Page 12 - TIE 082021
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OPINION AUGUST 20, 2021 | The Indian Eye 12
india-china rivalry
and political games in
the maldives
anand Kumar
ndia’s relationship with the
Maldives was slightly ruf-
Ifled during the regimes of
Mohammed Waheed Hassan
and Abdulla Yameen Abdul
Gayoom, however, it has seen
a significant improvement since
Ibrahim Mohamed Solih came
to power and it is now consid-
ered one of the best examples of
India’s “Neighbourhood First”
The regime of Abdulla Ya-
meen (2013–18) saw China
making deep inroads into the
Maldives. Yameen not only
took unsustainable debt from
China which created fear of
the Maldives falling into a debt
trap like Sri Lanka, but also
tried to pass legislation that
could have given China control
over some Maldivian islands.
Chinese submarines were seen maldives Foreign minister abdulla Shahid signing the moU on india-funded community projects in maldives with
close to the Maldivian islands, External affairs minister Dr. S Jaishankar, in new Delhi in July (ani)
which could have further en-
dangered the security of the In- dives was the first country in region from China, which is which makes it incumbent on
dian Ocean region where Chi- South Asia to receive vaccines making an attempt to create the host country to protect for-
na already has control over the from India, to guard against difficulties for India and the eign diplomats. Obviously, this
Hambantota Port. COVID-19. United States. campaign is targeted towards
The situation has improved Moreover, India also helped A China-sponsored cam- putting India on the defensive
for India after MDP came to in the revival of the Maldivi- paign is trying to diminish the as it has emerged as a major
power in 2018 and Ibrahim an tourism-based economy. A Indian influence in the strate- development partner of the
Mohamed Solih became the large number of tourists from gically located Maldives. This Maldives. The active develop-
president. Since then, a num- India visited the Maldives campaign is being run by some mental role played by India
ber of steps have been taken when tourists from other coun- Maldivian journalists who are has not gone down well among
to improve the economy of the tries were not going there in big pro-China and they publish un- elements inimical to Indian
Maldives. India as the next-door numbers. This kept the Maldiv- substantiated stories in media interests, who would benefit if
neighbour offered significant ian tourism industry afloat. as well as social media, which is political uncertainty grips the
help, despite the outbreak of Clearly, the positive ap- damaging the reputation of In- Maldives.
the COVID-19 pandemic. India proach adopted by the MDP dia and its diplomats. India has Nasheed is further annoyed
started a number of infrastruc- government towards India has rightly lodged a complaint with by the Solih government for its
tural projects in the Maldives, helped the Maldivian econo- the Maldivian foreign ministry inability to pass the Hate Crime
most of which are being suc- my and its people. It has also to check such elements in line Bill in the parliament though
cessfully implemented. Mal- helped in safeguarding the with the Vienna Convention Continued on next page... >>
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