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BIG STORY                                                            AUGUST 16, 2024       |  The Indian Eye                    5

        administered the oath to Yunus for
        his role as chief advisor, which is the
        equivalent to a Prime Minister.
            The ceremony was attended by
        foreign diplomats, civil society mem-
        bers,  top  businessmen,  and  former
        opposition party members at the
        presidential palace in Dhaka. Nota-
        bly, no representatives from Sheikh
        Hasina’s party, the Awami League,
        were present.
            Prime Minister Narendra Modi
        on Thursday wished Professor Mu-
        hammad Yunus on assuming his new
        responsibilities as the head of Ban-
        gladesh’s interim government and
        emphasized bringing about an early
        return to normalcy and ensuring the
        protection of the Hindu minority.

        “My best wishes  to Professor
        Muhammad Yunus  on the  as-

        sumption of his new responsi-
        bilities. We hope for an early re-                 The protests, led majorly by students demanding an end to a quota system for government jobs,
                                                                        took the shape of anti-government protests (Agency photo)
        turn to normalcy, ensuring the

        safety and protection of Hindus  ment protests.                     chaos, stressing that it is the “first re-  his arrival on Thursday.
                                                                                                                  Amid the ongoing unrest in
                                              Muhammad Yunus is a Ban-
        and all other minority commu-     gladeshi social entrepreneur and   sponsibility” to ensure that no attack   Bangladesh, reports have emerged
                                                                            is carried out against anyone in the
        nities. India remains commit-     founder of Grameen Bank, who was   country, Daily Star reported.    of false narratives being created
        ted to working with Bangladesh    awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in      He further stressed that Bangla-  through social media to fuel anti-In-
                                          2006 for his efforts to create econom-  desh  has  tremendous  potential  but   dia sentiments among the people.
        to fulfill the shared aspirations  ic  and  social  development  through   the first priority is to save the country   Various X accounts have been found
        of both our peoples for peace,    microcredit.                      from chaos so that the country can   spreading disinformation about In-
                                              The key tasks for Yunus will now   proceed on the “path shown by stu-  dia in Bangladesh, aimed at instigat-
        security and development,” PM  be to restore peace in Bangladesh    dents.”                           ing Bangladeshis against Indians.
        Modi said in a post on X.         and prepare for the new elections.    “If you have faith in me and trust   Suvrokamal Dutta, an Interna-
                                              Upon arriving in Bangladesh   me, then ensure that there will be no   tional Conservative Political Expert
                                          earlier in the day, the Nobel laureate   attack anywhere in the country. This   based in India, described this as ma-
            The political situation in Ban-
        gladesh remains volatile and has   made a heartfelt appeal to his sup-  is our first responsibility,” Yunus told   licious propaganda orchestrated by
                                                                            a  crowded  press  briefing  at  Hazrat
                                                                                                              Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence
                                          porters and urged the people of Ban-
        evolved into broader anti-govern-
                                          gladesh  to  maintain  calm  and  end   Shahjalal International Airport upon   Continued on next page... >>
           Indian-American Congressmen call for protection of Hindus

              ndian-American Congressman   statement on recent incidents of vio-  charge. As Bangladesh transitions to   Congressman Ro Khanna has
              Shri Thanedar on Thursday   lence in Bangladesh.              its interim government, I implore ev-  urged Nobel Laureate Muham-
          Icalled for an end to the vio-      Thanedar also expressed con-  ery Bangladeshi, from the leadership   mad Yunus to uphold the rule
          lence in Bangladesh, describing   cern over attacks targeting the mi-  to the people, to put an end to the   of law and stop the targeting of
          the current turmoil as a severe   nority Hindu community in Ban-  violence plaguing their country,” he   temples or people of any political
          threat to the country’s democracy.   gladesh. “I am especially concerned   said.                    party from violence. Ro Khanna’s
          He expressed deep concern over   about reports of attacks targeting the   He also pledged to monitor the   remarks come at a time when Ban-
          the recent unrest and attacks on   country’s Hindu minority. Accounts   situation closely in coordination with   gladesh  is  facing  a  fluid  political
          minority communities.           of temples destroyed, homes leveled,   the US State Department and ex-  situation.
              “The ongoing turmoil en-    and individuals targeted are as dis-  pressed hope for a return to peace   Taking to X, Ro Khanna stat-
          gulfing Bangladesh is horrific and   turbing as they are reprehensible,”   and stability in Bangladesh.  ed, “Bangladeshi students had just
          a  threat  to  its  democracy.  Last   he added.                      “I pledge to keep a close eye on   human rights concerns against PM
          month, students led protests for    Thanedar  called  on  all  Bangla-  developments in Bangladesh in coor-  Hasina. It’s good she is gone. But
          civil reforms, which was followed   deshis to put an end to the violence.   dination with the U.S. State Depart-  the violence now targeting Hindus
          by deaths of hundreds and the per-  “On August 6th, Prime Minister   ment and wish for a return to peace   is wrong. PM Yunus must uphold
          secution of minority populations,   Sheikh  Hasina  resigned  from  office   and stability for every Bangladeshi,   the rule of law & prevent the target-
          including Hindus, Buddhists, and   and  fled  to  India,  leaving  Bangla-  no  matter  their  beliefs,”  the  state-  ing of temples or people of any po-
          Christians,” Thanedar said in a   desh in disarray and the military in   ment added.                litical party or faith from violence.”

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