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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 27, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 34

                                MANU GUPTA                                  al  high-profile  leadership  positions

                     Academic appointed                                     within Toastmasters and has attained
                                                                            the Distinguished Toastmaster desig-
                                                                            nation—the highest level of educa-
              as Vice Provost and Dean of                                   tional achievement in the organiza-
                                                                                She says, “Toastmasters is an in-
                        Graduate School                                     vestment in yourself. The skills you
                                                                            learn in Toastmasters can be used in
                                                                            all aspects of your life.”
              irginia Commonwealth Uni-                                         As   International  President,
              versity, VCU is pleased to
        Vannounce the conclusion of                                         Spear is the highest ranked officer on
                                                                            the Toastmasters Board of Directors.
        VCU’s national search and appoint-
        ment of Manu Gupta, Ph.D. as vice
        provost and dean of the Graduate
        School at Virginia Commonwealth                                                           RICHARD VERMA
        University, effective immediately. Dr.
        Gupta currently serves as the unit’s                                      Envoy slams ‘vile and racist
        interim dean, a position he has held
        for nearly two years. The Board of                                      attacks’ on Indian Americans
        Visitors approved the appointment at
        their September meeting.
            Dr. Gupta began his academic
        career as a finance professor at the University of Missouri Columbia in 2004.
        The next year he held the same role at Southern Illinois University, Edwards-
        ville before joining the VCU School of Business in 2008.
            He earned tenure in the VCU School of Business, was promoted to pro-
        fessor, and became the chair for the Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate
        department while serving as a faculty advisor for the MS finance program.
        Over the next decade, Dr. Gupta led major curriculum revisions responsive
        to market demands.
           As the interim dean of the Graduate School, Dr. Gupta led the develop-
        ment of a strategic plan for graduate enrollment across the university and has
        worked with academic units across our campuses to improve their processes
        for graduate program admissions. His leadership was instrumental in creating
        a tailored tuition plan to attract more out-of-state and international students.
            Dr. Gupta’s leadership, and ability to collaborate with leaders across our
        academic units, are delivering results for the university. Over the last year,
        VCU has seen increases in both applications and accepted offers and are re-  ichard Verma, a senior US diplomat, denounced “vile and racist attacks”
        flected across all demographic segments.                                  on Indian Americans. This comes after derogatory remarks were made
                                RADHI SPEAR                                 Rrecently about Vice President Kamala Harris’s origins.
                                                                               “Nothing could be more threatening or damaging to US-Indian ties than
                   NJ-resident named as                                     the recent demonization of immigrants we’ve seen careening through cyber-
                                                                            space and on our TV screens in recent days, which includes vile and racist
              Toastmasters International                                    attacks directed at Indian Americans,” Verma said at the Hudson Institute
                                                                            think tank, where he was delivering an address on relations between the

                               President                                    world’s two largest democracies.
                                                                            Richard Rahul Verma is an American diplomat, who serves as the
              adhi Spear, DTM, of Piscataway, New Jersey, is the new International   deputy secretary of state for management and resources, a posi-
              President of Toastmasters International, the world’s leading organi-  tion he has held since April 5, 2023. He served as the assistant
        Rzation devoted to communication and leadership skills development.   secretary of state for legislative affairs from 2009 to 2011, and
        Spear assumed the one-year term at the organization’s 2024 International
        Convention, held in Anaheim, Calif., Aug. 14-17.                    as the U.S. ambassador to India from 2014 to 2017.
            Spear is a software engineer for AT&T in Middletown, New Jersey, and
        has worked in the telecommunications industry for over 30 years. She has   He was speaking at the Hudson Institute, a Washington DC based think-
        expertise in software development, systems administration, and acceptance   tank, on the milestones and the pathways of US-India ties, ahead of Prime
        testing. She troubleshoots problems and develops software for projects that   Minister Narendra Modi’s visit. Verma spoke about the progress that has tak-
        impact millions of people.                                          en place in the last 25 years.
            Spear holds a master’s degree of science in electrical engineering from   Laura Loomer, a far-right conspiracy theorist, who has been travelling
        the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark, New Jersey. She partici-  with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, recently posted on so-
        pates in employee resource groups at AT&T, including Women of AT&T and   cial media that Harris would make the White House “smell like curry” if she
        InspirASIAN, which fosters development and leadership opportunities for its   won November’s election. Harris, has Indian-origin roots as  her mother was
        members. She was also an assistant Girl Scout troop leader for five years.  born in India and father in Jamaica, and sge would be the first US president
           A Toastmaster since 2000, Spear is a charter member of her home   of South Asian heritage if elected on November 5.
        club, AT&T Middletown Toastmasters in Middletown. She has held sever-                                        Continued on next page... >>

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