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Business EYE                                                            OCTOBER 08, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          34

         Quarter 2 profits for India Inc set to go up

                         by 20% as compared to last year

        IT and ITeS companies will have a double-digit revenue growth in the quarter, while

             the shortfall in chips will restrict auto industry’s revenue growth to 4-6 per cent

        our Bureau                                                                                                    9% QoQ. ‘Industrial Products

        New Delhi                                                                                                     &  Projects’  segment  deliveries
                                                                                                                      increased by 17% QoQ with
            n a sign of good economic                                                                                 increased focus on value added
            recovery, it was revealed on                                                                              products. Tata Steel Aashiyana,
        IThursday that India Inc is                                                                                   an e-commerce platform for In-
        set to post an 18-20 per cent rev-                                                                            dividual Home builders, regis-
        enue growth for July-Septem-                                                                                  tered a 32% QoQ growth with
        ber as compared to the year-ago                                                                               gross revenues of Rs 338 crore
        period, domestic rating agency                                                                                during the quarter.
        Crisil  said  ahead  of  the  filing                                                                              Tata  Steel  Europe’s  steel
        of  quarterly earnings  by  com-                                                                              production grew by 19% YoY
        panies. The handsome growth                                                                                   to 2.56 million tons during the
        in the topline will be driven by                                                                              quarter, however, it declined
        both higher volumes and high-                                                                                 by 4% QoQ due to temporary
        er commodity prices, the rating                                                                               operational issues at both the
        agency said.                                                                                                  Netherlands and UK steelmak-
            However, the rising input                                                                                 ing sites. Deliveries were lower
        prices may have capped operat-         Tata Steel India's overall deliveries increased 12% QoQ on the back of   by 7% QoQ due to seasonal
        ing profit margin expansion for                   economic recovery post 2nd wave of COVId-19                 impact as well as slowdown in
        companies when compared to                                                                                    automotive steel sales amidst
        the preceding quarter, the agen- ever,  revenue  is  likely  to  have  to 4-6 per cent.                       microchip shortages. Deliveries
        cy said. Companies had taken a  risen 8-10 per cent in the sec-              Operating  profit  margins  were lower by 5% YoY due to
        cautious approach immediately  ond quarter of FY2022 as de- are expected to have improved  stock liquidation focus in the
        after the onset of pandemic and  mand was impacted in the first  1-1.20 per cent when compared  previous year.
        resorted to a host of cost control  quarter due to the second wave  with the year-ago period, but                 Further, Tata Steel South-
        measures including salary cuts  of  Covid-19.  For  the  first  half  dropped by 0.40-0.80 per cent  east Asia’s steel production and
        which resulted in businesses be- of  fiscal  2022,  overall  revenue  when compared with the June  sales volume declined by 17%
        ing largely protected even as de- is expected to have reached Rs  quarter.                                    QoQ and 5% QoQ, respective-
        mand dried up.                       15.8 lakh crore, up 30-32 per           It was also reported that Tata  ly, primarily due to lockdown in
            Crisil  said  the  recovery  for  cent over the first half of fiscal  Steel India crude steel produc- Malaysia and Thailand amidst
        the Q2 was seen across sectors,  2021, it said.                          tion grew 2% quarter-on-quar- the spread of COVID-19.
        led by higher volumes and com-          From a sectoral perspective,  ter (QoQ) and 3% year-on-year               Tata Steel’s consolidated net
        modity prices. Volume gains are  it said consumer discretionary  (YoY) in Q2 FY22.                            profit stood at Rs 9,768.34 crore
        attributable to a low base of the  and construction will be driving          Tata Steel India’s overall de- in Q1 June 2021 (Q1 FY22)
        second  quarter  of  fiscal  2021,  the revenue growth, and tele- liveries increased 12% QoQ on  compared with net loss of Rs
        which saw regional lockdowns  com will also be in the positive  the back of economic recovery  4,648.13 crore in Q1 June 2020
        and slower economic activity.        territory. Aluminium players  post  2nd  wave  of  COVID-19.  (Q1 FY21). Revenue from op-
            Of the 40 sectors represent- are expected to have increased  Deliveries were down 8% YoY  erations surged 110.3% to Rs
        ed by its sample set of 300 com- their revenue by 45-50 per cent,  due to lower exports and stock  52,574.34 crore in Q1 FY22 as
        panies (excluding financial ser- aided by a 40 per cent estimated  liquidation focus in the previ- against Rs 24,997 crore in Q1
        vices and oil), 24 are expected to  increase in domestic prices and  ous year.                                FY21.
        have grown by over 20 per cent,  5-7 per cent increase in volume,            The     company      said    it      Tata Steel group is among the
        it said. If one excludes commod- while the same for steel compa-         achieved     deliveries    volume top global steel companies with
        ity-linked sectors such as steel  nies will be up to 40 per cent.        growth across its target seg- an annual crude steel capacity
        products and aluminium, over-           IT and ITeS companies will  ments. ‘Automotive & Special  of 34 million tonnes per annum.
        all growth is expected to have  have a double-digit revenue  Products’ segment deliveries  Shares of Tata Steel were down
        been a notch lower at 15-17 per  growth in the quarter, while the  increased by 12% QoQ. Brand- 2.26% at Rs 1286.85. The stock
        cent, it added.                      shortfall  in  chips  will  restrict  ed Products & Retail’ segment  hit a high of Rs 1328.80 and a
            On a sequential basis, how- auto industry’s revenue growth  deliveries were higher by about  low of Rs 1285.65 so far.

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