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OPINION                                                           SEPTEMBER 01, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 12

        its currency seriously. The strength of                                                               with these requirements fully.
        the US currency in the past year has                                                                      Three, compared to major eco-
        posed a challenge for many devel-                                                                     nomic blocs like the Euro Zone and
        oping nations, including India. Ac-                                                                   China, which are currently working
        cording to experts, this action might                                                                 to  internationalize their  currencies
        improve India’s trade with South                                                                      for decades, Subhash Chandra Garg,
        Asian nations like Bangladesh and                                                                     former Finance and Economic Af-
        Sri Lanka, which are also struggling                                                                  fairs Secretary, notes that India has
        with dollar shortages. Two, trading                                                                   a considerably smaller economy. He
        in INR may boost India’s trade with                                                                   argues that “Indian exports would
        countries under global sanctions. In                                                                  end up getting lesser US Dollars for
        the aftermath of the Russian inva-                                                                    the same amount of goods exported
        sion of Ukraine, Western nations                                                                      than the US Dollars the exporter
        implemented substantial trade sanc-                                                                   would have got if it was denominat-
        tions against Russia. In contrast, In-                                                                ed in the US Dollars.” Therefore, he
        dia proactively explored avenues to                                                                   emphasizes that any effort to make
        augment its acquisition of crude oil                                                                  the INR a global trade and settle-
        from Russia. As a result, Russia has                                                                  ment currency at this juncture would
        now ascended to the position of In-                                                                   be nothing short of a wild goose
        dia’s principal oil supplier, supplant-                                                               chase.
        ing traditional stakeholders such as                                                                      For the rupee to become a sig-
        Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.                                                                       nificant global reserve currency, In-
            With the implementation of the                                                                    dia must offer the rest of the world
        mechanism for rupee settlements in                                                                    sizable amounts of safe, readily
        international trade by the Reserve                                                                    available, and convertible assets that
        Bank of India (RBI) in July 2022, In-                                                                 could be used as collateral in finan-
        dian importers can make payments in                                                                   cial markets. This would necessitate
        rupee that will be transferred to a Spe-                                                              a significant change in India’s policy
        cial Rupee Vostro Accounts (SRVA)                                                                     direction. Promoting rupee invoices
        of the respective bank of the desti-                                                                  with different nations will be chal-
        nation country, and Indian export-                                                                    lenging in the current global environ-
        ers will be paid from the balances in        India’s defense supply chain, like many others around the world,    ment of trade restrictions and geopo-
        the designated Vostro accounts. The   faces a range of vulnerabilities that has a direct impact on defense preparedness and   litical rivalry. T. Rabi Sankar, the RBI
        excess rupee balance in the Vostro                                                                    Deputy Governor, has rightly point-
        accounts can be used to manage ex-               operational efficiency of its armed forces (File photo)  ed out that if India wishes to become
        port-import transactions and pay-                                                                     a significant economic power, these
        ments for projects and investments.  transactions would be significant for   meets this requirement partially, it   risks associated with the internation-
            Currently, Vostro accounts have   the Indian economy, which is among   is still a trade deficit country. In oth-  alization of INR are inevitable.
        been opened in Russia, Sri Lanka   the top five economies in the world   er words, India imports more goods   Regardless, the move by the
        and Mauritius. A rupee-dirham pay-  today. The Economic Survey of 2023   than it exports. India’s share of glob-  Indian government and the RBI to
        ment system with Saudi Arabia and   asserted that international trade in   al commercial services exports was a   encourage the use of the INR for
        the UAE is expected to be started in   INR would help in protecting it from   mere 4.4 per cent in 2022. The low   transactions in foreign trade is a sig-
        August 2023. According to reports,   volatility and reduce the cost of do-  export market share decreases the   nificant milestone for India. It might
        more than 18 nations have expressed   ing business.                 need for other nations to keep their   increase the value of the INR, im-
        interest in having their trade settle-  Additionally, it would lessen   currency. For the same reason, Rus-  prove the competitiveness of Indian
        ments in rupees, and talks are cur-  the requirement to have foreign   sia has been reluctant to conduct   exports, and lessen India’s reliance
        rently being held with the central   exchange reserves. It would conse-  INR trade with India.        on the US currency. The truth is that
        banks of Tajikistan, Cuba, Luxem-  quently reduce the economy’s sus-    Two, elimination of all capital   the US dollar will continue to be the
        bourg and Sudan.                  ceptibility to abrupt downturns and   account restrictions is a sine qua non   dominant currency for the foresee-
            Adding momentum to the on-    changes in capital flow. There will be   for the rupee to become an interna-  able future, but in a few decades, it’s
        going debate, in March 2023, the   more opportunities to use the rupee   tional currency. The proposal for a   possible that the US might gradually
        Indian government launched the    in foreign transactions as the Indian   roadmap  for full convertibility  was   begin to share power with other cur-
        Foreign Trade Policy (FTP). The   economy expands and its econom-   initiated in 1997 with the formation   rencies too, including the INR.
        FTP promises to increase the coun-  ic ties with other nations strength-  of Committee on Capital Account
        try’s share in the global supply chain   en. Finally, the bargaining power of   Convertibility (CAC) or  Tarapore   Sneha M. is a Research Analyst in the
        in exports by promoting Cross Bor-  Indian  firms  would  increase  as  the   Committee by the RBI. The 1997   South Asia Centre at Manohar Parri-
        der Trade in Digital Economy and   rupee’s utilization grows in impor-  and 2006 Tarapore Committee find-  kar Institute for Defense Studies and
        creating E-Commerce Export Hubs   tance, supporting the Indian econo-  ings outlined a route with a few re-  Analyses (MP-IDSA), New Delhi
        (ECEHs) across the country. Most   my and raising India’s standing and   quirements to accomplish convert-  Views expressed are of the author and
        importantly, the policy  enables  ru-  esteem abroad.               ibility. These include having a gross   do not necessarily reflect the views of
        pee-based invoices for imports and    While the above-mentioned are   fiscal deficit of less than 3.5 per cent   the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the
        exports, and trade settlement using   some of the conscious efforts made   of  GDP,  an  inflation  rate  of  3  per   Government of India.
        SRVA.  The  RBI  made  regulations   by the Indian government, it is equal-  cent to 5 per cent over three years,
        permitting banking arrangements for   ly important to examine the other   an equivalent per capita income of   The full version of this article first ap-
        invoicing, payment and settlement of   side of the coin too.        developed nations, among others.   peared in the Comments section of the
        exports and imports in INR.           One,  the  scale  of  the  economy   These suggestions are relevant even   website ( of Manohar Par-
            The benefit of using the Indian   is crucial for internationalizing the   today. India has made economic   rikar Institute for Defense Studies and
        rupee more frequently in overseas   INR. Although the Indian economy   progress but still needs to comply   Analyses, New Delhi on August 24, 2023

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