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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             OCTOBER 18, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 24

         ITServe Alliance Announces Launch of

                         Its 23rd Chapter in New York

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY

           TServe Alliance, the largest asso-
           ciation of IT Services organiza-
        Itions, which is recognized as the
        voice of all prestigious IT companies
        functioning with similar interests
        across the United States, is excited to
        announce  the  official  launch  of  our
        23rd Chapter in New York on Octo-
        ber 14th at the iconic Marriott Mar-
        quis on Times Square, located at 1535
        Broadway, New York, NY 10036 on
        October 14, 2024,” said Jagadeesh
        Mosali, President of ITServe.
            Under the leadership of Mr.
        Mosali in 2024, ITServe added its
        22nd Chapter, when the Tennessee
        Chapter was inaugurated last month,
        showcasing its growth and expansion
        across the nation. ITServe Alliance
        has built a strong member-focused
        community  within  the  IT  industry,
        where professionals and experts alike
        can collaborate, present new busi-
        ness ventures, and work together to   panies in 2024. It has grown from a   ITServe Alliance puts its mem-  ITServe’s Mantra this year has
        find new ways to overcome industry   single Chapter in Dallas to now, with   bers first and continues to work dili-  been  to  ensure  tangible  benefits  to
        obstacles.                        the addition of New York, ITServe   gently so that the voices and concerns   all of its over 2,500 members.  For
            “Since its inception in 2010, our   boasts of 23 Chapters spread across   of our members are heard to create   instance, every new member of IT-
        organization has grown from a small   the entire United States, covering al-  better business practices. When a   Serve  receives  numerous  benefits,
        network in Dallas to a nationally rec-  most all the states with a sizable IT   new Chapter is launched, every new   including huge discounts from ADP,
        ognized association of IT services   presence.                      local Chapter leadership is provided   Dice, Software, ATS, and select Ho-
        companies,” said Vinay Mahajan,       ITServe member companies      with the training and skills required   tels. These are just a few to name.
        immediate past President, and IT-  generate 175,000 high-paying jobs   to lead and succeed. It constantly   There are many more intangible ben-
        Serve Governing Board member.     across  the  United  States.  Its  mem-  educates potential members on the   efits, including having 10 meetings to
        “This journey and success would not   bers contribute almost $12 billion to   benefits of becoming a member and   network with local members and ac-
        have been possible without the active   the US GDP annually. We at ITServe   joining ITServe.         cess to one Synergy event to network
        participation of volunteers, mem-  Alliance are very proud of us that we   Mahesh  Sake,  Chapter  Rela-  and learn with over 2000 CXOs from
        bers, and sponsors.”              are very successful. We are the voice   tions Director for ITServe, said, “As   all around the USA, apart from me-
            Referring to the vision, planning,   for and are fighting for causes on be-  the Chapter Relations Director for   diation help, reference checks, and
        and efforts that have made the New   half of the small and medium-scale   ITServe, my primary focus has been   litigations. Moving forward, there
        York Chapter possible, Mr. Mahajan   enterprises of the IT industry.   to ensure that each Chapter func-  will be a huge, discounted pricing for
        said, “Many months of diligent ef-    “As a member of ITServe Al-   tions  without  any hindrance.   I am   health insurance services as well.
        forts and coordination between the   liance, each IT organization will   entrusted  with  the  task  of  training   Baswa Shaker Shamshabad, IT-
        national leadership of ITServe and   instantly become part of the inter-  Chapters and Chapter teams on the   Serve Executive Board member said,
        the local New York region leadership   national community of over 2,500   day-to-day functioning of their roles,   “ITServe Alliance has built a strong
        has come to fruition as we are all set   member companies, gaining ac-  and how to carry out their activities.     member-focused community within
        to launch the 23rd Chapter, a real   cess to market knowledge, industry   My team and I spearhead this mes-  the IT industry, where professionals
        feather in our cap to have ITServe’s   trends, and new developments,”   sage to all our Chapter Presidents,   and experts alike can collaborate,
        tangible presence felt in Big Apple.”   said Manish Mehra, Joint Secretary   their  core teams, and  the members   present new business ventures, and
            Through the years, ITServe    of ITServe. “Over the past 14 years,   to ensure that they use the benefits   work  together  to  find  new  ways  to
        has evolved as a resourceful and re-  ITServe Alliance has built a strong   well through weekly meetings, and   overcome industry obstacles. We are
        spected platform to collaborate and   member-focused community within   in-person visits to chapters and help   honored to be part of ITServe, which
        initiate measures in the direction of   the IT industry where professionals   understand  the  benefits  of  ITServe   has been generous and extraordinary
        protecting common interests and   and experts alike can collaborate,   to all our members. Onboarding new   in its efforts to protect and serve its
        ensuring collective success. ITServe   present new business ventures, and   Chapters is a key role and I am ex-  members’ interests, by keeping the
        has been expanding its reach from   work  together  to  find  new  ways  to   tremely happy with the outcome this   needs and interests of our members
        10 members to 2,500 member com-   overcome industry obstacles.”     year.”                            at the forefront of everything we do.”

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