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NATION                                                                    AUGUST 27, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          11

        dy,” he said.                        if  done  wrong,  it  can  backfire.  said Basu.                         the private sector begins to use
            Kaushik Basu, an economist  “I  am  not  close  enough.  Have            “So,  you  bring  in  the  pri-  it.  This  done  well  can  actually
        from India and Professor at Cor- not seen the details to be able to  vate sector, you almost you rent         be pretty good. No doubt about
        nell  University,  compared  the  tell you which way to go. But it  it out you lease it out you give          it  because  the  private  sector
        National Monetization Pipeline  is important to understand what  them. You take money from the                brings its efficiency in the state
        (NMP)  with  Goods  and  Ser- is being done basically is a form  private  sector;  you  retain  the           continues to own it,” said Basu.
        vices Tax (GST) and said that it  of  public-private  partnership,”  ownership  of  these  assets  and            In  a  related  move,  lashing
        is a good idea but risks too are                                                                              out at the Centre over the pro-
        involved in its implementation.                                                                               posed  National  Monetization
            The  economist  pointed  out                                                                              Pipeline  (NMP),  West  Bengal
        that  big  assets  like  airports,                                                                            Chief Minister Mamata Baner-
        highways,  railways  which  are                                                                               jee  on  Wednesday  said  she  is
        languishing would be used well                                                                                “shocked”  by  the  plan.  Speak-
        enough through National Mon-                                                                                  ing  to  media  at  Nabanna,  the
        etization Pipeline. In an exclu-                                                                              Chief Minister said the Central
        sive  interview  with  ANI,  Basu                                                                             government can’t sell the coun-
        said,  “National  Monetization                                                                                try’s assets.
        Pipeline is barely 24 hours old.                                                                                  “These are not Prime Min-
        I do have a view and the view is                                                                              ister Narendra Modi’s or BJP’s
        that there is a plus side to it but                                                                           assets.  These  assets  belong  to
        there is a risk and a very big risk.                                                                          the  country.  Prime  Minister
        I think this is a bit like GST.”                                                                              can’t  sell  the  country’s  assets.
            Replying to a question on the                                                                             This is an unfortunate decision
        intent of the policy, or the pur-        Congress supporters wearing masks of PM Narendra Modi, Union         and I’m shocked by it,” she said,
        pose,  Basu  said  that  the  move     Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, and MDs of Reliance and Adani     Banerjee added that many peo-
        to monetize its brownfield infra-     group during a protest against the Central Government over the National   ple will join her in condemning
        structure assets is desirable, but             monetization pipeline in New Delhi on Thursday. (ANI)          this decision.

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