Page 14 - The Indian EYE 080924
P. 14

North                       The Indian Eye


         14                                                                                                               AUGUST 09, 2024

               AAPI president Satheesh Kathula assures to

          foster unity after Emergency Arbitrator says his

                      suspension was “invalid and unlawful”

        OUR BUREAU                        sought” an emergency order estab- each other, innovate, and strive for ex- Valley Association of Physicians of In-
                                          lishing himself as the current Presi-  cellence. The challenges we overcome   dian Origin as well as the President of
        New York, NY
                                          dent of AAPI”. He had claimed that  today will pave the way for a brighter  the ATMGUSA (Association of Telu-
               r. Satheesh Kathula, President  Respondent, the former President,  and more prosperous future for all.”   gu Medical Graduates in USA). In ad-
               of the American Association  “took invalid actions to prevent him   While elaborating on his broader  dition, he has worked with the Ohio
        Dof Physicians of Indian Origin   from assuming the Presidency and   agenda as the 43rd President of AAPI,  State Medical Association on various
        (AAPI), who has assumed charge of  continued  in  office  even  after  her  Dr. Kathula, an eminent physician of  issues. He was the Regional Director
        the largest ethnic medical association   term ended and after AAPI’s board   over 25 years’ standing in Ohio, an  and a member of the Board of Trust-
        in the United States, has assured to   rescinded those actions”.    admirable  community  leader and   ees. He was elected overwhelmingly
        foster unity within the organization   In the partial award, Barry Baskin   philanthropist with a stellar record   by AAPI members as the national
        through his “unwavering commitment   said that: “The parties are to comply  of serving in several leadership roles  Treasurer, Secretary, and Vice Presi-
        to people, optimism, and integrity”.   with all AAPI bylaws and rules pend- in AAPI, says, “I will collaborate with   dent of AAPI, and has served as the
            In an official communication sent  ing this arbitration; The Claimant is to   legislative bodies and medical associ- President-Elect of AAPI during the
        out to the members of the AAPI’s   ensure from this date forward that all  ations such as the AMA, ACP, and   year 2023-34.
        General Body on July 31, Dr. Kathula  AAPI accounts are properly audited  FSMB, in our efforts to amplify our   In his inaugural note, Dr. Kathu-
        stated: “According to the current by- and that no checks are issued without  impact.”                 la assured all AAPI members and all
        laws (Article VI) the current Execu-  proper signatures and valid documen-  Dr. Kathula, who graduated from   physicians of Indian origin that “I will
        tive Committee (EC) term is one year  tation of expenses”.          Siddhartha Medical College, Vijay-  sincerely work for the betterment of
        which ended on July 8, 2024. The new   “This partial final award resolves   awada, Andhra Pradesh, India in 1992   our beloved organization, AAPI.”
        Executive Committee’s term started   all issues submitted for determination   is a clinical professor of medicine at   “My  priority is  to  engage  the
        on July 9, 2024.”                 per Rule 2 in this proceeding and ter- Wright State University-Boonshoft   second-generation physicians and
            Earlier on July 30, 2024, Barry  minates the Emergency Arbitrator’s   School of Medicine, Dayton, Ohio.  foster mentorship to ensure AAPI’s
        Baskin, Ret., the Emergency Arbi- jurisdiction. All subsequent issues will  Dr. Kathula is a Diplomate of the   continued relevance and vitality.” As
        trator in the JAMS arbitration case   be addressed by the arbitrator(s) ap- American Board of Lifestyle Medi- the leader of AAPI, who has been en-
        between Dr Kathula and Dr Anja-   pointed by the parties per their agree-  cine. He has authored several papers   trusted with the task of leading AAPI,
        na  Samadder,  gave  a  partial  final   ment and the applicable JAMS Rules,”  and articles in medical journals and is  Dr. Kathula says, “My goals for
        award which stated that the claimant  the Emergency Arbitrator said.   in the process of writing a book, de- AAPI have been very clear. I want to
        (Dr Kathula) “is not suspended as a   On July 31, Dr. Kathula, a    scribing his journey as an immigrant  focus on education, communication,
        member of AAPI. The actions of Re- board-certified  hematologist  and   physician. “For the past 22 years, I’ve  and legislation, involving the younger
        spondent and her proxies to suspend   oncologist from Dayton, Ohio, prac- been  proudly serving  as  a  Hematol- generation. Increasing the member-
        Claimant were invalid and unlawful   ticing Medicine for over two decades,  ogist and Oncologist in the Dayton   ship,  creating  benefits  for  members,
        and  are  set  aside,  pending  the  final   said: “I want to take this opportunity  community, considering it my home:”  and  making  AAPI  financially  stron-
        hearing. Claimant is now the Presi- to thank past leadership, along with   Dr. Kathula has served AAPI in  ger are some of my objectives. I will
        dent of AAPI, pending a final hearing  the executive committee, Board of  various capacities. He served as the   work hand in hand with the entire
        in this matter following the appoint- Trustees,  and chairs of all  standing  President  and  founding member of  executive committee, and board of
        ment of an Arbitrator”.           committees, for their year of dedicat- the Association of Indian Physicians   trustees, to make AAPI stronger and
            In the case, Dr Kathula had   ed service. Let us continue to support  from Ohio, President of the Miami   more viable.”

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