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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            NOVEMBER 11, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 18

         First Diwali Celebration at held Naperville City Hall

                  “US and India need to stand together as democracies that stand for values”: Rep. Jim Himes says
                                              during Meet & Greet with GOPIO-CT leadership

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
              he United States and India need
              to stand together as they are
        Tgreat democracies that stand
        for human values,” declared US Con-
        gressman Jim Himes, a Democrat rep-
        resenting the 4th district of Connecti-
        cut during a networking reception and
        Interactive Session by Congressman
        Himes with GOPIO-CT members and
        supporters at the Hampton Inn and
        Suites, Stamford, CT on Friday, Octo-
        ber 28th, 2022.
            Stating that the Indo-US rela-
        tionship is fundamental to the stabil-
        ity of the world, Rep. Himes referred   On the issue of long waiting,   Pakistan, Rep. Himjes said, “I have my   called them “the future of US innova-
        to the compulsions that led to India’s   sometimes nearly 2 years to obtain an   personal perspectives on India and Pa-  tions.”
        response to Russia’s unilateral inva-  appointment for a Visa interview in   kistan. I understand who are our part-  In his inaugural remarks, GOPIO
        sion of Ukraine. “We underrated the   India, while describing this as “a solv-  ners in security.”    International Chairman Dr. Thom-
        long-standing relationship India has   able problem, but the right intention   On the question of “cyber securi-  as Abraham, said, “Every year, GO-
        had with Russia. We understand the   and motive is essential,” Rep. Himes   ty” Himes said, “It is getting more and   PIO-CT has had an interactive session
        constraints India faces. No one needs   said, “We need to advocate with lo-  more a serious issue.” While acknowl-  with Rep. Jim Himes and other elected
        to sit in judgement of India’s position   cal  representatives  in  every  state  to   edging that “China is very targeted”   officials.” Dr. Thomas Abraham initi-
        on Ukraine,” Rep. Himes said.     solve this back log.” As Chairman of   Himes said, “Russia is not as sophisti-  ated the discussion by raising the “H1
            Rep. Himes shared with the audi-  the House Committee overseeing   cated.” Himes stated, the US is invest-  and H4 visa issues and what needs to be
        ence about his recent visit to Ukraine   the State Department, Himes sug-  ing heavily on cyber security to address   done by the Biden Administration, es-
        and meeting with the leadership in   gested that the US State Department   the fast and ever evolving security   pecially for the need to clear the back-
        this war-torn  nation. Describing the   will listen to Congressman Grego-  threats posed by many rogue nations   logs of pending Immigration numbers
        pain and the suffering inflicted on the   ry Meeks of New York. “You need   and people, around the world. “We   for our community.” Responding to
        people of Ukraine, Rep. Himes said,   to have them understand the long   need to be more resilient and there is   these concerns that were shared in a
        “Everyone we met in Ukraine stated,   delay  in visa interviews,”  he said.   an urgent need to fix the problem.”  series of questions by GOPIO leaders
        we will do everything in our power to   On the Green Card back log, Rep.   Congressman Himes had all   on the Immigration issues, Dr. Abra-
        defend every inch of our territory.”   Himes said, attracting skilled laborers   praise for the Indian American com-  ham described the immigration policy
            While  hoping  that  the  war  ends   is “central to our economy.” On a ques-  munity. He referred to how he came   and the current situation as “messy.”
        soon, the Congressman pointed to   tion, regarding the discussions about   to meet with a new entrepreneur of   During the interactive session
        how “Democracy is under threat today   the  Country-based  quota  not  being   Indian  origin  in  Bridgeport  recently,   among members of GOPIO, who
        more than ever,” and he stressed the   used and unused visas could be used to   who is setting up a large firm that will   raised concerns about the Western
        need for India and the United States   allow Green Cards to other qualified   provide components for manufactur-  Media being anti-India, Ritu Joho-
        need to “stand together to protect the   individuals who are caught in the back-  ers of semiconductors that is in huge   rey, Board Member of GOPIO-CT
        democratic values.”               log for Green Card approval, Rep.   demand now. He also spoke about the   refuted the claim and stressed that
            “There is a temptation to test   Himes was unsure if the Biden Ad-  contribution of the Indian American   the Western Media is neither anti-In-
        the  ties  India  and  the  United  States   ministration will embrace the policy.  community  for  their  contributions  to   dia  nor  anti-Modi  Government,  and
        have developed for centuries,” Rep.   Rep. Himes serves on the US   creating a hub of tech innovation in   stated speaking of the realities in In-
        Himes pointed out. Stating that the   Congressional Caucus on India and   Stamford in CT. “The brains of tech   dia and portraying what is happening
        this “friction is between India and the   Indian-Americans, a forum in which   innovations are here,” he said, while   in India today cannot be described as
        United States is only temporary” Rep.   Members of Congress address the is-  pointing to the Indian community.   anti-India.
        Himes said, “We will stand united and   sues central to our relationship with   While acknowledging that “We   GOPIO-CT’s Annual Diwali
        will  work  together  towards  the  com-  this important South Asian nation. By   have so much to do on immigration”   celebration  followed  at  an  eloquent-
        mon values that are dear to both the   promoting dialogue on issues of inter-  to enable these tech savvy and entre-  ly decorated Meeting Hall included
        nations.” Describing India and the   est to the Indian American commu-  preneurial Indian American commu-  cocktails, dinner and a live Bollywood
        United States as “cousin democracies”   nity, the Caucus strives to strengthen   nity to have a smoother and faster   music by popular playback singers
        Rep. Himes  said, “The Democratic   bilateral relations between the United   way to have Green Card and Job Vi-  from across the state of Connecticut,
        party leadership is in understanding   States and India, promote trade with   sas, Rep. Himes, whose District has a   emceed by Dr. Jaya Daptardar.
        of the critical need for strengthening   India, enhance economic develop-  fast-growing South Asian immigrant   The program started with a wel-
        the relationship between India and the   ment in India and the United States,   community, praised them for their   come by GOPIO-CT President Ashok
        United States. We are very supportive   increase anti-terrorism cooperation.  contributions. “You are a secret weap-  Nichani who said that Rep. Himes is
        of the need to build on the India US   While commenting on the recent   on for economic growth,” he told the   a great supporter of GOPIO-CT and
        relationship,” he added.          US decision to sell F-16 Fighter Jets to   Indian American community, and   the Indian American community.

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