Page 17 - The Indian EYE 083024
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline AUGUST 30, 2024 | The Indian Eye 17
beacon of unity.” bers of the community to reach out
Deputy Commissioner Chau- to the mayor’s office if they have any
han, who is heading Trade, Invest- issues. “We are always here to sup-
ment, and Innovation for New York port our community and we are here
City, mentioned that NYC is back in to hear you,” he said.
business. “Our hospitality industry is The flag-hoisting ceremony was
back. If you want to open your busi- enlivened by a vibrant performance
ness or you wanted to expand your that beautifully showcased the di-
business, we are here to help you verse cultural tapestry of India, fill-
whether for local business or inter- ing the air with colors, music, and
national business.” Chauhan added dances,
that this vibrant culture contributes Event was organized by The In-
to the “unique character” of New dian Cultural Association of North
York City. He also called on mem- America.
AAPI Chief Condemns Violence Against Physicians in India
OUR BUREAU Stating that such incidents are not
new, Dr. Kathula said, “This is not a
New York, NY
new phenomenon. However, there
t AAPI, we want to express our has been a noticeable increase in re-
deepest concerns and anguish cent years. There is more media cov-
Aabout the recent horrific rape erage now, which is bringing more of
and murder of a postgraduate medi- these incidents to light.”
cal student in what should have been A survey in 2015 by the Indian
a haven for her — a State-run hospital Medical Association found 75% of
in Kolkata, where she was practicing the Doctors in India had faced some
Medicine,” Dr. Satheesh Kathula, form of violence, local media report-
President of American Association ed at the time.
of Physicians of India Origin (AAPI) There are so many reasons for
said here. these things to happen, Dr. Kathula
The resident Doctor’s body was said. “Such incidents can stem from
found last week on Friday with mul- dissatisfaction with medical out-
tiple injuries and signs of sexual as- comes, delayed services or perceived
sault in a seminar hall at the RG Kar negligence.
Medical College and Hospital in the Many factors may contribute to
city of Kolkata. Protests broke out in the rise in such incidents. They may
Kolkata and across the country, bol- US population, was interviewed by patients for nearly a quarter century, include heightened patient expecta-
stered mostly by medical students and the British Broadcasting Corporation, said, “Female Doctors in India are at tions, strained health infrastructure
postgraduates in hospitals, demand- (BBC) on Tuesday, August 13th, 2024. risk of physical violence and harass- with increasing costs and rising frus-
ing safety and security as they are en- “My heartfelt condolences to ment from patients, families and the tration among patients, their fami-
gaged in healing people. the victim’s family. It is very unfor- public because of the nature of their lies, and even staff. This is a very un-
Dr. Kathula, who assumed charge tunate that this has happened,” he job. They also have to work during fortunate thing which can impact the
last month as the President of AAPI, said. Referring to the current situa- the night and the hospitals may not be mental health as well as the profes-
the largest ethnic medical organiza- tion in India, Dr. Kathula, an Oncol- providing enough security measures sional wellbeing of women Doctors
tion in the nation, serving 30% of the ogist based in Dayton, Ohio, serving which puts them at risk. in India.”