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Op-Ed                                                                     AUGUST 20, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          14

        is india the big “loser” in afghanistan?

                  Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media

              ruly, it is incomprehensible why India
              shut its embassy in Kabul. A great op-
       Tportunity was at hand to plough a new
        Afghan policy independent of American
        tutelage. The only plausible explanation for
        such unseemly hurry to retrench could be
        that the government takes a zero-sum view
        that if Pakistan has a sense of triumphalism,
        then India must be the “loser”. But we were
        never really such one-dimensional people
        previously. We had a profound understand-
        ing of the Afghan nation’s ethos, traditions
        and culture and their enduring affection to-
        ward India.
            Then Prime Minister Narasimha Rao
        didn’t have an iota of doubt that India
        shouldn’t lose time to launch a conversation
        with  the  Mujahideen  groups  (“Peshawar
        Seven”) notwithstanding their close associ-
        ation with Pakistan. Suffice to say, the In-
        dian narrative is deeply flawed. We are riv-
        eted on archaic notions of “strategic depth”
        and regard the Taliban as a plaything of the       afghan citizens gather outside the Canadian Embassy seeking immigration visas following the re-
        Pakistani establishment.”                                     cent takeover of afghanistan by the taliban, in new Delhi on Friday. (ani)
                      m K bhadrakumar,
                     The Indian Express                  Afghanistan and has long been an active  jihadis all over the world?

           “As India closed its mission in Kabul and  player  in  its  northern  neighbor’s  affairs.        This has a deep bearing on India’s na-
        evacuated personnel, a strong sense that  Now China is showing an interest in playing  tional security since in the coming months
        we have embarked on another cycle of re- a bigger role in Afghanistan. Foreign minis- there will be a concerted bid by sections of
        petitive events is inescapable. That we have  ter Wang Yi’s meeting with senior Taliban  the Pakistani State apparatus to transform
        faced a setback is obvious. Yet it is also use- leaders last month shows Beijing doesn’t  conflicts in the Kashmir Valley into an Isla-
        ful to remind ourselves that the origin of this  want to be a silent player anymore.              mist cause célèbre, on a par with Palestine.
        setback was not in an Indo-Afghan cycle but         This potential geopolitical realignment  On its part, China is certain to use its new-
        rather lay collectively in an internal Afghan  could  “change  things  upside  down”,  said  found status as a Taliban-friendly world
        dynamic, a Pakistan-Afghanistan dynamic  Gautam Mukhopadhaya, India’s former  power to either encourage pressing the ac-
        and finally a larger international dynamic. ambassador to Afghanistan and Syria.                  celerator on Kashmir or demanding a price
            In brief there is little that India could       Afghanistan was a loose alliance be- for applying the brakes.
        have done to prevent the chain of events  tween the democratic government in Kabul,                  For India, the Taliban victory in Afghan-
        that saw the rapid dismantling of a two- the West and other democracies like India.  istan has brought new foreign policy and
        decade-old architecture so favorable to us.  But the world is likely to see Pakistan, Rus- security  challenges.  At  present,  New  Del-
        But just as external events had catapulted  sia, Iran and China coming together to play  hi’s  old  Northern  Alliance  friends  are  in
        us back into Afghanistan post 9/11, it is a  the next chapter of the Great Game.                  disarray but they are certain to regroup and
        similar external impulse that has now led to                      Vikas pandey,                   create enclaves of resistance to the Taliban.
        our exit.                                                         BBC News                        The choices are clear but difficult: unfriend-
                        tca raghavan,                       “(Imran) Khan’s bid to project the Tali-      ly indifference or surreptitious encourage-
                     The Times of India                  ban as a personification of Afghan nation-       ment of forces that will not be reconciled to

           “The Taliban’s rout is likely to cause a  alism is understandable, and this is also            a Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.
                                                                                                                        Swapan dasgupta,
        significant shift in the geopolitics of South  how China would like it to be. What will be                        The Telegraph
        Asia, and it could be particularly testing for  tested in the coming months is the extent to
        India, given the country’s historically tense  which groups in close ideological proximity
        relations and border disputes with Pakistan  to the Taliban factions visualize the future                 Every week, we look at what the
        and China - both are expected to play a cru- direction  of  Islamic  reorientation.  More            top commentators in the Indian media
        cial role in Afghanistan’s future.               important,  will  the  Taliban  2.0  overcome      are talking about and bring to you a slice
                                                                                                                 of their opinions and comments
            Pakistan shares a porous border with  their earlier urge to be a global nursery for

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