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IMMIGRATION                                                           AUGUST 26, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 44

                      The Long, Windy, Bumpy, and

                           Outrageous Road to Labor

                Certification feat. Two Sunday Ads

        CYRUS D. MEHTA             were  unable  to  find  qualified   general circulation in the area   newspaper  to  advertise  the  job   position that the employer had
                                   U.S. workers, the Department   of intended employment most   opportunity because with three   never filled before or maybe this
        JESSICA PASZKO*            of Labor (“DOL”) continues to   appropriate to the occupation   day per week publishing and a   unlucky employer’s labor certifi-
                                   use these very technical require-  and the workers likely to apply   circulation  of  97,573  copies,  it   cation simply fell onto the desk
           t’s no secret that employ-  ments as a pretext to deny labor   for the job opportunity and most   was the third largest newspaper   of a particularly picky certifying
           ers wishing to sponsor a for-  certifications, as was the case in   likely to bring responses from   in the area of intended employ-  officer at the DOL. Admittedly,
        Ieign national for permanent   Matter of Kolla Soft, Inc., 2018-  able, willing, qualified, and avail-  ment. Upon administrative re-  the BALCA does seem to have a
        employment must jump through   PER-00184 (March 30, 2022).  able U.S. workers.”   view, the Board of Immigration   point given that there exists a dai-
        many bureaucratic hoops that   In Matter of Kolla, an Ar-  The DOL pointed to the   Appeals (“BALCA”) found that   ly newspaper in Phoenix which is
        Congress once envisioned would   izona  based  employer  filed  a   newspaper’s “About Us” section   the employer provided sufficient   published more frequently and
        ensure that foreigners are not   PERM labor certification spon-  on its website which stated that   evidence on reconsideration   circulated to a higher volume of
        stealing jobs from U.S. workers.   soring a foreign worker for per-  the newspaper is delivered to   demonstrating that the East   readers. Maybe if the employer
        One of those bureaucratic hoops   manent employment for the po-  selected areas in Mesa, Gilbert,   Valley Tribune is a newspaper   had proffered a good enough
        in the PERM labor certification   sition of software engineer. The   Chandler, Tempe and Queen   of  general circulation in  the   reason for choosing the newspa-
        process is conducting a series of   DOL denied certification on the   Creek only and not available for   area of intended employment.   per that it did to advertise for the
        recruitment steps. In addition to   grounds that the employer failed   delivery or pick up in the Phoe-  It ultimately affirmed the denial,   position, for instance, because
        conducting two mandatory re-  to comply with the mandatory   nix or Scottsdale area. On recon-  however, due to the employer’s   that  particular  newspaper  was
        cruitment steps, including plac-  recruitment step of placing two   sideration, the employer argued   failure to state why the East Val-  read by a higher number of U.S.
        ing  a  job  order  with  the  State   Sunday ads because the newspa-  that the East Valley Tribune “is   ley Tribune is the “most appro-  workers seeking software engi-
        Wage Agency and placing two   per East Valley Tribune used by   distributed through Maricopa   priate to the occupation and the   neer positions, the case would
        print advertisements on two dif-  the employer “is not a newspaper   County, the largest populated   workers likely to apply for the   have turned out differently.
        ferent Sundays in a paper of gen-  of general circulation in the area   county in Arizona which obvi-  job  opportunity  and  most  like-  By  contrast,  the  BALCA  held
        eral circulation, employers must   of intended employment most   ously includes the county’s two   ly to bring responses from able,   in Matter of Gallup McKinley
        also select any three out of ten   likely to bring responses from   largest cities, Phoenix and Scott-  willing,  qualified,  and  available   Schools, 2013-PER-03215 (Oct.
        additional recruitment steps that   available U.S. workers.” Pursu-  sdale.” According to the employ-  U.S. workers” (emphasis includ-  3, 2017), that ads placed in local
        are outlined in the regulations.   ant  to  20  C.F.R.  §  656.17(e)(1)  er, it was a given that the news-  ed). Absent such evidence, the   or ethnic newspapers, which em-
        Although well intentioned and   (i)(B), the employer must place   paper would be available in the   BALCA  found  that  the  record   ployers may place to satisfy one
        enacted to ensure that employ-  “an advertisement on two differ-  newspaper’s two largest cities in   demonstrated that The Arizona   of the additional recruitment
        ers  first  demonstrate  that  they   ent Sundays in the newspaper of   its area of circulation in Mar-  Republic, a daily newspaper in   steps, need not comply with the
                                                                                                                     same standard as the Sunday ad.
                                                                  icopa County. In support,
                                                                                          Phoenix, Arizona published sev-
                                                                  the employer submitted an   en days a week with circulation   In  that  decision,  the  BALCA
                                                                  affidavit from the publisher   of  321,600  copies,  rather  than   concluded that because the reg-
                                                                  of  the  East Valley Tribune   the East Valley Tribune, which   ulation at 20 C.F.R. § 656.17(e)
                                                                  stating that its newspaper is   is published three days each   (1)(ii)(I) does not contain sim-
                                                                  available for home delivery   week and a circulation of 97,563   ilar  to  §  656.17(e)(1)(i)(B)(1),
                                                                  and in the cities of Phoenix   copies, “is the most appropri-  i.e., language requiring that the
