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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             OCTOBER 18, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 29

                         NEWSMAKERS OF THE WEEK

                   Selected stories about Indian diaspora from our website

                     AMBIKA MOD & PAYAL KAPADIA                                                 RAMAYYA KRISHNAN

            Emerging leaders make to the                                                   US Department of

                 2024 TIME100 Next List                                          Commerce grants $6M to AI

                                                                                             Research Center

              ecently, TIME revealed the 2024 TIME100 Next list recognizing 100   S Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo recently announced that the
              emerging leaders from around the world who are shaping the future   Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Tech-
        Rand defining the next generation of leadership.                    Unology (NIST) has awarded $6 million to Carnegie Mellon University,
            The TIME100 Next list for 2024 features Ambika Mod under members   CMU to establish a joint center to support cooperative research and experi-
        and guest contributors, Payal Kapadia under the Artists, entertainers and sto-  mentation for the test and evaluation of modern AI capabilities and tools.
        rytellers category and Aadith Moorthy under Business and Technology Lead-  The CMU/NIST AI Measurement Science & Engineering Cooperative
        ers and Leaders who are working to advocate for and expedite climate action   Research Center (AIMSEC) will seek to advance measurement science for
        and sustainable solutions.                                          modern AI systems, using stakeholder partnerships in a wide range of applica-
            Ambika Mod is a British actress, comedian and writer. She is best known   tion domains — including human services, education, finance, transportation,
        for her roles as Shruti Acharya in the BBC drama series This Is Going to Hurt   energy and more —  to test approaches and translate assessment capabilities
        (2022) and Emma Morley in the Netflix miniseries One Day (2024).    and methodologies into practice.
            Payal Kapadia is an Indian filmmaker. She won the Golden Eye award for   The new university-wide center will be housed at CMU’s Heinz College
        best documentary film at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival for her film A Night   of Information Systems and Public Policy.
        of Knowing Nothing. In 2024, she won the Grand Prix at the 2024 Cannes   Ramayya Krishnan, dean of the Heinz College of Information Systems
        Film Festival for her film All We Imagine as Light.                 and Public Policy and William W. and Ruth F. Cooper Professor of Manage-
            Aadith Moorthy is the founder of Boomitra, specialising in using satellite   ment Science and Information Systems, will be the lead research coordinator
        and AI technology worldwide to enable monitoring, reporting and verification   for AIMSEC. Krishnan said, “AIMSEC will work closely with stakeholders
        of carbon removal credits across the globe. The company works with more   to develop tools and standards that ensure AI systems are trustworthy and
        than 150,000 farmers, managing more than five million acres of land in some   secure across various sectors, from finance to transportation.”
        of the poorest parts of Africa, South America and Asia.                 Krishnan has extensive experience and expertise in public policy. He
            TIME Editor-in-Chief Sam Jacobs said “The TIME100 Next list was cre-  serves on the IT and Services Advisory Board chaired by Gov. Tom Wolf of
        ated to recognize that many of today’s most influential leaders are individuals   the State of Pennsylvania and is a member of the policy advisory board of the
        who are not waiting long in life to make an impact. Nor are they eager to   GAO chaired by Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States.
        respect the status quo by following the traditional power structures and path-  He was appointed to the National AI Advisory Committee to the President of
        ways that have determined what influence looked like in the past.”  the United States and the National AI Initiatives office in 2022.
            On October 9, TIME will host the fourth-annual TIME100 Next event to   He is a distinguished alumnus of both the Indian Institute of Technology
        celebrate the individuals spotlighted on the 2024 list. The event, which takes   and the University of Texas at Austin.
        place in New York City, will feature a special musical performance by Sabrina   “Artificial intelligence is the defining technology of our generation, and
        Carpenter.                                                          at the Commerce Department we are committed to working with America’s
            TIME is a 101-year-old global media brand that reaches a combined au-  world-class higher education institutions, like Carnegie Mellon University, to
        dience of over 120 million around the world through its iconic magazine and   advance safe, secure and trustworthy development of AI,” Raimondo said.
        digital platforms.                                                                                           Continued on next page... >>

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