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SPORTS                                                                AUGUST 26, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 46

                                                               ASIA CUP 2022

           India-Pakistan rivalry back in focus

                   as Virat Kohli faces an acid test

           Asia Cup 2022 will be played in UAE, starting from August 27 through September 11. The six teams are divided into two
           groups with India, Pakistan and a qualifying team in Group A. Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Afghanistan are in Group B

        OUR BUREAU

           ndia and Pakistan will reignite
           their cricketing rivalry after a
        Inine-month gap when the two
        arch-rivals meet each other in the
        Asia Cup 2022 on August 28.
            A blockbuster tie can also hap-
        pen between the two sides in the Su-
        per 4 stage of the tournament. The
        last meeting between the two teams
        was during the T20I World Cup 2021
        when Pakistan registered 10-wicket
        victory chasing a target of 151.
            The Asia Cup will feature two
        groups. The first group will see India,
        Pakistan and a qualifying team squar-
        ing off against each other while, the
        second group has Sri Lanka, Bangla-
        desh and Afghanistan.
            The Indian team sits on top of
        the ICC T20I rankings while Pakistan
        is ranked third. There is a high pos-
        sibility of the two teams advancing
        from the group stage to Super 4s and
        making their way to the final.                                                Virat Kohli (ANI)
            India and Pakistan have met in
        the Asia Cup 14 times, out of which
        India has managed to emerge victo-  two teams facing each other in the  Men) for the upcoming ACC Asia   from Super 4 will qualify for the final.
        rious eight times while Pakistan has  final of the Asia Cup.        Cup 2022 to be played in the UAE.     India is the defending champion,
        pipped India five times and one game   Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Ban-  VVS Laxman, who travelled with   having won the 2018 edition of the
        ended without a result.           gladesh are no pushovers and they  the Indian team that played the ODI   tournament and its seventh title. It is
            Nothing  compares  to  the  fierce  have proved it in the previous edi-  series in Zimbabwe will oversee the   the most successful team in the tour-
        rivalry between India and Pakistan  tions of the tournament.        team’s preparation in the absence of   nament’s history.
        and the matches have a global appeal.  India has won the Asia Cup most  Rahul Dravid, who tested positive for   I KNOW WHERE MY GAME
            Two teams each from Group A  number of times (7), while Sri Lan-  COVID-19 before the team’s depar-       STANDS: KOHLI
        and Group B are to advance to the  ka has won it five times, and Pakistan  ture  to  the  UAE.  “Dravid  will  join
        Super 4s.. Barring any surprising per-  has managed to grab it twice.  the team once he tests negative and is   he tournament presents an op-
        formance from the other qualifying    In terms of the history of the  cleared by the BCCI Medical Team,”   portunity to Virat Kohli to get
        teams, the two sides are expected to  Asia Cup, the first competition took  BCCI  said  in  a  release  on  Wednes-  Tback to form and improve his
        lock horns again on September 4 to  place in the United Arab Emirates  day.                           international rankings. Kohli has had
        ascertain the top two teams in the Su-  in  1984,  with  India  and  Sri  Lanka   Rahul Dravid tested positive for   time  to  reflect  on  his  performance
        per 4 phase.                      playing each other in the finals. The  COVID-19 in a routine test conduct-  and to understand his game better
            Since there are no knockout  Men in Blue were the first Asia Cup  ed ahead of the team’s departure to   ahead of his T20I against Pakistan.
        matches and the top two teams in Su-  champions.                    the UAE for the T20I tournament.  This will be his 100th T20I. With fans
        per 4s will advance to the final, there   VVS LAXMAN NAMED              Dravid is under the supervision   around the world looking for ‘King
        is a possibility that it could be India   INTERIM HEAD COACH        of the BCCI Medical team and has   Kohli’ to return to his best, all eyes
        and Pakistan. The final is slated for                               mild symptoms.                    will be on him to help India to their
        September 11.                           oard of Control for Cricket in   Each team plays the other once   record eighth Asia Cup title.
            If the two teams manage to reach    India on Wednesday named  in the group stage with the top two     Virat Kohli talked about his men-
        the finals of the Asia Cup in this edi- BVVS Laxman as the interim  teams from each group advancing to   tal approach and how he has been
                                                                                                                     Continued at next page... >>
        tion, it will be the first instance of the  head  coach  for  Team  India  (Senior  the Super 4 round. The top 2 teams   Continued at next page... >>

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