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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 09, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 24

                         NEWSMAKERS OF THE WEEK

                   Selected stories about Indian diaspora from our website

                              KAMALA HARRIS                                                        VINAY KWATRA

            3 Indian American lawmakers                                        Indian American organizations

             support Democratic nominee                                                 welcome Indian envoy

                                                                               ndian American organizations and U.S. advocacy groups have expressed
                                                                               their support for the appointment of Vinay Kwatra as India’s new am-
                                                                            Ibassador to the United States. They are eager to collaborate with him to
              fter the political earthquake announcement by Biden to not seek re-elec-  strengthen the bilateral relationship.
              tion and endorse Kamala Harris for the Democratic Presidential nomi-  Kwatra, a seasoned diplomat and former foreign secretary, was named
        Anation, all five Indian-American lawmakers have praised President Joe   to the position on Friday. The role had been vacant since Taranjit Sandhu’s
        Biden’s historic decision. Most importantly, three of them endorsed Vice Pres-  retirement in January. Kwatra brings extensive experience in international
        ident Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s likely presidential nominee.  relations, having previously served in key diplomatic roles, including as am-
            Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal on Sunday endorsed Vice President Ka-  bassador to France and Nepal, and has a background in handling U.S. and
        mala Harris as the ruling Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, thus being   China relations.
        the first among the five Indian American lawmakers to do so. “Kamala Harris   Indiaspora, a prominent Indian American organization, has congratulat-
        for President. Let’s beat Donald Trump and make history,” Jayapal said in a   ed Vinay Mohan Kwatra on his appointment as the next Indian Ambassador
        post on social media throwing her full support to Harris.           to the United States. Kwatra, a seasoned diplomat with over 30 years of expe-
            Praising US Vice President Kamala Harris for her work, Indian-Ameri-  rience serving India, will take on this new role after previously serving as the
        can Congressman Shri Thanedar said that she is a tough lady and has done   Foreign Secretary of India.
        an outstanding job as senator, adding that he thinks Harris will be a great   Mukesh Aghi, president and CEO of the US-India Strategic and Part-
        President.                                                          nership Forum (USISPF), welcomed Kwatra to Washington and expressed
            Thanedar said that he looks forward to working with Kamala Harris as   optimism about working together to elevate the US-India partnership to new
        the next President of the US. He said Harris cares deeply about democratic   heights. Indiaspora also looks forward to collaborating with Ambassador
        issues like protecting a woman’s rights or protecting workers’ rights and cre-  Kwatra to strengthen and grow the US-India relationship.
        ating economic opportunities.                                           Kwatra’s appointment comes at a crucial time, with numerous challenges
            Praising Biden for his work, Thanedar called him “one of the most   awaiting him, including managing bilateral tensions and navigating a poten-
        pro-worker presidents and pro-choice presidents.”                   tial shift in US administration. However, his seasoned diplomacy and strategic
            Indian-American Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi has expressed grat-  acumen are expected to bolster India’s presence and influence in Washington,
        itude to US President Joe Biden for his service to the nation for over 50 years   reinforcing the importance of strong ties between the two democracies.
        after he announced not to seek re-election. He termed Biden’s announce-  Atul Keshap, president of the US India Business Council (USIBC), ex-
        ment a “political earthquake.”                                      tended warm wishes to Ambassador Vinay Kwatra as he returns to Wash-
            Raja Krishnamoorthi has expressed confidence that Kamala Harris will   ington, D.C., a city familiar to him where he has significantly contributed to
        receive tremendous support. He called Kamala Harris a “formidable con-  enhancing bilateral relations. Keshap expressed enthusiasm for collaborating
        tender” for the Democratic presidential nomination. He said that the decision   closely with Kwatra to strengthen trade and economic ties, ensuring ongoing
        regarding the presidential nominee would be taken in a convention set to take   growth and cooperation between the United States and India.
        place in Chicago.                                                                                            Continued on next page... >>

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