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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                              SEPTEMBER 03, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          31

                                    Columbus - Ohio                                                          Washington DC

        and pledged to remain together  and many Indian-Americans  terrorism.”                                        veterans,  and  members  of  the
        to fight terrorism unitedly and  congregated  to  pay  rich  trib-           Altogether,  the  commemo- Afghan  community.  Many  of
        resolutely.                          utes to fallen soldiers.            ration was held at about 25 ven- them spoke and paid rich trib-
            Special  prayer  meetings           In the Boston, Abhijit Singh  ues all over the USA which was  utes  to  fallen  soldiers.  Thou-
        were  held  in  Fremont  Hindu  who coordinated the event stat- heavily  represented  by  local  sands of Indian-Americans
        Temple, Gayatri Chetna Center  ed that “World has to come to- council  representatives,  rep- participated in this nationwide
        in  New  Jersey  for  the  victims  gether  to  fight  the  menace  of  resentatives  of  congressmen,  commemoration.

                     Gandhian Society discusses Gandhian

              museum with Consul General in new York

                              Organization also bids farewell to Deputy Consul General

        Our Bureau                           tors to India in the beginning of  tend his support for the project.  sul general with a memento and

        New York, NY                         the second wave in May - 2021.          The Gandhain Society later  Gandhian Jacket as a token of
                                                The Society also informed  felicitated  the  outgoing  depu- their  respect  and  appreciation.
              he Gandhian Society met  the consul general of the Khadi  ty  Consul  General  Shatrughan  The Gandhian Society was rep-
              with the Consul General of  Fashion show and Patriotic Mu- Sinha ji for his services and sup- resented by founder Bhadra Bu-
       TIndia in New York, Rand- sic Competition held on India’s  port to the Indian Community  tala,  Rajendar  Dichpally,  Ma-
        hir Jaiswal, to discuss the digital  I-Day  in  Central  Jersey.  The  and Gandhian Society activities.  hesh Wani, Hasmukh Patel. The
        museum  project  for  Mahatma  Gandhian Society along with the  The members thanked him and  Birla Group was represented by
        Gandhi  in  Edison  along  with  Birla Group representatives also  the consulate staff for their ex- Nitin Mathuria and Riddhima.
        the Aditya Birla Group repre- explained to the Consul Gen- cellent service and help to the                       The Gandhain Society along
        sentatives.  The  members  ap- eral the intended purpose and  community during the pandemic  with GOPIO and other Organi-
        prised the consul general of the  logistics  of  the  proposed  muse- and praised their work and help  zations will host an event in the
        activities  of  Gandhian  Society,  um  for  Mahatma  Gandhi.  The  during the most difficult times.  Indian Consulate to observe the
        especially  the  charitable  work  CG appreciated the proposed               The Gandhian Society hon- birth  anniversary  of  Mahatma
        of  sending  oxygen  concentra- project  and  promised  to  ex- ored  the  outgoing  deputy  con- Gandhi on October 2nd.

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