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P. 16

North                       The Indian Eye


         16                                                                                                            NOVEMBER 10, 2023

            Mayor Adams, Health Commissioner Dr. Vasan

                    Launch Ambitious Whole-of-Government

         Campaign to Extend Lifespan of all New Yorkers

            “HealthyNYC” Aims to Increase Life Expectancy to 83 Years by 2030, Focuses on Reducing
                             Chronic Disease, Overdose, Maternal Mortality Deaths, and More

        OUR BUREAU
        NEW YORK, NY

               ew York City Mayor Eric
              Adams and New York City
        NDepartment of Health and
        Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) Com-
        missioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan today
        unveiled “HealthyNYC,” an ambi-
        tious plan to improve and extend the
        average lifespan of all New Yorkers.
        The campaign sets ambitious targets
        to address the greatest drivers of
        premature death, including chronic
        and diet-related diseases, screenable
        cancers, overdose, suicide, maternal
        mortality, violence, and COVID-19.
        Overall, the campaign aims to extend
        the average life expectancy of New
        Yorkers to 83 years by 2030, with
        gains across racial and ethnic groups.
           “It’s time we give New York
        City extra life with the launch of
        ‘HealthyNYC,’ our campaign to help
        New Yorkers lead healthier, longer
        lives,” said Mayor Adams. “Our ad-
        ministration is setting out to increase
        New Yorkers’ life expectancy to over
        83 years by 2030 — not only recov-
        ering years lost during the pandemic   and morbidity, bringing diet-related   well as a north star for the future of   that I am proud to be introducing
        but also surpassing our previous high   chronic diseases into remission, and   public health. This announcement   accompanying legislation to require
        by tackling chronic disease, violence,  helping every New Yorker live their   sets the coordinates for our collec-  a five year public health agenda for
        maternal  mortality,  overdose,  and   healthiest life. We do all this because   tive mission to lead longer, healthier   New York City, to improve health
        more. By refocusing all of our pub-  our health is what allows us to live   lives, and there is perhaps no more   outcomes and address health dis-
        lic health work around the goal of   more  and  love  more  for  ourselves   important measure of the health of   parities. I am proud to partner with
        helping people live longer lives, we’ll   and our families.”        our society and our democracy. The   Mayor Adams on such a compre-
        build a healthier, more prosperous   “‘HealthyNYC’ is a game chang-  road we travel here in New York City   hensive and ambitious plan to make
        city where everyone can thrive.”   er because in the wake of COVID-19,  will provide guideposts for our nation   New York City the healthiest city in
           “‘HealthyNYC’  is  the  city’s  sin-  and  while  facing  parallel  and  grow-  and its people, who should expect to   the country.”
        gular organizing effort to help ex-  ing health crises, we know that, as a   live long and live well, for themselves   “Increasing  life  expectancy
        tend  life  expectancy  for  New  York-  city and a nation, people are getting   and for generations to follow.”  across our city requires all hands on
        ers,” said Deputy Mayor for Health   sicker  and dying sooner than they   “‘HealthyNYC’  marks  a  signifi-  deck, and ‘HealthyNYC’ is doing
        and Human Services Anne Wil-      should,” said DOHMH Commis-       cant step forward in our commitment   just that – galvanizing government,
        liams-Isom. “We will tackle the un-  sioner Dr. Vasan. “Losing years of   to the well-being of all New Yorkers,”  partners, and everyday New Yorkers
        derlying causes of lost years and lost   life and of good health is a unifying   said New York City Councilmember   to achieve this ambitious goal,” said
        lives, including combating the opioid   challenge, and getting them back is   Lynn Schulman, chair, Health Com-  New York City Chief Equity Officer
        crisis, reducing maternal mortality   a top priority for New York City, as   mittee. “It is such a critical initiative   Continued on next page... >>

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