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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline NOVEMBER 05, 2021 | The Indian Eye 36
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‘we must modernize the system because
that will save taxpayers’ money’
Q&A with Ryan Cronin, candidate for Nassau Comptroller
yan Cronin has spent his are Republican or Democrat.
private sector legal ca- Why should voters choose you
Rreer representing a wide over your opponent?
range of clients. Cronin has rep- As I mentioned before, I
resented companies navigating have spent my career as a watch-
the unprecedented challenges dog. My opponent had the
posed by the pandemic, fought chance to be a taxpayer watch-
to force the recall of a defective dog when she was the chair-
product that caused the injury woman of the New York State
and death of infants and protect- Senate Ethics committee. Not
ed victims of Bernard Madoff’s only did she hold just 1 single
financial fraud. In 2020, Ryan ethics committee meeting her
Cronin was named a “Super entire 2 years there, but during
Lawyers Rising Star” and has the single meeting she did hold,
been honored for his pro bono she refused to bring an item to
work representing the disabled. vote that would have saved tax-
In 2019, Ryan was named to payers hundreds of thousands
the Board of Directors of Nas- of dollars by banning the “lead-
sau University Medical Center ership stipends” given out to
(NUMC), the leading provider Albany politicians as rewards
of public healthcare to Nassau for their loyalty to their par-
County’s underserved and un- ty. Those stipends are funded
derinsured communities. with our tax money and instead
Cronin’s most important of standing up for the taxpayer,
roles are as a dedicated father she left us footing the bill. This
to his two young girls, Emily and is why Newsday and every oth-
Riley, and as a husband to his er editorial board in Nassau has
wife Katie, a nurse practitioner. endorsed me.
A homeowner raising his family How will you improve the Of-
here in Nassau where he grew fice of Nassau’s Comptroller?
up, Ryan is dedicated to keep- Simply put; modernization.
ing the cost of living under con- The office is currently running
trol, alleviating the middle-class on decades old equipment that
tax burden, and making it more will be obsolete soon, and if
affordable for seniors to make we do not upgrade it can neg-
ends meet. Ryan, Katie, Emily, atively impact things like our
and Riley live in Garden City. bond rating. Because of these
In an interview, Ryan Cronin waste, breaches of contract, and Independent watchdog, but how old systems, it takes the County
talks about his vision and corruption. I have spent my can you be independent when you months if not years to process
agenda. Excerpts: entire career doing those very are running with Laura Curran? payments to its vendors. We
things in the private sector as a From what I have seen, Lau- must modernize these systems.
What do you view as the role of business litigator. I have taken ra Curran has done a great job Ultimately, that will save taxpay-
the Comptroller and why are you on the largest corporations and so far. But, as I told Laura, it ers’ money because as it stands
the best candidate for the job? law firms, and I have gotten re- will be my job to protect Nassau right now, businesses working
The Nassau Comptroller is sults. Now, I will use those same taxpayers’ money. If any elected with the County often charge
the independent fiscal watch- skills to get results in the public official in Nassau wastes taxpay- more for their services because
dog for the County taxpayers. sector as Nassau Comptroller. er money, I will come after them of how long it will take them to
It would be my job to root out You said the Comptroller is the hard regardless of whether they get paid.
www.TheIndianEYE .com