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SPORTS                                                                    AUGUST 06, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          42

                                                                    Ipl 2021 In uae

            14 bio bubbles, quarantine for 6 days and

              mandatory vaccination before the games

            BCCI has come up with a 46-page health advisory which lays down all the pointers that

                                           everyone associated with the IPL needs to follow

        Our Bureau


                   ith the Indian Pre-
                   mier  League (IPL)
        Wall set to resume
        in the United Arab Emirates
        from September 19, the Board
        of Control for Cricket in India
        (BCCI) is leaving no stone un-
        turned in ensuring health and
        safety of all parties involved.
            The board has come up with
        a 46-page health advisory which
        lays down all the pointers that
        everyone associated with the                                BCCI general secretary Jay Shah and president Saurav Ganguly
        IPL needs to follow in order to  at a May meeting where the board decided that the remainder of IPL games (right) will be held in the UAE in the
        ensure the smooth functioning                               September-October window, just before the T20 World Cup (ANI)
        of the cash-rich league.
            All franchises will have to  down strict instructions that ev- the  mandatory  quarantine  pe-            franchises to ensure that every
        quarantine  for  six  days  before  eryone in the bubble must travel  riod, provided they satisfy the         member travelling to UAE for
        being able to enter the bio-bub- through dedicated vehicles only  below-mentioned criteria. Com-              the remainder of the 14th edition
        ble. The board has decided to  and everyone has been asked to  mentators and broadcast crew                   of the Indian Premier League is
        set up 14 bio-bubbles and out of  follow this guideline to the core.  who are working on the above            fully  vaccinated  before  leaving
        these 14, eight would belong to  “During the IPL 2021, members  three series’ can also avail bub-             the country. “We have been told
        franchises.                          within a bubble must travel only  ble to bubble transfers provided       that all those travelling should
            “Within the Bio-Secure En- in the dedicated vehicles from a  they satisfy the criteria,” states           have  completed  taking  both
        vironment,  14 bubbles will  be  fleet of buses and cars accred- the advisory.                                the doses of vaccination so that
        created as mentioned below:  ited by BCCI, which will be sa-                 As for media and fans, the       there is no problem once teams
        Franchise teams and support  nitised regularly. The drivers of  advisory says: “The general                   reach UAE. The quarantine
        staff - 8 Bubble, Match Officials  all such vehicles will also be in  public including media persons          process is most likely going to
        & Match Management Team - 3  the respective bubbles, tested  will not have access to the bub-                 be seven days before teams can
        Bubbles, Broadcast Commenta- regularly for COVID-19,  and  ble facilities as well as stadiums                 start training,” the source said.
        tors and crew - 3 Bubbles.”          undergo temperature screen- for any activities. In addition,                 The action will then shift to
            “All franchise team mem- ing,” states the advisory.                  each agency and venue involved       Abu Dhabi where the Kolkata
        bers must quarantine in their           Just like last year, the BCCI  must risk assess their environ-        Knight Riders will square off
        hotel room for 6 full days be- has given go-ahead for bub- ment and associated processes                      against Royal Challengers Ban-
        fore entering the bubble. Upon  ble-to-bubble transfer hence the  as they ordinarily would.”                  galore. Sharjah will host its first
        arrival and before commenc- players coming from the Carib-                   The  Doping  Control  Per-       game on September 24 when
        ing any group training activi- bean Premier League (CPL),  sonnel (DCP) will also follow                      Royal  Challengers  Bangalore
        ties, all team members who will  will be able  to enter the IPL  the same social distancing and               take on Chennai Super Kings.
        be included in the bubble will  bubble straight away.                    testing protocols as followed by     In all, 13 matches will be held in
        follow the below mentioned              “Players and team support  the franchise teams, before and            Dubai, 10 in Sharjah, and 8 in
        COVID-19 RT-PCR testing  staff  coming  directly  from  the  after arrival in the UAE. DCP                    Abu Dhabi.
        plan. A nasopharyngeal swab  bubble created for the England  will also be covered under the                       Mumbai Indians will lock
        will be taken for testing. Test re- vs India series, Sri Lanka vs  Bio-Secure Environments pro-               horns with CSK on September
        ports are available within 8-12  South Africa series and the Ca- tocols  and  a  separate  Bio-Se-            19 to resume IPL 2021. The fi-
        hours after sample collection,”  ribbean Premier League (CPL)  cure bubble will be created for                nal game of the league stage
        states the health advisory.          may be permitted to join the  them.                                      will be played between Roy-
            The board has also laid  franchise squad without serving                 BCCI has asked all the eight     al  Challengers  Bangalore  and

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