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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                                     NOVEMBER 05, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                     34

                                                                    Diwali 2021

         Indiaspora hosts Festival of lights with

               prominent Indian-americans in dC

                  Neera Tanden, Kamala Harris, Vivek Murthy, Pramila Jayapal

                                         and others give messages on the occasion

                                                                                                                      the  world,” said Khanna, who
        Our Bureau                                                                                                    pointed out his district in Califor-
        Washington, DC                                                                                                nia has the largest Indian Amer-
                                                                                                                      ican community in the nation.
              rominent members of the                                                                                    “I think of Diwali as a time
              Indian American commu-                                                                                  of sustenance … the food, the
        Pnity hosted a Diwali event                                                                                   lights and a community event.
        in the US Capitol Rayburn                                                                                     To find sustenance in the things
        House office building on Tuesday.                                                                             we grew up with which make us
                                                                                                                      who we are today, and that is

        During the event,  indian                                                                                     why the work of Indiaspora is
                                                                                                                      important,” said Jayapal. “It’s
        americans who have been                                                                                       time to run for office…we will

        elected,  appointed,  and                                                                                     be rooting for you and support-
                                                                                                                      ive of you. It doesn’t matter if
        nominated to public office,                                                                                   you win or lose, it matters that

        as well as staffers on Cap-                                                                                   you ran for the right reasons - to
                                                                                                                      serve the community,” Krishna-
        itol hill - which is the seat                                                                                 moorthi said.
                                                                                                                         “As we close out 2021, I plan
        of the us Congress - were                                                                                     to introduce legislation that
        honored for their contribu-                                                                                   would further enshrine this day

                                             celebrated occasions of the year,  in a world that has been turned  of light, Diwali, as a federal
        tions to government service.         we recognize the sewa (or ser- upside down by this pandemic  holiday,” said Congresswom-
                                             vice) of these public servants in  as well as a growing pandemic of  an Carolyn Maloney, who was
            The event that was hosted by
        Indiaspora, a non-profit organi-     our community,” said MR Ran- polarization,” said Dr Murthy. instrumental in helping Indias-
        zation of global Indian diaspora     gaswami, founder of Indiaspora,         All four members of Con- pora and community partners
        leaders, was joined by several       at the event.                       gress of Indian heritage, includ- in their advocacy for a United
                                                The event included remarks  ing the longest serving Indian  States  postal stamp commem-
        other important organizations        from senior US administration  American in Congress Ami  orating Diwali which came to
        including All American Diwali,       officials,  including  Neera  Tan- Bera; vice chair of the India  fruition in 2016.
        Art of Living Foundation, As-        den, senior adviser to President  caucus  in  the  house  of  repre-        The programme included a
        sociation of Indian Muslims of
        America, Dharma into Action,         Joe Biden, who was recently  sentatives Ro Khanna; Pramila  diya lighting ceremony with the
        Global Indian Jewish Rela-           named White House staff sec- Jayapal, the first Indian Ameri- speakers and remarks from sev-
        tions Institute, Hindu American      retary, and serves as the highest  can woman elected to the house  eral elected and appointed lead-
                                             ranking Indian American wom- of representatives;  and  Raja  ers in the federal government.
        Foundation, Indian American          an  in  the  administration  after  Krishnamoorthi spoke about  “We are honored to celebrate Di-
        Impact Project , JAINA: Fed-         vice-president Kamala Harris,  what Diwali meant to them, and  wali in the Capitol Hill and share
        eration of Jain Associations in      as well as vice admiral Vivek  their call to public service. The  our traditions with the leaders
        North America; Jain Society of
        Metropolitan Washington and          Murthy, US Surgeon General,  others too spoke at the event.              who have dedicated themselves
        US-India Business Council.           who spoke about the inspiration        “We have come a long way as a  to serve the public. The Indian
           “With such a growing num-         behind Diwali.                       community where someone can  diaspora has had a profound
                                                “The fundamental lesson of  easily say today as I do, that I am  impact in  American  society,
        ber of Indian Americans serv-        Diwali is to recognize and re- a proud Hindu American, that I  and their diverse contributions
        ing in all facets of government,     member our light and the light  am proud of celebrating Diwali,  continue to strengthen our na-
        it felt fitting that during Diwali,   within others,  and to  focus on  that the Hindu American cul- tion,” said Sanjeev Joshipura,
        one of the most auspicious and
                                             that.  That is our  charge today,  ture has enriched America and  executive director of Indiaspora.

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