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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 09, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 26

                                LAKSHMI PURI

            UN Deputy Secretary-General

                lauds ex-diplomat’s novel

                                                                            government to integrate these issues and to work collaboratively with the pri-
                                                                            vate sector on how best to transform our approach to economic security in
                                                                            the 21st century,” said John Hamre, CSIS president and CEO. “Navin Giris-
                                                                            hankar is among Washington’s most trusted economic strategists on domestic
                                                                            and international issues, with a unique track record over three decades across
                                                                            government, business, and international finance institutions. He is the perfect
                                                                            choice to lead this initiative.”
                                                                                Girishankar joins CSIS after serving as the senior counselor to the U.S.
                                                                            Deputy Secretary of Commerce since January 2022 on a wide range of domes-
                                                                            tic and international issues. Prior to his service in government, Girishankar
             ormer Indian diplomat Lakshmi Puri has made significant contributions   held senior commercial roles at Bridgewater Associates and the World Bank,
             to gender equality and sustainable development. Her debut novel, titled   where he held senior policy, country, finance, and evaluation roles. He holds
        F “Swallowing the Sun,” resonates with UN values and emphasizes the im-  a master’s in public policy from the Harvard Kennedy School and a Bachelor
        portance of empowering women.                                       of Arts in Economics from Williams College.
            UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed praised Puri’s lead-
        ership, highlighting her work in integrating gender perspectives into the Sus-              KARAN AUJLA
        tainable Development Goals.
            Puri’s “work shows that empowering women is not just a goal but a crucial   ‘Tauba Tauba’ singer ready for
        part of sustainable development,” Mohammed said in a video message at a
        side event titled ‘Civilizational values and the UN: Women’s Resilience and
        Empowerment’ held in the UN Headquarters on Monday.                                        India tour
            In the novel, Puri explores themes of coming of age, epic love, and trans-
        formative youth power, all while championing gender equality and women’s
        empowerment. Puri encourages women and girls to be truth-seeking, jus-
        tice-seeking, and to rise above their circumstances and break boundaries,
        just like the central character, Malati. Her novel reflects her deep belief in
        creating a better world, drawing from personal historical stories and the UN
        Charter’s purpose.

                            NAVIN GIRISHANKAR
        CSIS appoints official to lead new


                                                                                   aran Aujla, a popular Indo-Canadian singer is all set for his multi-city
              he Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) announced the   India tour. The sensational singer took to Instagram to make this an-
              appointment of Navin Girishankar as president of its Economic Security  Knouncement. He captioned it as “I’m finally coming home’. The tickets
        Tand Technology Department.                                         to his concert went live on 23rd July at 12 pm IST.
            The newly established department will bring together nearly a dozen   The singer is known for hits like “Tauba Tauba” and “Softly” and has an-
        CSIS programs to provide government and business leaders with cross-cut-  nounced his highly anticipated ‘It Was All A Dream’ India tour. The tour will
        ting research on economic and technology policies and their critical role in   feature performances in Chandigarh on December 7, Bengaluru on Decem-
        U.S. national security. The department will focus on areas shaping U.S. indus-  ber 13, New Delhi on December 15, and Mumbai on December 21.
        trial strategy and competitiveness in a rapidly evolving geopolitical context—  Aujla hails from a small village in Punjab. He expressed his excitement
        AI and semiconductors; energy security and climate transition; critical miner-  about returning to his roots with this tour, stating: “This tour marks a signif-
        als; strategic technologies such as digital, quantum, and cybersecurity; trade   icant milestone in my career, highlighting my journey from a small village in
        and investment policies; intellectual property and innovation ecosystems; and   Punjab to the global stage. India has a special place in my heart, and I can’t
        economic relations with China and partners around the world.        wait to bring the ‘It Was All A Dream’ tour home! I’m grateful to my fans for
           “National security is determined as much by global technological and   making this dream possible. We’re gonna celebrate together and make some
        commercial competition as it is by traditional defense. It is essential for the   history!”                  Continued on next page... >>

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