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Business EYE SEPTEMBER 03, 2021 | The Indian Eye 35
Tech T@lk
google Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro may Will iPhone 13 have a
launch on september 13 satellite connection?
eems like September is ing cameras and it seems like here has been much dis- hones have no ability to transmit
going to be filled with ma- the company is stepping up its cussion of a pair of iPhone data to satellites. Apple has long
Sjor smartphone launches camera game further this year. T13 satellite communica- been reported to be interested
from some big tech giants. Ap- tions reports, and it now appears in the potential for providing
ple and Samsung have already that there may have been some iPhones with additional satellite
hinted at unveiling the iPhone With the Pixel 6 Pro google will degree of misunderstanding in communications capabilities,
13 series and the Galaxy S21 offer three shooters with up to these. We’d already indicated including internet access in re-
FE in September. 4x optical zoom -- a first for the that this was likely to be an emer- mote areas. Several commenta-
And now looks like Goo- gency/backup communications tors took to Twitter to question
gle is here to steal the thunder. tech giant’s smartphone line. system for remote areas only, the reports, including PCMag’s
Google’s big new Pixel 6 and but some are now going further mobile and 5G specialist Sacha
Pixel 6 Pro are coming, and ac- The Pixel 6 Pro will offer a and suggesting that it doesn’t in- Segan, who said that were two
cording to a tipster, they could QHD+ 6.7-inch 120Hz refresh volve satellites at all. All iPhones problems. First, the Qualcomm
arrive sooner than we thought. rate display, while the smaller can already receive one type of X60 chip specifically named by
September 13 is the rumour, model’s screen will be capped radio signal from satellites: GPS Kuo does not support the B53/
a day before Apple is expected at 90Hz. To add to the intrigue, ones. A ring of satellites broad- N53 radio spectrum also cited by
to announce the iPhone 13, re- the Pixel 6 and 6 Pro will fea- cast their identity, position and the analyst. That might not com-
ported Mashable. The tipster ture Google’s own chip called exact time to ground-based de- pletely kill the idea, because the
claimed that Google will hold ‘Tensor.’ While Samsung is re- vices like iPhones. By examining company’s X65 chip does, and
its international Pixel 6 press portedly handling the manu- the differences between the time Kuo did reference a “modified”
conference on September 13. If facturing side of the new Ten- the signal was transmitted, and version of the X60. The bigger
true, September is going to be sor chip, Google said it will add the time it arrived at the iPhone, problem is that B53/N53 is not
a really, really busy month for its own Machine Learning and GPS chips can triangulate the used for satellite communica-
smartphones. Google’s phones AI algorithms to improve its position of the phone. For the tions. Satellite phones don’t use
have historically offered amaz- performance. avoidance of doubt, current iP- this frequency band at all.
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