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COMMUNITY OP-ED                                                   SEPTEMBER 01, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 14

          Outdoor dining is here to

                    stay in New York City

            Dining Out NYC will have specific cleanliness guidelines and allow roadway dining during the eight
         warmest months of the year, which will allow us to keep our streets cleaner, fight rats, and keep getting rid

                                      of abandoned sheds when setups come down in the winter

                   ERIC ADAMS

              his past week we made it offi-
              cial: outdoor dining is here to
        Tstay. New Yorkers were hun-
        gry for an outdoor dining program
        that was cleaner, safer, and healthi-
        er. And by signing a new bill to bring
        al fresco dining to all five boroughs,
        we’ve delivered for them.
            Our new outdoor dining pro-
        gram, “Dining Out NYC,” will be
        the largest outdoor dining program
        in the nation and will shape New           Before the pandemic, outdoor dining was largely limited to Manhattan — and only allowed on the sidewalks (File photo)
        York City’s streets going forward.
        It’s going to help our small business-
        es thrive, get visitors and residents   our world-famous restaurants alive   from the beauty of our city. That’s   small businesses. Our administration
        alike to spend money in our neigh-  through the pandemic, and, without   why in the last year, we removed   is committed to working with every
        borhoods, and support good jobs for   question, helped save 100,000 jobs   over 430 abandoned and egregious   restaurant to give them the support
        working-class New Yorkers.        while  keeping  our  neighborhoods   sheds  —  I  even  took  a  sledgeham-  they need to take advantage of this
            Before  the  pandemic,  outdoor   vibrant. With Dining Out NYC, we   mer to help dismantle one. Dining   program.
        dining was largely limited to Man-  are building on the best of outdoor   Out NYC will have specific cleanli-  Just  like  it  takes  a  team  in  the
        hattan — and only allowed on the   dining and throwing the worst in the   ness guidelines and allow roadway   kitchen working together to make
        sidewalks. On top of that, the city   trash. Now New Yorkers won’t have   dining during the eight warmest   a great meal, historic change takes
        charged thousands of dollars in fees   to leave the city for great outdoor   months of the year, which will al-  all of us working together. I want
        to restaurant owners, many of them   dining; they will be able to enjoy all   low  us  to keep our  streets cleaner,  to  thank  all  the  restaurant  owners,
        small  business  owners.  When  the   that New York City’s restaurants   fight  rats,  and  keep  getting  rid  of   workers, diners, and communities
        pandemic started, outdoor dining   have to offer, all outdoors in the   abandoned sheds when setups come   who made this program possible.
        was temporarily expanded to every   fresh air.                      down in the winter.                   I look forward to dining out with
        borough in the city and included the   And I want New Yorkers to        This is how we get outdoor din-  you  on  a  street  in  New  York  City
        use of roadway space.             know: we heard your concerns about   ing done right. This is how we create   soon. Bon appétit!
            The expansion was a resound-  outdoor dining. Abandoned dining   jobs for working-class New Yorkers.        Eric Adams is
        ing success. Outdoor dining kept   sheds attracted rats and detracted   And this is how we stand with our   the Mayor of New York City, NY

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