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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline OCTOBER 28, 2022 | The Indian Eye 22
First Diwali Celebration at held Naperville City Hall
Naperville, IL
alome Foundation, under the
leadership of Nag Jaiswal and
SSheela Jaiswal held a memora-
ble celebration of Diwali Festivities
in Naperville City Hall for the first
time, bringing together members of
the Indian community and Elected
Representatives of Naperville and
Dupage County to mark the festival
and to shine a light on the communi-
ty and its culture.
In attendance were Naperville
Mayor Steve Chirico, Councilman
Paul Leong, Councilwoman Patti
Gustin, Coucilman Patrick Kelly,
Park District Commissioner Rich
Janor, Candidate for US Senate
Kathy Salvi, Dupage County Board
Member Greg Hart, IL State Medi-
cal Board Chair Dr. Srinivas Reddy,
ICO Chair Krishna Bansal, IABC
Chair Ajeet Singh, HSS Chair Sid-
desh Shevade, FIA Chicago Presi-
dent Rakesh Malhotra, NRI Vasavi
Treasurer Dinkar Karumuri, AAEIO
President Gladson Varghese , Prom-
inent leaders of Naperville Com-
munity: Srinivas Ravula, Shishir
Jain, Nipa Shah, Keyur Shah, Ninad
Daftari, Puneet Kapoor, Ram Saini,
Satish Dodegopu, Bhanu Swargam,
Harry Mohan, Raghu Narasimhan,
Ashwin Devnani, Madhav Srikanti,
Rahul Mittal, Anudeep Reddy and
Munish Kaistha.
Nag Jaiswal celebrated Naper-
ville and India’s strong cultural bond.
He said: “It’s estimated that about
25,000 Indians or persons of Indi-
an origins live in Naperville. Most
of these people work in healthcare,
information technology, engineering
and management positions.
Greg Hart addressed the audi-
ence. “Diversity in culture enriches
each of us. Diversity in humanity is
very important. “Celebrations like
this help us to learn about each oth-
er’s cultures, traditions and values.
Diwali celebrates prosperity, peace,
happiness, joy and hope for the fu-
ture.” He Said.
Naperville’s unique relationship
was well-documented during the country must continue to enhance and his legacy of promoting Indian about the importance of promoting
event at City Hall, with things like economic, social, educational and culture and tradition in Naperville. and sharing Indian Culture and tra-
Mayor Chirico’s love for the philos- cultural links with countries like In- Naperville Councilman Paul Leong dition with our broader American
ophies of India and the influence dia. Both USA and India have had highlighted his respect for Indian Community.
of Indians in the community. Kathy profound effects on each other,” she Culture and ethnic diversity in Na- The event also included a lamp
Salvi addressed the audience. added. perville. lighting ceremony, classical music
“In the current political and eco- ICO Chair Krishna Bansal high- IL State Medical Board Chair- performance and Indian Food.
nomic environment, we as a city and lighted the importance of Diwali man Dr. Sreenivas Reddy spoke --Asian Media USA