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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 27, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 32

                         NEWSMAKERS OF THE WEEK

                   Selected stories about Indian diaspora from our website

                                DHRUVI PATEL                                                     GAURANG DAFTARY

            Miss India Worldwide attends                                                    Doctor appointed

                   Nassau event for Modi                                            Chief Scientific Officer of

                                                                                 Inception Research Institute

                 iss India Worldwide 2024, Dhruvi Patel, was among the attendees at
                 Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s address to the Indian diaspora, and
        Mheaped praise on the passionate and energetic crowd at the Nassau     nception Fertility, North America’s largest provider of fertility services,
        Coliseum in New York and called her experience “surreal.”              announced recently that Gaurang Daftary, MD, has been named Chief
            Dhruvi said that despite living in America, the people have so much pas- IScientific Officer of the Inception Research Institute.
        sion for ‘Bharat’.                                                      As  Chief  Scientific  Officer,  Dr.  Daftary  will  support  the  Institute’s  re-
            Dhruvi said, “As you can see, there is so much energy in this stadium. It   search programs by initiating new trials with pharmaceutical, device, and lab-
        is absolutely incredible. It’s so contagious. Everyone has so much passion for   oratory sponsors, including multi-center FDA randomized controlled trials.
        Bharat. It is absolutely insane. It just feels so surreal being surrounded by so   He will also use the most extensive EMR database in North America to help
        many Indian people that are so passionate about their own country. Even   determine the most effective protocols for specific patient populations to in-
        though they’re living in America, they’re still so passionate. It truly is amazing.”  crease pregnancy rates and outcomes across the network.
            PM Modi arrived in New York for the second leg of his three-day visit to   “In the short time since we launched the Inception Research Institute,
        the United States.                                                  our team has embarked on and invested in exciting studies that can help us
            In his historic address, Prime Minister Modi said that India’s ‘Namaste’  better understand how we can improve some of the important aspects of re-
        has now become multinational and has turned from ‘local to global’.  productive medicine, including how AI can improve treatment outcomes to
           “’Ab apna Namaste bhi multinational ho gya hai, local se global ho gya’.....  investigating the impact of physiological manifestations of stress on IVF cycle
        Your love is my good fortune...” the Prime Minister said to cheers from the   outcome,” says Alice Domar, PhD, Chief Compassion Officer at Inception
        audience.                                                           and the Director of the Inception Research Institute.
            Lauding the contributions of the Indian community overseas, PM Modi   Echoing Dr. Domar’s sentiments, TJ Farnsworth, Founder and CEO
        said that Indians contribute to do the most no matter where they are.  of Inception Fertility, shares, “Welcoming Dr. Daftary to the Inception Re-
           “Many languages but one common feeling-that feeling is for Bharat Mata   search Institute expands the critical work we are doing to advance the science
        and Bhartiyta...This is India’s biggest strength. Whether Indians are in any   of reproductive medicine. We are thrilled to have him as part of our research
        country, we look to do good, we contribute the most no matter where we are,”  team, and we look forward to the contributions he will undoubtedly bring to
        PM Modi added.                                                      this field of medicine.”
            Dhruvi Patel from US is a Computer Information System student and has   Dr. Daftary brings to the Institute over two decades of innovative sci-
        recently been judged as the Miss India Worldwide 2024 winner. This pageant   entific research in women’s reproductive healthcare. He currently serves as
        is the longest-running Indian pageant from outside of India.        the CEO of NextGenRepro, which provides consulting, strategy, and complex
            Dhruvi wants to be an actor in Bollywood and a UNICEF Ambassador.  problem-solving in reproductive medicine and women’s health in the medical
            Dhruvi after her crowning in Edison, New Jersey, said “Winning Miss   and pharmaceutical industries. Before launching NextGenRepro, Dr. Daftary
        India Worldwide is such an incredible honour. It’s more than a crown - it   was the Global Scientific Vice President of Reproductive Medicine and Ma-
        represents my heritage, my values, and the opportunity to inspire others on a   ternal Health at Ferring Pharmaceuticals.
        global scale.”                                                                                               Continued on next page... >>

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