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Business EYE OCTOBER 08, 2021 | The Indian Eye 35
Tech T@lk
google to launch pixel 6, Instagram getting rid of Igtv
pixel 6 pro on october 19 hoto-video sharing so-
cial networking service
merican tech giant Goo- PInstagram has finally ac-
gle recently announced knowledged that IGTV, its first
Athat it will launch its big push into video, didn’t pan
new smartphones Pixel 6 and out. According to The Verge,
Pixel 6 Pro on October 19, 2021. on Tuesday, the company will be
Google revealed the informa- rebranding IGTV as ‘Instagram
tion through its Twitter handle TV’, and it’s also getting rid of
-- Madebygoogle. The compa- the exclusive IGTV video for-
ny also provided a link to the mat. Videos posted to the main
launch page of Google Pixel 6. Instagram feed can now run up discover and watch longer vid-
The event is scheduled to take to 60 minutes long, a length pre- eos. But the longer format never
place at 10 am PT. As per Indian but only gave “next few weeks” viously reserved for IGTV vid- caught on and just two months
Standard Time (IST), it will be- as a time frame for the Android eos, and users no longer have later, an app called TikTok
gin at 10:30 pm on 19 October. 12 update for Pixel and other to leave the main app to view launched in the US. Instagram
The launch event can be live- OEM devices, reported GSM them. A spokesperson for Ins- has since refocused its video ef-
streamed on Google’s official Arena. The Pixel 6 phones will tagram said that the IGTV app, forts on rivalling TikTok with its
YouTube channel. It can also be the first to feature Google’s now called the Instagram TV short video format Reels, which
be watched live on the social in-house Tensor chip along with app, will remain as a “destina- was launched in August 2020,
media handles of the tech gi- a modern design and fancy new tion for people to visit with the and Instagram has aggressive-
ant. It is possible that we will see cameras using Samsung sensors. intent of watching video.” ly pushed forward with them,
the official release date for An- These will also be the first IGTV was introduced in June giving them a central spot in
droid 12 for Pixel devices at this phones to launch with Android 2018 and was essentially meant the app’s navigation, starting to
event. So far, Google has only 12. Pricing and availability to be to become a mobile equivalent sell ads, and cross-posting them
released Android 12 as AOSP revealed at the launch event. to YouTube, creating a space to into Facebook’s News Feed.
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