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NATION                                                               AUGUST 16, 2024       |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                                WAQF PROPERTIES

        INDIA bloc locks horns with Govt. as it calls

          a new Bill draconian; BJP bats for reforms

            A 31-member Joint Parliamentary Committee including 21 Lok Sabha MPs and 10

          Rajya Sabha MPs has been constituted to look into the Waqf (Amendment) Bill, 2024

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi

              s the Waqf (Amendment) Bill, 2024 was ta-
              bled in the Lok Sabha by the Union govern-
        Ament on Thursday, the Congress denounced
        the bill as “draconian” and an “attack on the Con-
        stitution,” adding that “this is a draconian law and a
        fundamental attack on the Constitution.”
            Opposition  parties  including  the  Congress,
        DMK, NCP, Trinamool Congress and AIMIM
        strongly opposed the introduction of the bill, say-
        ing its provisions were against federalism and the
        constitutional  provisions.  While  some  members
        demanded the withdrawal of the bill, many sug-
        gested that should be sent to a standing committee.
            Congress leader KC Venugopal, who had pre-
        viously submitted a notice to oppose the Bill, said
        people taught the BJP a lesson for its divisive pol-
        itics but it was continuing with the same, keeping
        in mind the upcoming assembly elections in states
        such as Haryana and Maharashtra.                   Shia Muslim cleric Maulana Kalbe Jawad addresses a press conference regarding the Waqf (Amendment) Bill,
            “We are Hindus but at the same time, we re-
        spect the faith of other religions. This bill is special-          at Karbala Jor Bagh, in New Delhi on Friday (ANI Photo/Ritik Jain)
        ized for the Maharashtra and Haryana elections.
        You do not understand that last time the people of   Beniwal said.                         bloc for opposing the Waqf (Amendment) Bill as he
        India clearly taught you a lesson. This is an attack   DMK MP Kanimozhi said that it is a direct   dubbed it as “historic”. Kesavan said that this will em-
        on the federal system,” Venugopal said.      violation of Article 30 which deals with minorities   power those belonging to the Muslim community.
            Congress MP Gaurav Gogoi said that religious   to administer their institutions. “It is a direct vi-  “Why has the landmark legislation with such
        matters are very sensitive, adding that the opposi-  olation of Article 30 which deals with minorities   positive provisions made the Congress and INDI
        tion demanded to send this bill to a JPC.    to administer their institutions. This bill targets a   alliance so nervous and rattled? Why is the Con-
            “Religious matters are very sensitive. We were   particular religious group,” Kanimozhi said.  gress and INDI alliance against rendering justice
        always asking the government to not make deci-   Azad Samaj Party (Kanshi Ram) MP Chandra   to our Muslim brothers and sisters whose voices
        sions in a hurry. But it is now very clear that they   Shekhar Aazad said that he doesn’t want politics   have been crushed? Why are they trying to mislead
        do not intend to work for anyone’s welfare and fo-  over Hindu-Muslim, there should be issue-based   the Muslim community? Why is the INDI Alliance
        cus only on politics, and appeasement, and to save   politics                              trying to play the politics of political appease-
        themselves in the upcoming elections in Maha-    On Friday, a 31-member Joint Parliamentary   ment?” Kesavan asked.
        rashtra and Haryana... We demanded to send this   Committee including 21 Lok Sabha MPs and 10   “This a historic bill and people from all sec-
        bill to a JPC,” Gogoi said.                  Rajya Sabha MPs has been constituted to look into   tions have welcomed it. This will empower our
            Rashtriya Loktantrik Party MP Hanuman    the Waqf (Amendment) Bill, 2024. Union Parlia-  brothers and sisters of the Muslim community,” he
        Beniwal said that they demand a Standing Com-  mentary Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju on Friday   said while speaking to ANI on Friday.
        mittee or JPC.                               proposed the names of 21 Lok Sabha MPs and 10    Congress MP K Suresh alleged that the
            “The government wants to get it passed by   Rajya Sabha MPs in the Parliament for a joint par-  amendments to the Waqf Act were brought be-
        introducing it in the Parliament. The Opposition   liamentary committee (JPC) to look into the Waqf   cause the government wanted to take over the
        registered its strong opposition. We said that this   (Amendment) Bill, 2024.              Waqf properties and called it “anti-constitutional.”
        would hurt public sentiments. Waqf has been      Notably, AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi and    “The properties of the Waqf Board are their
        formed  under  Constitutional  rights,  you  can’t   Congress MP Imran Masood have also been in-  properties. The government wants to take over the
        overrule it...We demanded a Standing Committee   cluded in the committee. After that, the proposal   Waqf properties. That is why the Government of
        or JPC. Due to the objection of Opposition, NDA   was passed by the House.                 India is bringing this bill. Its purpose is to attack
        sent it to JPC. This happened due to our objec-  Meanwhile, BJP national spokesperson CR   minorities, especially Muslim minorities. It’s an
        tion, otherwise they would have passed it today,”   Kesavan criticized the Congress party and INDI   anti-constitutional Bill,” K Suresh said.

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