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NATION                                                                    AUGUST 20, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          11

        millions of rupees to the party.  third parties.                         ence of the central government,      corporations, who donate this
        And in exchange, the party gives        Ghulam Nabi Azad, leader  meaning BJP.                                amount of money to the party?
        them tickets for elections or  of the opposition, alleges that               In this situation where ev-          Furthermore, according to
        supports  them  in  political  and  the biggest concern over the  ery year the donations received             the recent analysis of donations
        governmental matters.                scheme is the anonymity of the  by  the  BJP  incredibly  increase       by ADR a non-profit organiza-
            The criticism over the scheme  donor. Only the State bank has  and the opposition’s decreases.            tion, there are clear indications
        and  recent  fraud  allegations. the information of the contrib- Why would they want to reveal                of fraud in the Rs2,550 crores
            Where the Electoral Bond  utors, and it is under the influ- the names of those people and                 money  donated  solely  to  BJP.
        Scheme (EBS) got full support                                                                                 The authorities couldn’t trace a
        from BJP, many national insti-                                                                                large portion of that money re-
        tutions and political parties in-                                                                             ceived by the BJP through 2019-
        cluding the Reserve Bank of In-                                                                               20 electoral bonds.
        dia, Election Commission, and                                                                                     Last year in March also the
        Congress have severe concerns                                                                                 Association of Democratic Re-
        over the scheme.                                                                                              forms, found that 67% of the
            According to critics, the                                                                                 money donated to the political
        scheme might have stopped the                                                                                 parties through electoral bonds
        flow of black money, but it has                                                                               were from “Unknown Sources”.
        opened a wide door to mon-                                                                                        After the release of the re-
        ey  Laundering.  According  to                                                                                cent data, the Election Commis-
        officials  of  the  Association  for                                                                          sion and Reserve Bank of India
        Democratic Reforms (ADR),                                                                                     have once again expressed their
        this scheme has practically legal-                                                                            concerns over the continuation
        ized money laundering. Under                                                                                  of  Electoral  bonds.  ADR  has
        this scheme, now, anyone can                                                                                  also filed a petition against the
        easily launder their black mon-      Congress supporters hold national flags during a Tiranga March organised   electoral bonds in the Supreme
        ey to foreign countries through      by all india Congress Seva Dal  at india Gate, in new Delhi on Friday. (ani)  court, which is still pending.

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