda Day, Consulate
OGeneral of India, New York,
organized an ‘Ayurveda Summit’ on
29 October 2022. This year’s Ayurve-
da Day was celebrated with the theme
“Har Din Har Ghar Ayurveda” so as
to propagate the benefits of Ayurve-
da to a larger audience by underlining
the centrality of families as the carri-
er of this ancient wisdom. The event
was organized as part of Azadi Ka
Amrit Mahotsav, India@75 series.
The focus of the Summit was how
to make Ayurveda appealing for the
young generation which has mean-
ingfully embraced holistic health and
nature-based wellness as a way of well-known yoga teacher, author
life. Prominent members of the com- and lecturer. Following this, a pan-
munity, media, yoga and Ayurveda el discussion was held on the topic
practitioners and people from diverse – Ayurveda – From the Outside to
backgrounds attended the Summit. Within - A timeless, universal sci-
In his welcome remarks Consul ence, moderated by Ms. Ruchika
General Mr. Randhir Jaiswal spoke Lal. The panelists were Ms. Raina
on the growing popularity and ac- Kumra (CEO, Spicewell), Ms. Smri-
ceptance of ayurveda in scientific ta Choubey (Founder, Veda Farms),
terms. In this regard, he recalled the Ayurveda health counselor Ms.
recently inaugurated World Health France Brunel (Founder and Edi-
Organization’s Global Centre for tor-in-Chief, Yoom) and Ms. Kavita
Traditional Medicine in Jamnagar, Khosa (Founder and Creative Di-
Gujarat, India. Noting that Ayurve- rector, PurEarth). A second panel
da brings people closer to nature, he discussion included Dr. Bhaswati
urged the audience to adopt Mission Bhattacharya, nutrition consultant;
LIFE - that is Lifestyle for Envi- Ms. Divya Alter, chef and ayurveda
ronment – and support the cause of expert; Ms. Nidhi Pandya, ayurveda
planet Earth. Prime Minister of In- expert; and Ms. Alak Vasa and Mr.
dia Shri Narendra Modi has recently Kushal Choksi of Elements Truffles.
launched Mission LIFE calling upon Following this, talks were held by Ms.
each and every member of the global Nidhi Pandya and Dr. Srinivasa K.
community to contribute towards the Rao, on how to develop a deeper sci-
well-being of the planet. entific understanding of Ayurveda.
The program began with yoga, Element Truffles and the Art of Living
breathing and short meditation Foundation partnered the Consulate
session led by Mr. Eddie Stern, a in organizing the Ayurveda summit.