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NATION OCTOBER 01, 2021 | The Indian Eye 9
tension in the China-India border situ- Talking about the defense military
ation. Hua made the statement during cooperation between Quad countries
a daily briefing on September 29. comprising of India, Australia, US and
Rejecting the statement by the Japan, Morrison in an online briefing
Chinese side, Bagchi said: “It was with the Indian media said, “India and
the amassing of a large number of Australia consider it as something that
troops by the Chinese side, their needs to be balanced in relation to Chi-
provocative behavior and unilateral na.” Recently, some of the senior Chi-
attempts to alter status quo in con- nese officials have made statements to
travention of all our bilateral agree- the effect that they see Quad grouping
ments that resulted in serious dis- as a means of countering the grow-
turbance of peace and tranquility ing Chinese influence in the region.
along the LAC in Eastern Ladakh.” During the first in-person Quad
“China continues to deploy large Leaders’ Summit held recently, a
number of troops and armaments in range of issues were discussed includ-
the border areas. It was in response to ing Afghanistan, cooperation in infra-
Chinese actions, that our armed forc- structure, COVID-19 vaccines, and
es had to make appropriate counter the Indo-Pacific.
deployments in these areas to ensure He said that all the countries in the
that India’s security interests are fully region and different, and they do not
protected,” he added. have the same political systems and
Meanwhile, Australian Prime outlooks. “There are many countries
Minister Scott Morrison on Thursday US army major General Xavier Brunson felicitates indian with many different systems of gov-
said that Quadrilateral Security Dia- Chief of Defense Staff General Bipin rawat during his visit ernment,” he said.
logue (Quad) is a necessary group to to the Joint Base Lewis–mcChord, in Washington, DC on “We have a very multilateral view
balance China’s growing assertiveness Wednesday. (ani Photo) of the Indo-Pacific, not a binary one,”
in the Indo-Pacific region. added Morrison.
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