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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              OCTOBER 28, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 26

             AAPI’s Global Healthcare Summit 2023 Will Be

                      Held In Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh

        OUR BUREAU
        Chicago, IL
              he 16th annual Global Health-
              care Summit (GHS) 2022, or-
        Tganized by the Association of
        American Physicians of Indian Origin
        (AAPI) in collaboration with Andhra
        Medical College Alumni Association,
        and Andhra Medical College, Indian
        Medical Association, AP, Association
        of Telugu Medical Graduates in the
        USA and Rangaraya Medical Col-
        lege Alumni Association and Gov-
        ernment of State of AP will be held
        at the prestigious Novotel Visakhapa-
        tnam Varun Beach, Andhra Pradesh,
        India from January 6th to 8th, 2022.
            Dr. Ravi Kolli, President of AAPI
        welcomed AAPI members to attend
        the 16th Global Healthcare Summit
        planned to be held in Vishakhapat-
        nam, in Andhra Pradesh from Janu-
        ary 6th to 8th, 2023. “I need all your
        input and participation to make it a
        grand success and I know I can count
        on all of you. Registration has been
        open for GHS. Pre-GHS Vietnam.
        Cambodia and Kaulampur fami-
        ly CME tour and the spots are filling
        up fast and will be sold out soon. So, I   in India.”                   According to Dr. Kolli, “Dr.   “This innovative Summit is aimed
        request you all to sign up soon.”     Dr. Ravi Raju, GHS Chair in   Sampath Shivangi is inviting senior   at  advancing  the  accessibility,  af-
            While elaborating on the themes
        and areas that are going to be cov-  India, says, “Healthcare in India is   leaders from leading healthcare orga-  fordability, and the quality of world-
                                          one of the largest sectors, in terms
                                                                                                              class healthcare to the people of In-
                                                                            nizations including pharmaceuticals,
        ered during the Summit, Dr. V. Ran-  of revenue and employment. India   device and medical equipment man-  dia. Among other areas, the Summit
        ga, Chair of AAPI BOT, says, “The   is  making  significant  improvements   ufacturers and major medical teach-  will focus on prevention, diagnosis,
        GHS 2023 will focus on Mental     in its healthcare infrastructure and   ing institutions, hospitals and the   and treatment options and share
        Health and Physician  Burnout Is-  is building modern medical facilities   Ministries of Health, External/Over-  ways to truly improve healthcare
        sues, Rural Health Initiatives, Infant   throughout India. Indian doctors   seas Affairs and regulatory bodies to   transcending global boundaries.”
        and Maternal Health issues as well as   have made tremendous progress in   attend and collaborate with AAPI   Dr.  Satheesh  Kathula,  Vice
        Medical Jeopardy, Research Poster   the 21st century and India is now be-  with an ultimate goal to providing   President of AAPI, says, “It is these
        presentations by medical students.”  ing touted as a medical tourism hub.   accessible and affordable high-qual-  learning opportunities and collab-
            According to GHS US Chair
        Dr. Prasad Chalasani, “There will   With hundreds of physicians joining   ity healthcare to all people of India.”  orative relationships that have now
                                                                                                              enabled AAPI and participating or-
                                                                                CEO Forum Chair Dr. Joseph
                                          from the United States, the summit
        be cutting edge CME and academic   is expected to be attended by three   Chalil said. “We will have discus-  ganizations to plan and prepare for
        presentations organized by the CME   hundred delegates from around the   sions on Equity, Ethics and Physi-  an outstanding event that is expected
        Chair Dr. Sreeni Gangasani and Ac-  world. AAPI Global Healthcare   cian Burnout Issues.” The Women’s   to have over 300 prominent and ex-
        ademic Chair Dr. Sharma Prabha-   Summit (GHS) will have many new   Forum chair Dr. Udaya Shivangi an-  perienced physicians and surgeons of
        kar, on topics covering, Psychiatry,   initiatives and will be carrying the   nounced that “there will be meaning-  Indian origin from around the world,
        Ophthalmology, Pediatrics, Oncolo-  torch of ongoing projects undertaken   ful discussions and policy statements   who are very passionate about serv-
        gy and discussions on research meth-  by AAPI’s past leaders.”      on gender bias and its impact on   ing their homeland, Mother India.”
        odology and scientific writing by ac-  Dr. Ravi Kolli said, “Dr. Lokesh   leadership.”                    Dr.  Meher  Medavaram,  Secre-
        ademic experts organized by Dr. B   Edara and Dr. Brahma Sharma, who    Dr. Manoj Jain, Chair of CETI –   tary of AAPI says, “Being organized
        K Kishore.  In our efforts to realize   are  the  co-chairs  of  International   Collaboration to Eliminate TB in In-  at this critical phase, GHS 2023 is
        the core mission of AAPI, which is to   medical education will conduct a   dia supported by CDC and USAID,   aimed at exploring possibilities for
        share the best from leading experts   high-powered  panel  discussion  by   will discuss their ongoing long-term   greater collaboration and  cooper-
        from around the world, to collabo-  International Medical Education ex-  TB Elimination Projects in India.  ation between the physicians and
        rate on clinical challenges, the GHS   perts including CEOs of ECFMG,   While elaborating on the aims   health care providers in India with
        in Visakhapatnam will have clinical   WFMC, and National Medical    of the Summit, Dr. Anjana Samad-  those of Indian origin and major
        tracks that are of vital to healthcare
                                          Council officials.”               der, President-Elect of AAPI, says,   health-care providers abroad.”

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