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NATION                                                                    AUGUST 27, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          8

                                                               e x cl u S ive

                 Can india succeed in bringing

                 the 17th Karmapa lama back

                       from the Caribbean island?

         The Karmapa has agreed and to come back soon after more than four years

         abroad; his return could give a big boost to India’s strategic interests in Tibet

        S GOpal puri

        Dharamshala (HP)

                 gyen Trinley Dorje, one
                 of the top spiritual lead-
        Oers  and  17th  Karmapa
        of the Karma Kagyu School of
        Tibetan  Buddhism  has  been
        out  of  India  for  many  years
        now. In 2018, the Karmapa se-
        cured a foreign passport from
        the  Commonwealth  of  Domi-
        nica, a tiny island in the Carib-
        bean.  That  move  was  seen  as
        big blow to India’s Tibet policy
        as  the  Karmapa  is  considered
        the most influential person af-
        ter the Dalai Lama as many Ti-
        betans see him as the successor
        of the spiritual leader.
            If the Karmapa comes back
        to  India,  it  will  be  a  great  ad-
        vantage to India against China.
        Recently, at a press conference
        in  Gangtok,  Chief  Minister
        Sikkim  Prem  Singh  Tammang
        announced  that  the  state  will
        send a delegation to meet the
        Karmapa.  According  to  recent                         Karmapa Lama, the head of the Karma Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism
        reports, after living out of India
        for  more  than  four  years,  The  ties began negotiations with the  mapa back to India is important         Lama wishes him to do so.”
        Indian  government  has  suc- Karmapa and he has agreed and  for  India’s  strategic  interests.                  If  Karmapa  returns  to  In-
        ceeded in convincing the monk  to come back soon.                        Former advisor on Tibetan af-        dia,  it  will  help  the  authorities
        to return to India.                     In  June  2021,  The  Observ- fairs to the ministry of home af-       to resolve the matter of money,
            Tamang further told the  er  Research  Foundation  a  fairs, Amitabh Mathur told The                      which agencies had found from
        press that the government had  non-profit  organization,  pub- Week, “The decision of Karma-                  his  monastery  in  Dharamsa-
        been  trying  to  convince  him  lished a special report on recent  pa to return to India depends             la.  Moreover,  it  will  also  help
        since  2018.  However,  the  Kar- successes  in  Tibet.  The  report  upon  different  conditions,  in-       to dispel doubts of intelligence
        mapa had few demands for the  suggests  that  it’s  essential  for  cluding having the right to move          agencies on him and his friends.
        Indian government. Besides, at  India  to  have  the  Karmapa’s  freely  anywhere  in  India  and                 After  he  escaped  from  In-
        the time the intelligence agen- support.                                 travel  abroad  without  Indian      dia,  intelligence  agencies  had
        cies didn’t approve of his arrival.     Recently, it has been report- permission  and  not  be  pushed        submitted  a  negative  report
        In  recent  months,  the  authori- ed how the return of 17th Kar- in political matters unless Dalai              Continued on next page... >>

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