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Op-Ed                                                                     AUGUST 27, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          14

            What really are india’s options in afghanistan?

                  Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media

                s  uncertainty  continues
                to loom over Afghanistan                                                                                Women Safety in paK
       Aafter  Taliban’s  takeover,                                                                                           fter  the  Minar-e-Paki-
        India has been focussed on evac-                                                                                      stan  incident,  we  saw
        uating  its  citizens,  Afghan  Hin-
        dus and Sikhs and other Afghans                                                                              Aapologists trying to justi-
        fleeing the Islamist group. How-                                                                              fy what happened by asking why
        ever, it would soon need to firm                                                                              the female TikToker had invited
                                                                                                                      her  fans  for  a  meet-and-greet
        up a strategy to deal with the new                                                                            and arguing that this was bound
        dispensation  in  Kabul.  Admit-                                                                              to happen. No, this should not
        tedly, India has no easy options                                                                              have  happened,  period.  Men
        here given Pakistan’s links with
        Taliban.  It  would  also  rue  the                                                                           should not behave like maniacs
        ebb in its relations with Iran. The                                                                           every  time  they  see  a  woman.
        latter has significant influence in                                                                           These  are  the  same  men  who
                                                                                                                      get outraged when women take
        Afghanistan and hosts an esti-                                                                                out an Aurat March around the
        mated 3 million Afghan refugees.                                                                              country, they are enraged when
        Plus, Tehran has developed con-        Indians inside a bus as they arrive from Afghanistan in New Delhi (ANI)  women shout, ‘Mera Jism, Meri
        tacts with Taliban over the years
        with  the  Afghan  group  even  dia terrorist groups. The same  iban,  the  more  embarrassing                Marzi’ (My Body, My Choice),
        expressing affinity for the Irani- levers  —  aid,  the  chair  of  the  and humiliating it will be for the   because  at  the  end  of  the  day,
                                                                                                                      these  men  think  that  women
        an  Islamic  governance  system. UN  sanctions  committee  and  Narendra Modi government to                   don’t  have  any  rights.  When
            In fact, Iran was part of In- support for an inclusive Afghan  engage with the new Afghan re-             they  circulate  fake  videos  en-
        dia’s Afghanistan strategy only  government — can also be used  gime in the coming days.                      dangering  the  lives  of  several
        a  few  years  ago.  India’s  devel- for evacuation, pressure on hu-         I  foresee  a  proverbial  case
        opment  of  Iran’s  Chabahar  man rights and, down the line,  of being forced to lick what you                women, nobody is held account-
        port and interest in completing  trade  access  to  Central  Asia.  spat out.                                 able. It is the women who have
        the rail link to Zahedan on the  Wait  and  watch  cannot,  surely,          Taliban  2.0  is  radically  dif-  to set the record straight about
                                                                                                                      the videos being morphed and
        border  with  Afghanistan  were  entail losing the gains made with  ferent  from  its  1996-2001  stint       fake. Not the men who circulat-
        aimed  at  providing  an  alterna- Central Asia through common  in power. In fact, the Taliban’s              ed them.
        tive  trade  and  transit  route  to  concerns  over  Afghan  security  dealing  with  the  global  com-         And yet, women are not even
        Kabul  bypassing  Pakistan.  But  and the stability and economic  munity since the February 2020
        the  erstwhile  Donald  Trump  growth of its neighbors. At pres- Doha peace deal has been rath-               allowed to say they are feeling
        administration’s reimposition  ent, the message we are sending  er  impressive.  New  Delhi  is               unsafe. But we will keep saying
        of  US  sanctions  on  Iran  after  out to these countries is one of  acutely  aware  of  the  Taliban’s      it  until  and  unless  our  society
                                                                                                                      changes, until each man realiz-
        exiting the Iran nuclear deal in  retreat. This is not a message we  current worldwide acceptability.         es how unsafe we feel — every-
        2018 put a big spanner in New  can  afford  to  send,  when  Chi- As things stand today, India will           where. We will keep raising our
        Delhi-Tehran  ties.  And  given  na and Pakistan are cementing  get isolated if it doesn’t talk to            voices and nobody can stop us.
        the changed geopolitical scenar- their power in the region, along  the Taliban.
        io with an increasingly assertive  with their alliance against India.        India emptied out its embas-     We,  the  women,  demand  jus-
        China, New Delhi was left with  Nor  can  we  afford  to  alienate  sy  in  Kabul  and  diplomats,  in-       tice for every injustice. We, the
                                                                                                                      women,  will  not  be  silent.  We,
        little choice but to strategically be  the  Taliban  to  the  point  that  cluding ambassador Rudrendra       the women, will ask uncomfort-
        close to Washington’s position.” they afford sanctuary to anti-In- Tandon, after holding out for 48           able  questions.  We,  the  wom-
                     editorial,              dia groups. Engage and expand  hours  of  the  Taliban  recaptur-
               The Times of India            your leverage is more practical  ing power. Our officials were so        en, will always stand up against
                                             than retreat and let China and  anxious and desperate to leave           each and every case of violence
                                                                                                                      against  women  and  make  the
              Wait and WatCh                 Pakistan gain ground (aka wait  that  they  failed  to  return  the      culprits answerable.”
                                                                                 passports  Afghans  had  submit-
                                             and watch to many).”
               rom the Indian statement                radha Kumar,              ted for visas. The grave consular            mehmal Sarfaraz,
                                                                                                                                The Telegraph
               at the UN Human Rights               The Indian Express           lapse has left countless Afghans
        FCouncil,  it  appears  that                                              stranded and shows New Delhi            Every week, we look at what
        the Modi administration might           media not helping                — a regional nuclear power, if
        contribute to humanitarian aid                                           not a great power — in a very           the top commentators in the
        for  Afghanistan  under  Taliban           he more the Hindu Right  poor light.”                               Indian media are talking about
                                                                                                                           and bring to you a slice
        rule, so long as the Taliban ad-           and  the  hyper  electronic                Snm abdi,                of their opinions and comments
        here to the red line on anti-In-Tmedia  demonize  the  Tal-                          The Quint

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