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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                                     NOVEMBER 05, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                     40

                                                aaPi 40th Convention

             in san antonio to focus on “heal the healers”

        Our Bureau

        Chicago, IL

              hysician, heal thyself,” es-
              pecially when there are
        Pgrowing signs of burn out
        among physicians, by offering
        positive remedial resources as
        part of a first ever Wellness Pro-
        gram being offered to partici-
        pants at the 40th  Annual Con-
        vention of AAPI to be held in
        san Antonio from June 23rd to
        26th, 2022.
            The Covid pandemic has im-
        pacted all aspects of human life                                                                              Dilip Sarkar, Dr. Pankaj Vij, and
        as never been before. The past                                                                                Dr. Param Dedhia.
        two years have been challenging                                                                                  “Our physician members
        to  everyone,  particularly  those                                                                            have worked very hard during
        are assigned with the responsi-                                                                               the Covid 19 pandemic as the
        bility of caring for the sick, es-                                                                            2022 convention is a perfect time
        pecially as hundreds of Millions                                                                              to heal the healers with a spe-
        were affected by the big  pan-                                                                                cial focus on wellness,” said Dr.
        demic. Over 115,000 health care                                                                               Dr Jayesh Shah, Chair of AAPI
        workers died from Covid-19                                                                                    Convention 2022.
        from January 2020 to May of this                                                                                  In her welcome note, Dr.
        year, according to a new World                                                                                Hetal Nayak, Coordinator of the
        Health Organization estimate.                                                                                 Wellness Program said, “With
           “The backbone of  every                                                                                    great enthusiasm we invite
        health system is its workforce                                                                                you to participate in our AAPI
        — the people who deliver the                                                                                  convention  wellness  package
        services on which we rely at  themes such as how to take care            by this pandemic around the  themed ‘Heal the Healers.’ This
        some point in our lives,” WHO  of self and find satisfaction and         world,” Dr. Gotimukula added.  is the first time in the AAPI con-

        Director-General Tedros Ad- happiness in the challenging sit-                Accordingly, some of the  vention we offer these exclu-
        hanom Ghebreyesus said. “The  uations they are in, while serving         major themes at the conven- sive wellness packages geared
        pandemic is a powerful demon- hundreds of patients everyday of           tion include: Yoga and Medi- towards  the  well-being  of  Phy-
        stration of just how much we rely  their dedicated and noble profes-     tation practices, Welcome kit  sicians and their families by
        on health workers and how vul- sion, Dr. Anupama Gotimukula,             with books & self-care supplies,  bringing the essence of science
        nerable we all are when the peo- President of AAPI said.                 A Personal Reflexology Session,  and spirituality of yoga and life-
        ple who protect our health are          “This year AAPI Convention       Take home wellness routine, Ail- style medicine into our selfcare
        themselves unprotected.”             team from San Antonio is very       ment based yoga therapy ses- routine. As we all aware, a calm
            Some have argued that gov- much motivated on focusing on              sions, Workshop on Spiritual  mind and a refined intellect are
        ernments have forsaken their  addressing physician burnout               well-being, Book talk with Yoga  essential for making right choic-
        duty to protect health care work- and we have planned these well-        Gurus, including on the science  es. We promise to leave you em-
        ers and warned that pandemic  ness packages. As we are seeing            of Yoga & Lifestyle medicine, as  powered with the tools required.”
        would have long tail effects, with  in our daily lives the physician     well as an unique opportunity to         Dr. Kusum Punjaabi, Chair
        many healthcare professionals  burnout  has  increased  signifi-         visit first of its kind in San Anto- of AAPI BOT said, “At AAPI,
        considering leaving the work- cantly.  “We do acknowledge                nio, Aum Ashram as part of the  the largest ethnic medical associ-
        force. At this critical juncture in  that these are challenging times,   Wellness session.                    ation in the nation, we are proud,
        human history, American Asso- more than ever for us, physicians,             Esteemed yoga gurus and  we have been able to serve ev-
        ciation of Physicians of Indian  who are on the frontline to assess,     experts, who are planned to  ery 7th patient in the country.
        Origin (AAPI) the largest eth- diagnose and treat people are              share their wisdom and leading  We serve in large cities, smaller
        nic medical organization in the  affected by this deadly pandem-         the Wellness Sessions include:  towns and rural areas, sharing
        country, representing the inter- ic, COVID-19. Many of our col-          Paramguru Sharatha Jois, Sadh- our skills, knowledge, compas-
        ests of over 100,000 physicians  leagues have sacrificed their lives     vi Bhagawati, Saraswati Eddie  sion and expertise and caring
        of Indian origin, is focusing on  in order to save those impacted        Stern,  Dr.  Sat  Bir  Khalsa,  Dr.  millions of people.”

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