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NA Newsline/Opinion                                                 OCTOBER 18, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 27

        How does Project 2025 affect us South Asians?

           Trump’s comments about “remigration” on the campaign trail eerily echo talk

                                 of ethnic cleansing by European rightwing activists

                                                                                                              our South Asian students, particu-
                                                                                                              larly those from low-income families,
                                                                                                              might face less access to quality educa-
                                                                                                              tion and fewer supportive resources.
                                                                                                                  Civil Rights Rollbacks: Perhaps
                                                                                                              the most alarming part? The rollback
                                                                                                              of civil rights protections. Project 2025
                                                                                                              could weaken laws that protect against
                                                                                                              racial and religious discrimination.
                                                                                                              This would disproportionately affect
                                                                                                              us South Asians, especially Muslims
                                                                                                              and Sikhs, who are already targets of
                                                                                                              bias and surveillance. And it would
                                                                                                              foster an atmosphere of hate where
        VIDYA PRADHAN                                                                                         all of us of non-white ancestry would
                                                                                                              become targets of an increasingly
             roject 2025, backed by conser-  Trump’s agenda could have a huge impact on us South Asian Americans, especially around   powerful White Supremacist faction
             vative think tanks like the Her-         key issues like immigration, jobs, education, and civil rights  in the country. Trump’s comments
        Pitage Foundation, is gearing up                                                                      about “remigration” on the campaign
        to shape the next Republican admin-                                                                   trail eerily echo talk of ethnic cleans-
        istration—especially if Donald Trump   gal immigration paths, like H-1B vi-  labor protections could be bad news.   ing by European rightwing activists.
        makes a comeback.                 sas  and  family  reunification.  For  us   By reducing workplace regulations   In short, Project 2025 isn’t just
            Trump’s Agenda 47 heavily bor-  South Asians or for our family trying   and  limiting  support  for  H-1B  visa   politics—it’s personal. So, take the
        rows from this plan and the archi-  to come to the U.S., this could mean   holders, many could find themselves   time to learn more, spread the word,
        tects of Project 25 have close ties with   longer waits or even a total shutout.   in tougher, more exploitative work en-  and get ready to vote for Democrats
        Trump and his campaign.           Trump’s past policies already made it   vironments. Not great for anyone try-  on November 5. Your voice matters.
            This plan could have a huge impact   harder, and this project doubles down   ing to build a career or make a living.  Vidya Pradhan is a writer and
        on us South Asian Americans, espe-  on those efforts.                   Education at Risk: Public schools   translator. She is passionate about
        cially around key issues like immigra-  Job Market Shakeups: For our   and diversity programs could take a   equity and justice and believes the
        tion, jobs, education, and civil rights.  many South Asians working in tech,   major hit too. Project 2025 wants to de-  highest moral  imperative is to  be
            Immigration Woes: Project 2025   healthcare, or even running small   fund schools and eliminate initiatives   kind. She is a fan of Bay FC and is
        plans to tighten restrictions on le-  businesses, Project 2025’s plans to cut   that promote inclusion. This means   eagerly waiting for the Valkyries.

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