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ImmIGRATION                                                               AUGUST 06, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          38

            the Fight for immigration Justice is Not Over:

                  ScOtuS rules mandatory Detention of certain

           immigrants Seeking Safety in the united States : part-i

        SOphia GeNOveSe              he  or  she  would  be  tortured  bond. Prior to June 29, 2021,  whether the [noncitizen] will  While in ICE custody, Mr.
                                     in the country of removal.” 8  according to the Second and  actually be removed.” Guer-  Padilla-Ramirez  expressed
           n  Johnson  v.  Guzman  C.F.R. §§ 241.8(e), 208.31(c).  Fourth Circuits, the detention  ra, 831 F.3d at 62. It follows   a fear of return to his native
           Chavez,  594 U.S.  __  If  an  Asylum  Officer  deter-  of noncitizens in withhold-  that  a  noncitizen  subject  to  El Salvador, passed his RFI,
        I(2021), the Supreme Court  mines that there is a reason-  ing-only proceedings is gov-  reinstatement of removal is  and was placed into with-
        held that noncitizens in with-  able possibility that the non-  erned by 8 U.S.C. § 1226(a)  removable, “but the purpose  holding-only proceedings. Id.
        holding-only proceedings are  citizen will face persecution or  and are thus entitled to a  of withholding only proceed-  After being denied the oppor-
        not entitled to a custody re-  torture, the noncitizen will be  bond hearing before an im-  ings is to determine precisely  tunity to seek bond before the
        determination, or bond, hear-  placed into withholding-only  migration judge pursuant to  whether ‘the [noncitizen] is to  immigration court, Mr. Padil-
        ing before the Immigration  proceedings where they are  8 C.F.R. § 1236.1(d). Guerra  be removed from the United  la-Ramirez filed a petition for
        Court. This holding effective-  only  permitted  to  apply  for  v. Shanahan, 831 F.3d 59 (2d  States.’” Id. The Second Cir-  writ of habeas corpus, which
        ly leaves thousands of asylum  withholding of removal or  Cir. 2016); Guzman Chavez  cuit reasoned that §1226(a)  was  dismissed  by  the  district
        seekers at risk of prolonged  protection under the Conven-  v. Hott, 940 F.3d  867 (4th  contemplates detention of re-  court, and he appealed to the
        and indefinite detention.    tion Against Torture (CAT).  Cir. 2019). According to the  moval proceedings which are  Ninth Circuit.
            By  way  of  background,  8 C.F.R. § 208.31(e). Neither  Third, Sixth, and Ninth Cir-  ongoing, whereas §1231(a) is   The Ninth Circuit upheld
        individuals who return to the  withholding  of  removal nor  cuits, the detention of non-  primarily concerned with de-  the decision of the lower court,
        United States after having  protection under CAT grant  citizens in withholding-only  fining the 90-day removal pe-  concluding that §1231(a) gov-
        previously been removed are  lawful permanent residence,  proceedings is governed by 8  riod during which a noncitizen  erned  Mr.  Padilla-Ramirez’s
        subject to reinstatement of  but both allow for the nonciti-  U.S.C. § 1231(a) and are thus  “shall” be removed, and thus,  detention, and ruled that he
        removal. 8 U.S.C. § 1231(a)  zen to obtain work authoriza-  not entitled to a bond hear-  §1226(a) governed the deten-  was not entitled a bond hear-
        (5);  8  C.F.R.  241.8(a).  How-  tion and reside in the United  ing under  the §1226(a)  pro-  tion of noncitizens in with-  ing  under  §1226(a).  But  see
        ever, if someone with a prior  States. An individual granted  visions. Martinez v. LaRose,  holding-only proceedings. Id.  Diouf v. Napolitano, 634 F.3d
        removal order expresses a  withholding of removal or  968 F.3d 555 (6th Cir. 2020);  In  addressing  finality  of  the  1081 (9th Cir. 2011) (holding
        fear of persecution, they are  protection under CAT can  Guerrero-Sanchez v. War-       reinstated removal order, the  that prolonged detention un-
        referred for a Reasonable  be removed to a third county  den York County Prison, 905  Second Circuit explained that  der §1231(a)(6) is prohibit-
        Fear Interview (RFI) where  (see 8 C.F.R. § 1208.16(f));  F.3d 208 (3d Cir. 2018); Padil-  the decision to remove the  ed without an individualized
        they must demonstrate “a  however, this rarely occurs.     la-Ramirez v. Bible, 882 F.3d  noncitizen from the country  hearing to determine wheth-
        reasonable possibility that he   Prior to Johnson v. Guz-  826 (9th Cir. 2017).         is not made until the pro-   er  the  person  is  a  flight  risk
        or she would be persecuted  man Chavez, most individuals      The Second Circuit was  ceedings are complete, and  or a danger to the commu-
        on account of his or her race,  in  withholding-only  proceed-  the  first  court  of  appeals  to  accordingly, the reinstated  nity). In reaching their deci-
        religion, nationality, mem-  ings were held in immigration  directly address the issue of  removal order cannot be ad-  sion,  the  Ninth  Circuit  first
        bership in a particular social  detention unless they resided  whether individuals in with-  ministratively final. Id. at 64.  analyzed the removal period
        group or political opinion, or  in a jurisdiction where they  holding-only  proceedings     In  Guzman  Chavez  v.  and assessed whether Mr.
        a reasonable possibility that  were eligible for release on   were entitled to a bond hear-  Hott, 940 F.3d 867 (4th Cir.  Padilla-Ramirez’s  reinstated
                                                                   ing. In Guerra, the Second  2019),  the  Fourth  Circuit  removal order was “admin-
