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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              OCTOBER 28, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 25

         Murderer of Indian-American sheriff’s deputy sentenced to death

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                                During the proceedings for deter-
                                                                                                              mining the penalty, the court heard tes-
        NEW YORK, NY
                                                                                                              timony from various sources to bolster
              he man who murdered an Indi-                                                                    the prosecution’s case for the death
              an-American Sikh sheriff’s dep-                                                                 penalty. Among them, the father of a
        Tuty in Texas has been sentenced                                                                      former girlfriend blamed him for her
        to  death,  according  to  officials.  The                                                            death. A woman reported being raped
        verdict was handed down on Wednes-                                                                    by Solis, which he admitted. The moth-
        day by the jury, a panel made up of                                                                   er of his three children told the jury he
        citizens, which had earlier found Rob-                                                                was a “psychopath” while describing
        ert Solis guilty of murdering Sandeep                                                                 his violent outbursts and said his chil-
        Dhaliwal in 2019.                                                                                     dren did not want to see him again.
            Harris County Sheriff Ed Gon-                                                                         Dhaliwal, who was 42 and had
        zalez tweeted: “Verdict is in: Jurors                                                                 served as a sheriff’s deputy for 10 years
        sentence Robert Solis to death. We                                                                    when he was killed, is survived by his
        are extremely grateful that justice has                                                               wife and three children, according to
        been served.”                     dict on October 17, “since you believe   trial was held in two phases: In the   Tunnel  to  Towers  Foundation  which
            Dhaliwal had made headlines   I’m guilty of capital murder, I believe   first, the jury considered the charges   honors the victims of the 9/11 terrorist
        when the obtained a religious exemp-  you should give me the death penalty”.  and the evidence and found him   attack on the World Trade Centre by
        tion in 2015 to wear a turban as part   And the jury obliged him.   guilty, and in the second, it decid-  raising funds to help families of first
        of his uniform as a deputy for Harris   He could appeal to higher courts   ed on the sentence after consider-  responders killed in action.
        County sheriff. “Sandeep changed our   all the way to the US Supreme Court   ing more  evidence about  Solis  who,   It said that he became a law en-
        Sheriff’s Office family for the better,   and if the sentence is upheld the exe-  according to ABC13 TV has arrest   forcement  officer  “to  help  build  the
        and we continue striving to live up to   cution will be by the injection of Pento-  records going back at least 25 years.  relationship between the Sikh commu-
        his example of servant leadership. May   barbital, a lethal drug, according to the   Solis was convicted in a kidnap-  nity and the Sheriff’s Department”.
        he Rest In Peace, “ Gonzalez tweeted.  Texas Department of Criminal Justice.  ping and assault case in 2002 and sen-  “He organized volunteers to help
            History-sheeter Solis, who dis-   Solis shot Dhaliwal in the back   tenced to 20 years, but was paroled in   his fellow Texans after Hurricane Har-
        missed his lawyer and presented a bi-  of the head in December 2019 near   2014. When he killed Dhaliwal, there   vey devastated much of the state in
        zarre defense while admitting he had   Houston  as  the  officer  was  return-  was a warrant for his arrest in connec-  2017, and he travelled to Puerto Rico
        fired the shot that killed Dhaliwal, de-  ing to his vehicle after a traffic stop,   tion with an assault complaint by a for-  to help with relief after Hurricane Ma-
        fiantly told the jury after the guilty ver-  according to the prosecution. The   mer girlfriend.      ria” in the same year, it added.

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