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OPINION                                                                 OCTOBER 01, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          14

        agreement for 12 diesel pro-                                                                                  for  balancing  confidentiality
        pelled submarines with France,                                                                                and transparency.
        analysts assume as a requirement                                                                                 The IAEA Director Gen-
        of 22 submarines by Australia,                                                                                eral Rafael Mariano Grossi in-
        and then analyse the amount of                                                                                formed that the AUKUS coun-
        HEU needed to run the subma-                                                                                  tries had informed the agency
        rines. One of the reports notes:                                                                              about the agreement. He also
        “if Canberra wants to operate                                                                                 told that the three countries
        six to 12 nuclear submarines for                                                                              communicated their commit-
        about 30 years, it will need some                                                                             ment to the non-proliferation
        three to six tons of HEU.” Since                                                                              regime by underlining Austra-
        Australia does not have much ca-                                                                              lia’s “exemplary non-prolifera-
        pabilities in its nuclear establish-                                                                          tion credentials”. He also noti-
        ment and considering the urgent                                                                               fied the willingness of the three
        security imperatives, the US and                                                                              countries to remain engaged
        the UK will have to supply HEU.       Prime minister narendra modi, US President Joe Biden, Japanese Prime    with the “IAEA in the coming
            One section of the non-pro-        minister Yoshihide Suga and australian Prime minister Scott morrison   months”.  More  significantly,
        liferation community believes               during the Quad summit, in Washington, DC last week (ani)         he updated the international
        that after the US becomes a par-                                                                              community by stating that “The
        ty to this deal, it will be difficult                                                                         IAEA will engage with them on
        for it to check such a deal signed                                                                            this matter in line with its statu-
        by another set of countries such                                                                              tory mandate, and in accordance
        as France and Russia with differ-                                                                             with their respective safeguards
        ent recipients such as Brazil and                                                                             agreements with the Agency”.
        China.  It is anticipated that the                                                                               The     nuclear     submarine
        AUKUS deal could be followed                                                                                  business has overlooked some
        by an uncontrolled proliferation.                                                                             archaic  alarms  as  far  as  the
            Most of these apprehensions                                                                               nuclear  non-proliferation re-
        and arguments fall in the grey                                                                                gime is concerned. In India, too,
        area. Stretching the non-prolif-                                                                              some reports record displea-
        eration argument too far may                                                                                  sure over the submarine deal
        harm the cause of non-prolif-                                                                                 on the grounds that India was
        eration itself. The bureaucratic                                                                              denied similar deal in the past.
        approach  to  non-proliferation                                                                               Unlike Australia, India has an
        regime—blurring the distinction       australian Prime minister Scott morrison speaks during the Quad summit   operational nuclear submarine
        between a responsible coun-            with Prime minister narendra modi, US President Joe Biden, and Japa-   programme and a very robust
        try and irresponsible means a              nese Prime minister Yoshihide Suga, in Washington, DC (ani)        nuclear industry. True, India
        reckless proliferator—is risky. It                                                                            may still need some of the tech-
        allows  the dangerous states to  ar material and technology”. It  with the IAEA should remove  nologies or the submarine de-
        clandestinely operate and trans- also indicates that Australia will  apprehensions regarding the in- pending on its requirements,
        act items, which may result in  continue to fulfil its obligations  terpretation of the Article 14 of  however, the deal heralds a new
        nuclear weapons. Australia has  and will have an agreement with  the Comprehensive Safeguards  era.  A country like India with
        shown restraints, and as amply  the International Atomic Ener- Agreement signed between  established responsible creden-
        discussed, the nuclear subma- gy Agency (IAEA).                          Australia and the IAEA. The  tials, may also get the benefits in
        rine deal has nothing to do with        In fact, Australia signed a  legal document signed between  the future.
        nuclear weapons.                     safeguards  agreement  in  1974  them  explicitly gives  direction        Rajiv Nayan is Senior Research
            Even legally speaking, the  after ratifying the NPT in 1973,  to the Australian government                 Associate at the Manohar Parri-
        Nuclear        Non-Proliferation due  to  which it  became  fa- what to do when nuclear mate-                  kar Institute for Defence Studies
        Treaty (NPT), the mainstay of  mous for promoting the tools  rials are not under safeguards.                      and Analyses, New Delhi
        the non-proliferation regime,  of non-proliferation. In 1987, it             A section of the internation-
        does not prohibit development  enacted the Nuclear Non-Pro- al community from time to time                          Views expressed are of
        of nuclear submarines or trans- liferation (Safeguards) Act. It  expresses scepticism of the in-              the author and do not necessarily
        fer of nuclear materials used as  supplied uranium to several  formation provided regarding                    reflect the views of the Manohar
        propellant in the naval reactor/ countries after signing the safe- fuel, its composition, and naval            Parrikar IDSA or of the Govern-
        nuclear submarine. Moreover,  guards agreements. Later, it  reactor designs, naval bases and                            ment of India.
        the joint statement underlines  also became the first country to  military fuel cycle fabrication  This is the abridged version of the
        Australia’s  adherence  to  “the  adopt additional protocol on 23  process.  Australia’s  commit- article which appeared first in the
        highest standards for safe- September 1997. The text of Ad- ment to the safeguards norm  Comment section of the website
        guards,  transparency,  verifica- ditional Protocol was approved  has been continued. Australia                  ( of Manohar
        tion and accountancy measures  in the IAEA Board of Gover- has apparently demonstrated                          Parrikar Institute for Defense
        to ensure the non-proliferation,  nors  meeting  on  15  May  1997. enough confidence in its suppli- Studies and Analyses, New Delhi
        safety, and security of nucle-          The  continued  engagement  ers and the IAEA on the need                    on September 29, 2021

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