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Op-Ed OCTOBER 01, 2021 | The Indian Eye 16
Congress tussle, Quad issue
and the China factor
Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media
hough the G-23 leaders thE CoMMUNAL dIvIdE
have not spelt it out clear-
Tly, their real target is Ra- he British sucked India
hul Gandhi, who they feel does bone-dry by manipulating
not have the necessary qualities Ttrade policies and wring-
to lead the party. They privately ing farmers beyond redemp-
maintain that the Sidhu fiasco tion. They systematically de-
has vindicated their stand. stroyed Indian agriculture and
It is no secret that Rahul and industry, progressively leaving
Priyanka were instrumental in the Indians impoverished and
appointing Navjot Singh Sidhu destitute. However, the British
president of the party’s Punjab were in shock. For once, Indi-
unit despite stiff resistance from ans passed over their differenc-
his bete noire, Amarinder Singh, es of caste, creed and faith and
or Captain, as he is popularly rose as one against East India
called. Sidhu, however, persist- rahul Gandhi speaking at the foundation ceremony for aimEr Business Company rule.
ed with his strident attacks on School at markaz Knowledge City, in Kozhikode on Wednesday (ani) The trauma of the 1857 up-
Singh and eventually prevailed rising forced the British to think
upon the Gandhi siblings to pect to the distinction between ically and militarily. However, it of new devices to perpetuate
show the Captain the door. But AUKUS and Quad that has not is clear that this is a battle India their empire. They carefully ze-
act two of this drama unfolded received adequate attention. It cannot fight alone. Apart from roed in on the fault lines within
on 28 September, when Sid- centers around the concept of the fact that China’s economy Indian society. The easiest to
hu abruptly resigned as Punjab an Anglosphere, a grouping of dwarfs that of India, Beijing is manipulate were Hindu-Mus-
Congress chief in protest against English-speaking countries. today a world leader in technol- lim relations marked by blood-
several appointments made by It is not a coincidence that ogy and international trade. An shed spanning over a thousand
the new Chief Minister, Cha- the one country truly miffed isolationist India that has re- years.
ranjit Singh Channi. Needless by the creation of AUKUS has treated into its shell will suit Chi- Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was
to say, this episode has left the been France, a traditional rival na admirably. What will not suit picked by the British for the
Gandhi siblings red-faced. of Britain. It is also no coinci- it is an India that has entered job of weaning Hindus and
The question is, where does dence that the US and UK are into a strategic relationship with Muslims from each other. The
the Congress go from here? willing to offer nuclear tech- countries that have similar vul- pre-1857 unity between the
And this is not just about Pun- nology for defense purposes to nerabilities. The Quad is as yet two communities was fresh
jab. Will it be business as usu- Australia but have so far shied an untested investment in the and fragile, too weak to stand
al or will more party members away from making it available future involving India, Australia, against wily British machina-
join the 23 leaders to press for a to India and Japan. The West’s Japan and the US. It is Asia-fo- tions. During the 1857 uprising,
change in the party? alliance with Japan remains cused and technology-focused, Sir Syed remained loyal to the
-- Anita Katyal, The Quint warped by the memory and leg- but will probably have an arms- colonial masters and won their
acy of World War II. India is in a length relationship with the trust. He set up a string of Mus-
QUAd vs AUKUs league of its own when it comes Aukus military grouping that lim educational institutions, in-
to defining her equation with seeks to challenge China’s bid cluding Aligarh Muslim Univer-
he debate on whether the the Anglosphere. to control the Indo-Pacific. In- sity (AMU), which eventually
creation of AUKUS, a -- Sanjaya Baru, dia is understandably cautious emerged as a fountain head of
Tdefense partnership be- The Times of India about over-committing itself to Muslim separatism.
tween Australia, the United anti-China blocs because it is -- Balbir Punj,
Kingdom and the United States, CoMPEtING wIth ChINA the only country with which Chi- The Indian Express
strengthens or weakens Quad, na has a common and disputed
the Quadrilateral Security Dia- ndia has so far resisted border. The longer-term ap- Every week, we look at what
logue between Australia, India, the bait and, consequently, proach to national security must
Japan and the US, will rage on. Iearned China’s displeasure involve rapid capacity building the top commentators in the
Proof of the pudding, as the En- in different ways, including mil- on economic and military fronts. Indian media are talking about
and bring to you a slice
glish are wont to remind, will itary pressure and the encour- -- Swapan Dasgupta, of their opinions and comments
lie in the eating. There is an as- agement of Pakistan, diplomat- The Telegraph
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