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SPECIAL FEATURE                                                    NOVEMBER 10, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 14

                                               TOWARDS BETTER LIVING

                                             The Art of Worship:

        Uncovering the Beauty of Implicit Devotion

                                                                                                              and bhakti meaning worship. It de-
               uite often, when we describe                                                                   scribes nine ways that one can offer
               worship, we picture various
        Qhand gestures- either praying                                                                        devotion to God, which includes
                                                                                                              activities such as listening, singing,
        for something or offering gratitude.                                                                  remembering, serving, offering, and
        It is a religious or spiritual practice                                                               respecting God and his devotees. It
        in which an individual expresses their                                                                is not about what mode one choos-
        reverence, devotion, or adoration to                                                                  es, rather it’s about the emotion they
        a deity, higher power, or spiritual en-                                                               draw inspiration from and express.
        tity. Worship may involve performing                                                                  The devotees in the mandir used dif-
        rituals, prayers, or other sacred acts                                                                ferent modes such as cooking, serv-
        that demonstrate a person’s practice                                                                  ing, singing etc.; however, all of them
        and dedication to their chosen faith                                                                  had one pure emotion to express,
        or belief system.
                                                                                                              which was their love, attachment,
            In Hinduism, there are many                                                                       and servitude for God.
                 forms of worship:                                                                                Mandir — The Platform for our
         Puja (Prayer), Aarti (Ceremony of
                                                                                                                  A physical place of worship,
         Light), Dhyan (Meditation), Kir-                                                                     such as a mandir, church, temple,
                                                                                                              or  mosque,  may  not  be  necessary
          tan (Singing Hymns), and many
                                                                                                              for worshiping or practicing a par-
              other such practices.                                                                           ticular religion. However, for many
                                                                                                              people, having a designated space
            I spend most of my evenings and   elderly  women,  all  grandmothers,   God. The words, the melody, and the
        weekends at the mandir. People of   walk in with their grandchildren.   feeling in their voices were so pure   for worship can provide several ben-
                                                                                                              efits that can enhance their spiritual
        all ages gather here and are actively   They sit them down in front of the   and heartfelt.           practice. According to Hindu beliefs,
        engaged in various activities. I’m al-  shrine and begin narrating to them   “Weren’t these all forms of   the mandir is a physical home of the
        ways struck by their vibrant faces and   stories from the scriptures. It’s beau-  worship as well?” I thought. Each   divine. By entering the  mandir  and
        the intense love, focus, and humility   tiful to see this gathering and listen to   unique, in their own way.  engaging in rituals and prayers, dev-
        that they bring within the activities   their innocent conversation.    Was  mandir  not  simply  a  place   otees can feel a sense of closeness
        they’re engaged in.                   But suddenly melodious sounds   for standing in front of the  murtis,   to the divine and experience a more
            Overhearing a conversation be-  capture my attention. Another group   folding our hands, and performing a
        tween the pujaris (mandir priests)   of devotees sat on stage had begun   prayer?                     profound spiritual connection.
                                                                                                                  All Hindus, offer devotion to a
        discussing how they should adorn   singing bhajans, or devotional songs,   BHAKTI — LOVE FOR GOD      form of God and express their love.
        the murtis made me realize how    while playing traditional musical in-  Bhagwan Swaminarayan, in the Shik-  It is not the stone craving or the ar-
        much care, attention to detail, and   struments. Seated facing the murtis,   shapatri, describes “bhakti” (worship) as:  chitecture that generates the feel-
        servitude they had for the murtis. It   they were singing with the conviction   “Mahatmay gyan e yukta,    ing of devotion, instead, it is the sa-
        was  truly  remarkable-  their  acts  of   that  they  were  truly  present  before   Bhagwan ke saath adhik ka adhik   cred images of God present inside
        worship were a testament to their                                                prem.”               the structure, that helps one attach
        belief that God wholly manifested in                                Meaning, an immense love for God to-  their minds and soul in the beauty
        the murtis.                                                         gether with the knowledge of his glory.  of God. Mandirs are not just monu-
            I walked into the mandir kitchen
                                                                                Every individual has a different
        to  find  devotees,  with  folded  hands                            way of expressing themselves. Some   ments, but rather are places Hindus
                                                                                                              believe that God fully resides.
        and eyes closed, sincerely reciting a                               might choose to describe it with      People of all ages engage them-
        prayer prior to commencing the vol-                                 words, while some might use physi-  selves in various activities that seem
        unteering service of  prasad  prepa-                                cal elements or gestures. However,   like just activities on the surface but
        ration. My eyes water up witness-                                   individually, everyone has emotions   are really expressions of their love-
        ing their pure intent of feeding all                                to express.  Bhakti  is also an emo-  transformative acts  of worship.  My
        the  mandir  visitors. They lovingly                                tion. A pure feeling of gratitude, joy,   mandir is not only the home for God,
        prepare different menus as a form                                   attachment,  and  fulfillment.  It  is  a   but also a platform for individuals to
        of their loving devotion and com-                                   feeling that one experiences towards   explore  themselves,  express  them-
        mitment to serve the mandir and its                                 God and his divinity after gaining the   selves, and elevate themselves. This
        visitors.                                                           knowledge of his glory.           is how I realized that my mandir ig-
            When I re-entered the main
                                                                                The  Shrimad Bhagvat Maha-
        hall, I witnessed young children per-                               puran describes the practice of Na-  nites implicit forms of worship.
        forming prostrations and respectfully                               vdha Bhakti. Navdha, meaning nine,          Kritika Parmar,
        bowing to the murtis. Just then, the                                                                    Saskatoon, Canada Civil Engineer

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