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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 09, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 22

              Shradhaa Foundation Celebrates 25th

                     Anniversary of Kargil Vijay Diwas

                     Seema Jagtiani, Founder              Consul General of India Binaya Srikanta Pradhan  Col Virendra Tavathia Co-Founder and Trustee

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            Bihar Regt came from Washington
                                                                                                              D.C., Maj Gen Manji Khara, Artil-
        New York, Ny
                                                                                                              lery, Maj Karan Bains, Mech Infantry
              very year Shradhaa Foundation                                                                   coming all the way from Austin Tex-
              in collaboration with Indian                                                                    as, Maj Meenakshi, AMC were the
        EConsulate at New York Cele-                                                                          few notable veterans who attended
        brates the Kargil Victory on 26th July.                                                               the function. The senior trustee Mr.
        This year being the 25th Anniversary                                                                  Ratilal Patel thanked the audience,
        the  event  has  a  special  significance                                                             Mr. Rajinder Kumar of King Palace
        as the generation changes. It was a                                                                   who organized the snacks for the en-
        well-structured program that was                                                                      tire bus party that travelled from NJ
        timed for each minute of its duration.                                                                to Consulate, Mr. Ashish Nigam for
        The program started with a one min-                                                                   providing Photography coverage and
        utes silence in the honor of our sol-                                                                 Ms. Megha Gupta for helping in dec-
        diers who laid their life in line of duty                                                             orations. the people who helped in
        to protect our nation.                                                                                organizing the event. The function
            The Consulate General of India                                                                    ended with the dinner organized by
        at New York Mr. Pradhan then ad-                                                                      the Indian Consulate at New York.
        dressed the audience giving impor-  Sunil Hali -  Publisher, Prasanta Kumar Tripathy (CEO - SBI), CG Binaya Srikanta Pradhan,   Shradhaa Foundation would like to
        tance of our defense forces and the                                                                   thank the Honorable Consul General
        significance  of  the  Vijay  Diwas.  He        Deputy Consul General Dr. Varun Jeph,  Seema Jagtiani  and the entire staff of Indian Consul-
        also  narrated  some  instances  from                                                                 ate at New York for their help in orga-
        his memory when the actual war was  difficulties faced by our brave soldiers  all of us to work in whatever capacity  nizing this important day. “We would
        being fought 25 years ago.        in  that  difficult  terrain  fighting  from  we can to protect our nation. It is the  also like to thank TV Asia and Radio
            The main program started by a  16000-18000 feet high mountains,  duty of every citizen to protect his/her  Zindagi for being a valuable media
        patriotic song “Deh Shiva Var Mohe”  the resolve of our Infantry Men and  nation as much as it is of the person  partner in promoting the event,” said
        by Dinesh Mirchandani. As the mar-  the power of Artillery and Air Force  in uniform. These celebrations are  the organizers.
        tial music of the song slowed down,  were highlighted and brought to the  done every year to remind all of us    The Shradhaa Foundation that
        Col  Virendra  Tavathia  Co-Founder  notice of the audience. It was followed  about the sacrifices made by our brave  organizes this event every year was
        and Trustee of Shradhaa Foundation  by the short videos collected from the  hearts to protect us and our children.   founded by Col Virendra S Tavathia
        presented a short video on Kargil War  soldiers who participated in these dif-  The Song “Ae Mere Vatan Ke  (Rajputana  Rifles)  and  Ms.  Seema
        prepared by Hemant Tavathia of Dun-  ficult  attacks  and  shared  their  expe-  Logo” by Yogita Gandhi was played  Jagtiani (Amogh Associates) in 2011.
        hill Studios.                     rience of what it takes to protect the  to remind just that. The function was  The two founders and Mr. Ratilal Pa-
            The 18 minutes video described  nation. It goes without saying that we  attended by a number of Veterans  tel are the three trustees of the foun-
        prelude to the war, the bus journey of  as a nation can never pay enough to  coming from different places. Lt Gen  dation. The foundation helps the wid-
        then Prime Minister Mr. Atal Bihari  our men and women in uniform who  Mohan Gurbaxani a diehard infantry  ows and children of soldiers of Indian
        Bajpayee Ji to Lahore, the betrayal by  give up their “Today” to protect our  man, visiting from India was the se-  Origin, and of the Havildar and below
        Pakistan and the major battles of the  “Tomorrow.”                  niormost ranking officer who attend-  ranks to achieve education up to at
        Kargil War starting with the first Vic-  It was followed by the song “Ab  ed the function. Lt Col Rohatgi a 71  least 12th grade. The foundation is
        tory at Tololing to the culmination of  Tumhare Hawale Vatan Sathio” by  War Veteran and Col Jugal Kishor  also helping the soldiers with disability
        War with Capture of Tiger Hill. The  Aparna Oak, stressing the need for  from EME, Col Ajit Singh Rana,  who are having financial crisis.

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