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FUTURE this WEEk                                                        OCTOBER 08, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          44

          NumeROlOGy Prediction                                                                                octoBer 8 to octoBer 14, 2021

                                    By Business Astrologer &                               NumBeR 5 (MercUrY)
                                    Astro strAtegist                                       (Those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd in any month)
                                                                                           Losses, business lows, troubles and difficulties might crop up.
                                    HirAv sHAH                                             But you will also be able to overcome them with your morale.
                                                                                           Legal issues here and there might also happen, but they will all
                                    Hirav Shah is a PIONEER in introducing ASTRO           be solved in due course. Keep your consumers happy. This is
                                    STRATEGY for Business revolution to increase certainty   very important. Meditation will help to keep your mind at peace.
                                    in business success. He is the top influencer and advisor   • avoid wearing Gray
                                    in the fields of Real Estate, Sports, Hollywood, Bollywood,
                                    Tourism, Corporate Business, Politics & more. He       • lucky days : Friday
                                    combines  Business  Principles  with  Astrology  and  brings   • lucky Color : Golden
                                    strategic solutions to the table while maintaining absolute
                                    confidentiality. Hirav has an astounding Global presence
                                    with his clients based across various business sectors.  NumBeR 6 (VenUS)
                                    [email protected] |            (Those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th in any month)
                                                                                           Keep a tab on your sales this week. Figure out unique ways
                  NumBeR 1 (SUn)                                                           to boost sales. You may experiment too. Expect advice from
                  (Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month)                business advisors and strategists. Consult them and listen to
                  You will get to address business associates in many conven-              your inner voice and act on it. Stay away from junk food oth-
                  tions. You will be the centre of attraction in a lot of confer-          erwise, you might end up having hyperacidity.
                  ences. You will lead from the front, and under your leader-              • avoid wearing orange
                  ship, the company will be profitable. You will be the man, you           • lucky days : Wednesday
                  will be the face… All of your inputs will be readily accepted            • lucky Color : purple
                  by your company. Try and do a bit of gargling in the morning,
                  just to avoid sore throat, due to seasonal changes.
                  • avoid wearing purple                                                   NumBeR 7 (nePtUne)
                  • lucky days : monday                                                    (Those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th in any month)
                  • lucky Color : pink color                                               You will finally set your business mission and vision, very clear.
                                                                                           There is a possibility that you get to travel to places for im-
                                                                                           portant meetings. Try to keep your clients happy. It will help
                  NumBeR 2 (Moon)                                                          you in the longer run. Backache might be an issue but it will

                  (Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th in any month)                not last longer.
                                                                                           • avoid wearing Yellow
                  Travelling will be frequent. Deals will get sealed. Long await-          • lucky days : Saturday
                  ed contracts will be signed.There will be no legal issues, what-         • lucky Color : Brown
                  soever. Business partners will continue to have a good rela-
                  tionship. Healthwise, things will be okay.
                  • avoid wearing Sky Blue                                                 NumBeR 8 (SAtUrn)
                  • lucky days : thursday                                                  (Those born on the 8th, 17th and 26th in any month)
                  • lucky Color : Yellow                                                   This is the time to set your wings to fly. You will get the cour-
                                                                                           age to make big entrepreneurial decisions. You may sign new
                                                                                           contracts. More or less, this week shall be productive. Health-
                  NumBeR 3 (JUPiter)                                                       wise, things will be alright.

                  (Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th in any month)                • avoid wearing dark
                  Don’t let anxiety take a toll on your business productivity. At          • lucky days : Sunday
                  this time, both destiny and karma will be on your side. Your             • lucky Color : mustard
                  competitors might spread rumours about you, so it’s suggest-
                  ed to be thick skinned and focussed. Entrepreneurial ideas
                  are likely going to crop up. Stay away from fast food, since you         NumBeR 9 (MArS)
                  might get a gut infection.                                               (Those born on the 9th, 18th and 27th in any month)
                  • avoid wearing lemon                                                    Your complete dedication to your business will fetch you
                  • lucky days : Sunday                                                    some significant achievements. Sometimes old ugly business
                  • lucky Color : White                                                    decisions can underwhelm your morale, but take it easy. For-
                                                                                           get and move on…
                                                                                           This is the right week to conduct inter-departmental meetings
                  NumBeR 4 (UrAnUS)                                                        and discussions. Healthwise, flu might bother you, so try and
                  (Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st in any month)                avoid cold water and any food item that is cold in nature.
                  Business disputes might occur between partners. Try to solve             • avoid wearing navy Blue
                  things amicably. Ask about the well being of your staff and              • lucky days : monday
                  subordinates. Keep a tab on your finance department, this                • lucky Color : orange
                  week.  Cancel  all  travel  plans  unless  they  are  very  urgent.
                  Headaches will bother you, so sit quietly in your cabin for a                CeleBRITIeS Of The week :
                  few minutes...and this should help.
                  • avoid wearing Brown                                             October 9 – Amjad Ali khan          October 12 – Akshara haasan
                  • lucky days : tuesday                                            October 10 – Rekha                  October 13 – Pooja hegde
                  • lucky Color : light Green                                       October 11 – Amitabh Bachchan       October 14 – Gautam Gambhir

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