                                                                   Circuit explained that there  reasoned  along  similar  lines.  istratively  final.”  The  Court
                                                                   are two statutory sections  The Court concluded that  concluded that under a plain
                                                                   which authorize the deten-   §1226 and §1231 “fit together  reading of §1231(a)(5), a re-
                                                                   tion of noncitizens:  8 U.S.C.  to form a workable statutory  instated removal order is ad-
                                                                   § 1226(a), which governs de-  framework,” where the §1226  ministratively final. Id. at 831.
                                                                   tention “pending a decision  applies “before the  govern-  The Court reasoned that the
                                                                   on whether the [noncitizen] is  ment has the actual authority  removal order was final when
                                                                   to be removed from the Unit-  to remove a noncitizen from  it was first executed, and if re-
                                                                   ed  States,”  and  8  U.S.C.  §  the country,” and that §1231  instated, it is reinstated from
                                                                   1231(a), which governs deten-  applies “once the government  its original date and thus re-
                                                                   tion of noncitizens subject to  has  that authority.” 940 F.3d  tains the same administrative
                                                                   a final order of removal. 831  at 876. And thus, “because  finality.  Id.  The  Court  also
                                                                   F.3d at 62. Under § 1226(a),  the government lacks the au-  reasoned that since the rein-
                                                                   noncitizens  are  eligible  for  a  thority to actually execute  statement provision is in the
                                                                   custody redetermination, or  orders of removal while with-  same section in the Act enti-
                                                                   a bond, hearing before the  holding-only proceedings are  tled “Detention and removal
                                                                   immigration court, so long as  ongoing the petitioners are  of [noncitizen] ordered re-
                                                                   they are not classified as arriv-  detained under § 1226.” Id.  moved,” Congress intended
                                                                   ing  noncitizens on  their No-  (internal citations omitted).  for the detention of nonciti-
                                                                   tices to Appear, nor subject to   The Ninth Circuit dis-  zens subject to reinstatement
                                                                   mandatory detention under  agreed with the Second Cir-    to be governed by that section,
                                                                   §1226(c). Under §1231(a), de-  cuit and held that noncitizens  which require that the order
                                                                   tention is mandatory for the  in  withholding-only  proceed-  be  administratively  final.  Id.
                      m of                                         90-day “removal period” af-  ings are detained pursuant  The Court concluded that
           CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          ter a removal order becomes  to §1231(a). Padilla-Ramirez  withholding-only proceedings
                                                                   “administratively  final,”  and  v.  Bible,  882  F.  3d  826  (9th  do not affect the administra-
                                                                                              thereafter,  noncitizens  are  Cir. 2017). The noncitizen  tive  finality  of  the  removal
             entitled to periodic review  in this case, Mr. Raul Padil-  order; but rather, only deter-
                            of  their  detention  by  ICE;  la-Ramirez, had previous-  mine whether a noncitizen
                                                    
             ­       however, ICE is permitted to  ly been deported after his  ought to be removed to a
              ‚                                                     continue detaining the indi-  application for asylum was  particular country, and thus
                                                                   vidual and extend the removal  denied. Id. at 829. He re-en-  §1231(a) governs their deten-
                                                                   period. The Second Circuit  tered the United States a few  tion. Id. at 832.
                                                                   reasoned that §1226(a) does  years later undetected and
                                                                                                                                 The Third Circuit in
                                                                   not contemplate whether  was transferred to ICE custo-    Guerrero-Sanchez v. Warden
          2              6th Floor                                 the noncitizen is “theoreti-  dy after dismissal of unrelat-  York County Prison, 905 F.3d
              
                                                                   cally  removable but rather  ed criminal charges in 2015.  208 (3d Cir. 2018) agreed with
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