Page 16 - The Indian EYE 083024
P. 16

North                       The Indian Eye


         16                                                                                                               AUGUST 30, 2024

                     Indian tricolor is hoisted at

         Wall Street as 78th Independence

                                         Day is celebrated

        Consul General Pradhan underlined the rise of the Indian-American partnership; New York City

                       Mayor Eric Adams described New York City as the “New Delhi of America”

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
              he hues of the Indian tricolor,
              India’s rich cultural heritage,
        Tand strong bilateral relations
        with the US resonated across the city
        as the country’s 78th Independence
        Day was celebrated here with a patri-
        otic celebration. At a flag-raising cer-
        emony held in Wall Street, New York
        City Mayor Eric Adams described
        New York City as the “New Delhi
        of America.” He recalled his trip to
        India when he had paid homage to
        Mahatma Gandhi, saying that “we
        have a responsibility and obligation
        to continue those footsteps. We have
        to fulfill what he thought we should
        do as we lift up humanity. And it’s so
        important, but also diversity.”
            Adams said the number of In-
        dian  and  Indian-origin  professional
        business owners, health profession-
        als  in  the  medical  field,  educators,
        and teachers in the city shows “the
        clear presence of the Indian commu-
        nity. You do us proud here in this city
        and in our entire country.”
            On the occasion, Consul Gen-
        eral Pradhan underlined the rise of
        the Indian-American partnership.
        “If President Biden says that this   NYC Mayor Eric Adams, Indian Consul General of New York Binayak Pradhan, Deputy Commissioner of NYC Mayor’s Office for International
        is the most consequential partner-            Affairs Dilip Chauhan during India Flag Raising Ceremony. Photo: Caroline Rubinstein-Willis- NYC Mayor Office
        ship of the 21st century, we in India
        echo that. We strongly endorse that  growth story of the last 78 years. “It’s  International Affairs Dilip Chauhan   dents, who will be the future leaders,”
        and we strongly believe in that. We  also a story of Indian people coming  told members of the diaspora at the  Chauhan said. He added that the
        believe that it has reached a point  here, working hard, contributing to   event that for the first time in New  decision to close schools on Novem-
        of inflection where now the Indians   the nation-building of the United  York City’s history, schools will be   ber 1st, Friday for Diwali this year
        and the United States are working  States in a tremendous way, and this   closed on Diwali, a historic decision  “reflects  a  deep  respect  for  the  rich
        on all sectors of human endeavor,”  is something we remember in India,  made possible after years of efforts   culture that makes our community
        he said. Pradhan said that the Inde- we celebrate in India,” Pradhan said.  and advocacy from the communi-  strong. Our  diversity  with  language,
        pendence Day commemoration also       Deputy Commissioner for the   ty. “Diwali is going to teach love,  religion,  and traditions  stands  as a
        celebrates the rise of India and the  New  York  City  Mayor’s  Office  for  unity and harmony among the stu-  Continued on next page... >>

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