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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 30, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 18

             Fempowerment Foundation Unveils Innovative

         Fashion Show: Empowering Women through Skill

                  Development and Economic Independence

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY

           n  a  first-of-its-kind  initiative  by
           the Fempowerment Foundation,
        Iunderprivileged women who par-
        ticipated in a free six-month stitching
        course celebrated their graduation
        with a certificate ceremony. The event
        showcased their  self-designed  and
        stitched collections, with the women
        modeling their creations in a unique
        fashion show. The atmosphere was
        filled  with  pride,  happiness,  cheers,
        and applause as the women took the
        stage. More than 125 women are part
        of the foundation, and many of them
        participated and graduated through
        this program.

        Ajay Shrivastav, Founder of
        Gingerblu  and  Fempowerment
        Foundation, remarked, “My
        goal is economic independence

        for women. When she is ill, she
        should be able to buy a pill.”

            A simple yet unique syllabus   launched by Dhiraj Khandelwal    Fempowerment Foundation and       ed to women’s empowerment, social
        was also introduced for these cours-  (CCM, ICAI; Chairman, CMIB of   Awards, expressed, “A happy woman   impact, and sustainability. With the
        es, developed with the guidance of   ICAI; Chairman, MSME & Startup   is an empowered woman. With this   objective of helping women become
        Ajay Shrivastav, Dr. Pratima Goyal,  Committee of ICAI; Chairman, De-  step, we have achieved a significant   economically independent, Fem-
        Head of the Department of Textile   velopment of International Trade,   milestone,  introducing  many  firsts   powerment offers free skill devel-
        and Fashion Technology at Nirma-  Services,  and  WTO).  Certificates   for these women—happy and em-  opment centers for underprivileged
        la Niketan, and the three dedicated   were distributed by Sunil Agarwal,   powered!”                  women, aiding them in securing job
        teachers of the Foundation.       Group CEO of Prakash Jha Group.       The Fempowerment Founda-      opportunities and starting their own
            The  syllabus  was  officially    Kiren Srivastav, Founder of   tion is a global organization dedicat-  ventures.

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