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OP-ED                                                              NOVEMBER 11, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 11

                 Why the cheetahs return

                                     to India matters

                    The success of Project Tiger is a good example. While the tiger served to preserve

                 forest systems, it is hoped the cheetah will fill the gap for open forests and grasslands.

                                         It could restore habitats and conserve biodiversity

               SADHNA SHANKER

              hey travelled by air more than
              8000 km from Namibia in the
        TAfrican continent to Kuno
        National Park in India. The planet’s
        fastest land  animal,  the cheetah  is
        identified  as  ‘vulnerable’  and  only
        about 8000 remain. Found mainly in
        Africa, and a few in Iran.  Cheetahs         A Cheetah brought from Africa at the Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh (ANI Photo/ Narendra Modi Twitter)
        once prowled India in large numbers.
        They appear in ancient Hindu texts   closure for some time on November   the Cheetah also lies in the animal   as CSR funds from the Indian Oil
        and in cave paintings, and are woven   5,2022. Thereafter radio collared,   being able to restore the balance of   Corporation, a lot more rides on this
        into centuries-old tapestries.  Howev-  they will first release the males, and   the ecosystem. The success of Proj-  project. The success of this project
        er, by 1952 due to hunting, and loss of   lastly the females into the Kuno Na-  ect Tiger is a good example. While   would create new avenues for em-
        habitat they became extinct in India.   tional Park in Madhya Pradesh.  the tiger served to preserve forest   ployment and tourism. More impor-
        The cheetah is the only large mam-    The  Park  is  about  748  sq  kms.   systems, it is hoped the cheetah   tantly, the project promises hope for
        mal India had lost.               The south-eastern portion of this   will fill the gap for open forests and   the survival of wild life species. Once
            The arrival of the African chee-  area is connected to Panna Tiger   grasslands. It could restore habitats
        tahs is special because it is the first   Reserve  and  the  Ranthambore  Ti-  and conserve biodiversity.  the cheetahs adjust and thrive in their
                                                                                                              new habitat it could be a new way of
        time  ever  that  such  transnational   ger Reserve is across the Chambal   There  are  concerns  about the   looking at conservation of wild life –
        relocation of a carnivore in the wild   on the north-western side. Kuno was   plan and survival of the animal in   to consider the global population of
        is  being  undertaken.  Earlier,  there   chosen for its  similarity  in climate,   this relocation. Some point out that   a species rather than fragment them
        have been instances of zoos exchang-  rainfall and habitats to  the private   the African landscapes of large open   into local numbers.
        ing animals, but taking a free ranging   preserves in southern Africa, where   grasslands are not present in India.   Migration of humans and ani-
        predator from its natural habitat to   about 500 cheetah live. Further, ‘chi-  Further, the  dietary habits  of Afri-  mals is an ancient practice. They both
        another country is a first. After years   tals’ or deers that are food for the   can cheetahs that thrive on impalas   try to adapt and adjust to the new ter-
        of efforts and legal wrangles, the idea   animal are plentiful. Also, roughly   would need to change. Of the bigger   rain because for all living beings the
        has become reality.               24 villages and their domesticated   animals in Kuno – wild boars and   desire to survive is the strongest urge.
            A  batch  of  eight  cheetahs,  five   livestock  were  completely  relocat-  antelopes – only calves and small-
        females and three males between the   ed from inside the Park some years   er ones would work, as the cheetah   Let us hope the African cheetahs sur-
                                                                                                              vive in their new home, and soon our
        ages of 2 and 5, selected in Namibia   ago. This was done in preparation   goes for smaller animals. The pres-  landscape has many of the great cats
        because of their hunting skills, famil-  for bringing the lions from Gir, but   ence of a leopard population, hyenas   inhabiting it.
        iarity with humans and genetic pro-  that did not take off. The village sites   and of neighboring tigers in Kuno is
        files are now in India. After a month-  and their agricultural fields have now   also a risk factor.   Sadhna Shanker is a writer based in
        long quarantine, the animals are   been taken over by grass.            Apart from a central budget of         New Delhi, India.
        likely to be released into another en-  The importance of bringing back   Rs 916.5 million and Rs 50o million   Email: [email protected]

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