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BIG STORY                                                            AUGUST 16, 2024       |  The Indian Eye                    6

            Bangladesh’s figurehead President Mohammed Shahabuddin administered the oath    Border Security Force (BSF) personnel keep vigil
        to Mohammad Yunus (center) on Thursday for his role as chief advisor, which is the equivalent   at the India-Bangladesh Border check post amid the unrest in Bangladesh at Hili,
                             to a Prime Minister (Agency photo)                                      in South Dinajpur (ANI)

        (ISI), supported by its army and me-  ples and other like-minded people   med Yunus, will contribute to long-  visa status would remain unchanged,
        dia, to fuel anti-India hatred in Ban-  of Bangladesh, including the civil   term peace and political stability in   Miller stated that visa records are
        gladesh and turn the country into an-  society, will definitely overcome this   the country. “... I have already spo-  confidential  under  US  law  and  did
        other jihadist Pakistan.          challenge and not let the country   ken to the interim government in   not provide further details.
            He said, “The whole world knows   slide on a slippery slope towards fun-  Bangladesh and what steps we want   Meanwhile, amid reports of
        about the nasty games played by Pa-  damentalists and those who believe   to see it carry out as it moves for-  former Bangladesh Prime Minister
        kistan’s ISI and its army in toppling   against the core principles of Bengali   ward,” Matthew Miller said.  Sheikh Hasina’s plans to seek asylum
        a legitimate, secular, and democratic   culture and identity.”          When  asked  about  his  expec-  in the UK, External Affairs Minister
        government of Sheikh Hasina with      Amid all the rumors and tension,   tations from the new government,   S Jaishankar on Thursday, received a
        active support from the BNP and   US State Department Spokesperson   Miller said, “To make stability, to   call from UK Foreign Secretary Da-
        the Jamaat in Bangladesh. So, this is   Matthew  Miller,  in  a  press  briefing   build the institution, and to arrange   vid Lammy. EAM Jaishankar and his
        nothing but another nasty ploy by Pa-  on Wednesday, emphasized the im-  a free, fair, inclusive election...As the   UK counterpart discussed the situa-
        kistan to defame India and raise an-  portance of the interim government   interim government makes decisions   tion in Bangladesh and West Asia.
        ti-India sentiments in Bangladesh.”  in Bangladesh making decisions that   moving forward, we want to see them   “Received a call from UK For-
            D-Intent Data, a fact-checking   uphold democratic principles.  do so in a way that respects demo-  eign  Secretary  @DavidLammy
        group, also exposed this fake narra-  He expressed hope that the in-  cratic principles.”             today.  Discussed  the  situation  in
        tive and posted on X, “FACT: a video   terim government, led  by  Moham-  When  asked  if  Sheikh  Hasina’s   Bangladesh and West Asia,” EAM
        of an airport where uniformed men                                                                     Jaishankar said in a post on X. Min-
        can be seen is being shared with a                                                                    istry of External Affairs Spokesper-
        misleading claim that those are the        Sheikh Hasina’s daughter                                   son Randhir Jaiswal, while address-
        Indian  army  at  the  Bangladesh  air-                                                               ing the weekly briefing said that the
        port. The fact is those are Bangla-      says she won’t compromise                                    two spoke about the developments in
        desh’s Airport Armed Police Battal-                                                                   Bangladesh and West Asia.
        ion (AAP).”                                        her whereabouts                                        It is not clear if Sheikh Hasina
            It said that the protagonists in-                                                                 will continue to stay in Delhi or move
        tend to spread fake news targeting the   aima  Wazed,  daughter  of   Earlier, Saima Wazed had expressed   to another location later. However,
        Indian Army to set a narrative about     Bangladeshi  Prime  Min-   sadness over not being able to “hug   on Wednesday, Sajeeb Wazed Joy,
        the ongoing unrest in Bangladesh. Sister Sheikh Hasina, said        her  mother”  during  difficult  times.   the son of former Bangladesh Prime
            Priyajit Debsarkar, an indepen-  on Thursday that she would not   She also conveyed her heartbreak   Minister Sheikh Hasina, said that
        dent geopolitical analyst based in   disclose her mother’s location,   over the loss of lives in Bangladesh.  his mother has not made a decision
        London, said, “The present situation   emphasizing the need to pro-  In a post on X, Wazed wrote,     on whether her plans for asylum are
        in Bangladesh is highly alarming.   tect  her  whereabouts  amid  the   “Heartbroken with the loss of life in   in  the  United  States  or the  United
        And it is not only a threat to neigh-  ongoing crisis in Bangladesh.  my country Bangladesh that I love.   Kingdom, and called it all “rumors,”
        boring India but also to the larger   Wazed added that she would contin-  So heartbroken that I cannot see   The Daily Star reported.
        Southeast Asia and beyond.”        ue her work as the Regional Director   and hug my mother during this dif-  Sheikh Hasina’s son further add-
            He added, “Use of misinforma-  of the World Health Organization   ficult time.                    ed that she will be staying in Delhi
        tion and disinformation has been ef-  (WHO)  South-East  Asia  Region.  I remain committed to my role   for a while. When the interviewer
        fectively deployed internationally to   “To everyone who has shown con-  as RD @WHOSEARO @WHO         asked about Hasina’s plan for asylum
        tarnish the image of Indian security   cern: as much as I would love to see   #HealthForAll #OneWHO.”  in the US and UK, he said, “These
        agencies as a revenge manoeuvre to   Ma, I don’t want to compromise   Saima  Wazed assumed  charge as   are all rumors. She has not made a
        get some comfort from what hap-    her whereabouts in any way. In the   the  Regional  Director  for  WHO’s   decision on that yet. She is going to
        pened  fifty-three  years  ago,  on  16   meantime, the work of improving   South-East Asia Region in February   stay in Delhi for a little while.”
        December 1971.”                    the public health of @WHOSEA-    this year. She is the first Bangladeshi   “Sheikh Hasina is well and now
            Debsarkar said, “The Pakistani   RO continues!” Wazed said in a   and only the second woman to hold   in Delhi. My sister is with her. My
        deep state might be jubilant in the   post on X.                    this office.                      sister lives in Delhi... She is well, but
        short term but the pluralistic princi-                                                                very upset,” he added.

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