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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 09, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 16

           Ram Katha at UN Headquarters

        Morari Bapu captivates a global audience with his reflections on Indian ethos of universal brotherhood

                      Aissata Camara,  Dilip Chauhan, Edward Mermelstein                     Edward Mermelstein, Binaya Srikanta Pradhan

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            and  Sadhu  Keshwani  from  Dwarka
                                                                                                              Mandir. Swami Chidanand Saraswati
        New York, NY
                                                                                                              and Sadhvi Bhagawati Ji from Par-
               n the fourth day of Ram                                                                        amarth Niketan will be attending the
               Katha by Morari Bapu at the                                                                    Ram Katha on Saturday.
        OUnited Nations headquarters                                                                              The seven-day long historic event
        here, the spiritual leader once again                                                                 is broadcast live on AASTHA TV
        captivated  the  audience by reciting                                                                 Network. Sunil Hali, partner of AAS-
        the Ram Charita Manas of Goswami                                                                      THA TV in USA, Canada, Central
        Tulsidas and set the tone for a spiritual                                                             and South America, said: “We are so
        journey that transcends all the bound-                                                                proud to live broadcast the unique
        aries of nations in this world, re-em-                                                                event at the UN worldwide, in line
        phasising the age-old Indian ethos of                                                                 with the main mission of UN to con-
        universal brotherhood.                                                                                nect all across the world. There could
            The Mayor of New York, Eric Ad-  Chief of Staff in the NYC Mayor's Office for International Affairs, Aissata Camara, Consul   be nothing better than such pious mo-
        ams, conveyed a special message on   General of India Binaya Srikanta Pradhan, Morari Bapu ji, Deputy Commissioner in the NYC   ment to share with the world”.
        the occasion to recognise and honour                                                                      Ram Charita Manas, one of the
        Morari Bapu. Commissioner Edward    Mayor's Office for International Affairs, Dilip Chauhan. Commissioner in the NYC Mayor's   most revered Hindu scriptures, con-
        Mermelstein, Deputy Commissioner                 Office for International Affairs, Edward Mermelstein  veys a global message, transcending
        Dilip Chauhan and Deputy Commis-                                                                      religious and cultural boundaries.
        sioner and Chief of Staff in the NYC   Speaking at the event, CGI in   melstein said, “We are so privileged   Morari Bapu, who has been reciting
        Mayor’s Office for International Af-  New York, Binaya Srikanta Pradhan,   to host you all in this great city and as   Ram Kathas for more than 65 years,
        fairs, Aissata Camara, along with the   said, “I feel very honored to get this   you all know New York city is one of   draws from Vedic Sanatana Dharma.
        Consul General of India (CGI) in   privilege of welcoming Morari Bapu   the most diverse cities with over 200   Beyond promoting peace, the Ram
        New York, Binaya Srikanta Pradhan,   at the United Nations headquar-  languages spoken. It is a beacon of in-  Katha aligns with the United Nations’
        joined for the session on July 30.   ters  here.  I  feel  that  what  the  UN   clusivity and diversity. Morari Bapu’s   Sustainable Development Goals.
            While presenting the honor with   stands for and what Bapu teaches   visit highlights the teachings of love,   Morari  Bapu  has  termed
        a citation on behalf of New York May-  are truly in alignment. Since the start   truth and compassion and this is what   the Ram Katha as Manas Vasudhaiva
        or to Morari Bapu for reciting the   of my diplomatic career in 2004, I   New York City is embracing.”  Kutumbakam. Vasudhaiva Kutum-
        Ram Katha for the people of New   have watched Morari Bapu through      The host of the Ram Katha, Ash-  bakam is a Sanskrit phrase found in
        York and beyond, Dilip Chauhan said,   Doordarshan and sought inspira-  ish Thakkar said, “The topic of this   Hindu sacred texts such as the Maha
        “With an unwavering commitment,   tion from him. Bapu has been prop-  Ram Katha is Vasudhaiva Kutum-  Upanishad, meaning “The World Is
        Morari Bapu has inspired millions   agating the message of Ram Charit   bakam, which means the whole world   One Family.”
        across the globe. Today is a historical   Manas, an Indian epic.”   is one family. Bapu’s teachings have   During the spiritual discourse
        day that you are here to deliver the    “Bapu has played the role of   always  been  centred  around  Truth,   while reciting the Ram Katha, Morari
        Katha as you had wished for few years   guiding star in my life. Now, that we   Love and Compassion.”   Bapu cited the example of Lord Rama
        back. From 30 countries, you all have   are facing unprecedented challenges   This  event  marks  the  first  time   and Lord Krishna taking up the bat-
        come to listen to Bapu ji. Now, Diwa-  in the form of climate change and so-  that Ram Katha is being organized at   tlefield for a sacred thought of elimi-
        li is a holiday in New York schools,   cial inequality, Bapu’s teaching reso-  the United Nations headquarters, ful-  nating all the evils of the world. Bapu
        thanks to the effort of NYC Mayor   nates even more,” he added.     filling a dream for Morari Bapu.  emphasized the concept of “large
        Eric Adams, and it is the same year   Speaking at the UN gathering,     Prominent guests who joined to   heartedness to weave this world into
        that Morari Bapu has come to recite   New  York City  Commissioner  for   pay their respects to Morari Bapu in-  one world”, which is central to the
        the Katha for us.”                International Affairs, Edward Mer-  cluded Baba Ramdev, Hari Om Dada   Ram Charita Manas.

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