                                                                  and Scottsdale, Arizona,   ate newspaper to advertise the   ad be placed in a newspaper
                                                                  and is a newspaper of gen-  job opportunity and most likely   “most likely to bring respons-
                                                                  eral circulation throughout   to solicit responses from U.S.   es  from  able,  willing,  qualified,
                                                                  Maricopa County, Arizona.   workers.” Similarly, in a prior   and available U.S. workers”, it
                                                                  The employer also urged   decision, Matter of Interconti-  does not follow that an employer
                                                                  the DOL to consider the   nental Enterprises, Inc., 2011-  must abide by the “most likely”
                                                                  fact that the East Valley Tri-  PER-02756  (July  30,  2012),  the   standard when selecting a local
                                                                  bune has placed numerous   BALCA similarly concluded that   or ethnic newspaper. But still, if
                                                                  PERM advertisements and   the employer had not satisfac-  the employer places such an ad
                                                                  that its status as a newspa-  torily compiled with the Sunday   in bad faith, the DOL can deny
                                                                  per of general circulation   ad requirement because even   the labor certification under the
                                                                  has never been previously   though it placed the ads in The   catch all provision at 20 C.F.R. §
                                                                  questioned. The employer   Washington Examiner which had   656.24(b)(2)  which  provides,  in
                                                                  even submitted evidence   a “reasonably large circulation”,   pertinent part, that the “Certify-
                                                                  that the newspaper updated   the employer failed to establish   ing Officer makes a determina-
                                                                  its “About Us” section on its   that it was the best choice for the   tion either to grant or deny the
                                                                  website and that it now in-  job at issue.         labor certification on the basis of
                                                                  cludes Scottsdale as an area   Business immigration prac-  whether or not: . . . [t]here is in
                                                                  of home delivery and retail-  titioners who have failed to con-  the United States a worker who
                                                                  er distribution as well as ev-  sider the significance of the regu-  is  able,  willing,  qualified,  and
                                                                  idence that the East Valley   lation’s requirement that Sunday   available for and at the place of
                                                                  Tribune is the third largest   ads be placed, not only in a news-  the job opportunity.”
                                                                                                                        As business immigration
                     m of                                         newspaper in Arizona.   paper of general circulation but   attorneys  based  in  New  York
                                                                                          also, in a newspaper “most ap-
                                                                      Unconvinced by the
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          employer’s   arguments  propriate to the occupation and   City with corporate clients in
                                                                  and mountains of persua-  the workers likely to apply for   New York City, we hardly ever
                                                                                             sive evidence, the DOL   the  job  opportunity  and  most   see employers place Sunday ads
             affirmed  the  denial  on   likely to bring responses from   in newspapers other than the
                                                                  reconsideration.  Accord-  able, willing, qualified, and avail-  New York Times. There is no
                            ing to the DOL, the reg-  able U.S. workers” may be feel-  doubt that the New York Times
                                                   
             ­       ulations require “that the   ing unsettled by the decision in   is a newspaper of general circu-
              ‚                                                     mandatory advertisements   Matter of Kolla. It appears that   lation in New York, the tri-state
                                                                  appear in the newspaper   the employer in Matter of Kolla   area, and maybe even the entire
                                                                  most  appropriate  to  the   was no stranger to the PERM   United States, but the decision
                                                                  occupation and the work-  labor  certification  process  and   in Matter of Kolla has left us
                                                                                                                     wondering whether the New
                                                                                          had placed ads in this particular
                                                                  ers most likely to apply for
                                                                  the  job  opportunity,”  and   newspaper before without issue.   York Times is always the most
          2              6th Floor                                the East Valley Tribune was   Perhaps  this  particular  labor   appropriate newspaper. In light
                not  the most appropriate   certification  was  intended  for  a   of this decision, we cannot for-
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