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NATION                                                                  OCTOBER 01, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          8

                           tenSion at Border

            Gen Bipin Rawat holds talks with

                top Us generals as China plays

                                        hard ball with India

        Tensions at the India-China border in eastern Ladakh continues to exist even a year

                           after the Galwan clash in which 20 Indian soldiers were killed

        our Bureau

        Washington, DC/New Delhi

                hief of Defense Staff
                General Bipin Rawat
        Con Thursday met the US
        Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
        Staff General Mark A Milley
        here and both discussed a range
        of issues, including ways to en-
        sure regional security. The top
        officials agreed to continued co-
        operation in training exercises
        and creating more opportunities
        to increase interoperability be-
        tween the two militaries, Office
        of the US Chairman of the Joint
        Chiefs of Staff Public Affairs said
        in a statement. Milley had wel-
        comed General Rawat during
        an Armed Forces full hon-
        our arrival ceremony on Joint
        Base Myer-Henderson Hall.
            General Rawat laid a wreath
        at the Tomb of the Unknown
        Soldier as part of his official visit.
        “Later both officials met at the                     a boat of indian army patrols in the Pangong tso, in Leh on Wednesday. (ani)
        Pentagon,  where  the  two  mili-
        tary leaders discussed a range  is-McChord in Washington and  continues  to  exist  even  a  year             dam Bagchi said that Beijing con-
        of issues, including ways to en- also discussed issues of bilateral  after the Galwan clash in which          tinues to deploy a large number
        sure regional security and their  defense cooperation with US  20  Indian  soldiers  were  killed.            of troops and armaments in the
        respective roles as principal  Army’s Major General Xavier T                 China’s  provocative  behav-     border areas and, in response,
        military advisors to civilian lead- Brunson, Commanding Gener- ior, amassing of troops and its                Indian armed forces had to make
        ership,” the statement added. al, 1 Corps.                               unilateral attempts to alter the     “appropriate counter deploy-
            Washington and New Delhi            The visit came as India and  status quo resulted in serious           ments”. Bagchi remarks come in
        “share a strong military-to-mil- China have been engaged in a  disturbance of peace and tran-                 response to Chinese foreign min-
        itary relationship under the  military standoff for almost a  quility along the Line of Actual                istry spokesperson Hua Chuny-
        US-India Major Defense Part- year but disengaged from the  Control in Eastern Ladakh, said                    ing’s claims that the Indian side
        nership, which supports  a free  most contentious Pangong lake  India on Thursday while reject-               has long pursued the “forward
        and open Indo-Pacific”.              area last month after extensive  ing Beijing’s allegation that New       policy” and illegally crossed the
            General Rawat is on a visit  talks at both military and political  Delhi has long pursued the “for-       LAC to encroach on China’s ter-
        to the US. Earlier on Wednes- levels. Tensions at the India-Chi- ward policy” along the LAC.                  ritory, which is the root cause of
        day, he visited Joint Base Lew- na border in eastern Ladakh                  MEA’s spokesperson Arin-            Continued on next page... >>

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