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SPECIAL FEATURE AUGUST 09, 2024 | The Indian Eye 12
Enhancing Spirituality and Health
haturmas is an ancient and re-
vered observance in the Hindu
Ctradition that holds significant
spiritual importance. During this peri-
od, followers embark on a journey of
increased religious fervor and person-
al reflection. This observance is a time
for heightened spiritual activities and
a profound opportunity for devotees
to draw closer to Bhagwan through
dedicated practices and disciplines.
Chaturmas, which translates to
the “four sacred months,” consists of
Ashadh, Shravan, Bhadarvo (Bhadra-
pad), and Aso (Ashwin). It begins on
Ashadh sud Ekadashi, also known as
Dev Podhi Ekadashi, when Bhagwan
Vishnu descends into the Kshirsagar
– the ocean of milk – to guard King
Bali’s kingdom for four months. This
tradition originates from King Bali’s
immense sacrifice to Bhagwan Vish-
nu, allowing him three strides of land,
ultimately including himself in the of-
fering. The period concludes on Kar-
tik sud 11 with Dev Prabodhini Eka-
dashi, when Bhagwan Vishnu returns
to Vaikunth, marking the end of his HH Mahant Swami Maharaj delivering a discourse on the significance and benefits of fasting
stay in King Bali’s kingdom.
During Chaturmas, the shastras
prescribe extra bhakti along with vrats Significant festivals during ing insulin sensitivity and resistance ic and strong. If anyone cannot fast
to please Bhagwan. Bhagwan Swam- Chaturmas are marked by fasting and to stress. Similar benefits in humans the whole day, Yogiji Maharaj em-
inarayan also advocates this in the devotion, channeling one’s sensory include reduced glucose levels and phasized the importance of ‘sukshma
Shikshapatri (76, 77, 78): “My devo- faculties towards divine contempla- improved cholesterol profiles. tapa’ or subtle austerity, which in-
tees shall observe additional bhakti tion. Devotees engage in katha and On June 6, 2018, HH Mahant volves simple practices like eating few
rituals during Chaturmas, such as dhyan, forms of devotional rituals Swami Maharaj delivered an enlight- morsels less to cultivate discipline.
reading and listening to katha, sing- that encourage reflection on one’s ening discourse on the significance Eating less means not experiencing
ing bhajans, performing mantra japa, spiritual journey towards moksha. and benefits of fasting in Limbdi, one’s stomach as heavy or full. In so
chanting stotras, doing pradakshinas, Fasting has been recognized as Gujarat. He highlighted the pro- doing, one’s inner strength increases.
dandvat pranams, etc.” beneficial across various cultures and found health benefits, notably that a The act of fasting, thus, trans-
The emphasis on fasting during times. American figures like Benja- 24-hour fast can detoxify the body, forms thoughts, bolsters inner
Chaturmas, a practice recommended min Franklin and Mark Twain advo- leaving it clean. Additionally, fasting strength, and helps one develop
by ancient sages in bhakti shastras, cated fasting for health, echoing an- aligns with the virtues admired by self-restraint (sanyam) and other
aims to fortify the mind and soul by cient Ayurvedic wisdom that fasting Bhagwan Swaminarayan, known for virtues. Fasting on Ekadashis and
mastering the sense of taste. Fasting is the greatest medicine. Autophagy, his austerity, epitomized in his name, during sacred periods like the month
during Chaturmas is particularly rel- a process where cells recycle com- ‘tapaha priyay namaha,’ meaning ‘he of Shravan or Chaturmas is recom-
evant during India’s monsoon sea- ponents for energy, is triggered by who loves austerity.’ mended, adjusted to individual health
son, which can aggravate the three fasting and contributes to health and Fasting fosters self-restraint and and capability. Ultimately, fasting is
bodily humors—vata, pitta, and ka- longevity by cleaning out damaged control over desires, such as gluttony. more than a physical or health prac-
pha—leading to potential illnesses cells and toxins, potentially counter- This practice not only aids in weight tice—it is a profound spiritual en-
(Charak Samhita, Sutrasthan 6/33). acting aging and preventing diseases management but also strengthens deavor aimed at pleasing Bhagwan
The Bhavishyottara Puran suggests like cancer and neurodegeneration. the soul and stabilizes one’s spiritual and the God-realized guru, making
that controlling the senses during Experiments on animals have shown life. Yogiji Maharaj used to say that it spiritually rewarding for those who
these months brings one closer to that intermittent fasting can reduce no one dies when observing a fast. undertake it with this intent.
divine proximity and eventual libera- insulin levels, abdominal fat, heart In fact, many die due to overeating. Lenin Joshi
tion (moksha). rate, and inflammation while increas- By eating less, one becomes energet- BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha